Monday, December 17, 2018

Papen Smear

Controversial Playboy model Marisa Papen is arrested for nude photos of her being crucified on a cross at the Vatican [More]
Pull that offensive stunt at Al-Haram Mosque, you stupid piece of attention-seeking meat, and get crucified for real.

In the Beginning...

Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson originally reported the government’s Fast and Furious (then referred to as “Project Gunrunner”) connection to Agent Terry’s murder in southern Arizona. [More]
Wanna put money on that?

[Via Keith B]

Just Securing the Power Here...

Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday vetoed legislation implementing a voter photo identification mandate that was added to the state's constitution in a recent referendum, teeing up a likely veto override by Republican lawmakers. [More]
So will we hear a word from any "gun groups" on why this threatens them so? Did we hear any before the election, when he made his views known?

Fish or Cut Bait

The deadline for Congress to pass a funding bill is Dec. 21 and if he caves on getting money for his so-called “wall,” there's no reason for Democrats, or worse, his supporters, to ever take him seriously again. [More]


CNN's Lemon Appears To Use Sexual Slur, Immediately Claims He Doesn't Know What It Means [More]
Ah, the old Snuffy defense!

And tell me he doesn't know that term and more.

We're the Only Ones Slamming Enough

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik slammed New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy over a gun law that bans off-duty officers in the state from carrying magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. [More]
But he's fine if it applies to you.

There sure are a lot of copsuckers over in comments.

Teach Your Children Well

It was his understanding that his daughter was angry when she got to school and told her teacher of the spanking, and her teacher reported it to her school. [More]
Good child  of the state! Informing on your parents is an old "progressive" tradition!

And it turns out there are "doubts" about Arambula's public statements.

That'd be a shame if a California Democrat became a prohibited person, don't you think?

Grabbing More Than Guns

Lawrence issued a statement on Friday denying that they had a sexual relationship. [More]
Wait a sec-- I thought we were always supposed to believe the allegations...?

And seeing as how Katnip or whatever he name is shares another lust with Harvey, maybe she'd like to get another gig from him if he ever gets back on top.

She Had Other Priorities

A misconduct claim naming one of Kamala Harris’ top deputies arrived at the California Department of Justice three months before Harris left the attorney general’s office in early 2017. [More]
Hey, look, being a successful domestic enemy is a full-time job...

Why? Because We Like You!

Actor in Disney kids show filming in SLC arrested for allegedly enticing 13-year-old [More]
You got something against Disney family values...?

To Each According to Our Dictates

An Extra $500 A Month? 100 Residents To Be Selected For Basic Income Pilot Program [More]
Only "100"? What happened to "equal protection"?

And "residents"? Not "citizens"?

Figures the capital would be full-blown Marxist...

Ours is Not to Reason Why?

Martyr Without A Discernible Cause [More]
Dare we ask "Why?"

I have a feeling it's not because of this.

News You Can Wipe With

This one.

And it appears those tasked with informing the public had no idea who the players were or what they were looking at...

The Opposite Day 'Progressive' Moral Compass

Sen. Barbara Bollier changes party affiliation to Democrat, says Republican party ‘morally not going where my compass resides’ [More]
So can she be sued by those duped into supporting her for false advertising and mail fraud?

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Licensed to Kill Enough

An unbelievably horrifying story and one you probably haven’t heard [More]
I guess what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

[Via Michael G]

Where Will We Go for Our Lies?

The same week that The Weekly Standard’s troubles broke, Vanity Fair dropped a bombshell report about the struggles faced by those hip, millennial-targeted left-wing rags with the cool names and rabidly anti-Trump headlines strewn across your social media feed. Vice, Vox, Mic, Buzzfeed, Mashable — they’re all either looking for buyers or seriously reevaluating their strategies in hopes of becoming profitable. Mic laid off most of its workers. Vice and Vox are firing staff left and right. [More]
Lord Vader speaks for me.

[Via William T]

The Manly-Man

“Less Bullets, more brains.  The strong don’t need guns.  Guns are tools of the weak.  If you disagree with me, it’s OK, you’re wrong.” [More]
And what a strong man "entertainer Henry Rollins" presents himself as!

My money would be on a 14-year-old girl...

Good article I got the quote from, by the way...

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the 'Fun Camps'...

I imagine in a full-blown national catastrophe, whether natural or man-made, being unarmed would be a prerequisite for admittance if you want your family to eat. [More]

Besides, anyone who balks at "multinational partners" is a hater who needs reeducation and/or a more intense intervention, and is certainly not to be trusted with guns. Wouldn't you agree?

[Via Dave Licht]

It's Been Done

Georgetown faculty passes proposal calling for firearms ban [More]
You know, "a very sound policy"...

[Via Michael G]

Divine Right of Philosopher Kings...

We opposed Hawaii’s argument that its laws against carrying firearms were long-standing, explaining that those laws existed when Hawaii was a monarchy where the reigning king or queen was sovereign — not as in the United States where the people are sovereign. [More]
Return to that from which the Founders rebelled. How very Opposite Day "progressive." How very despicable.

A Class Act

Pistol-Packing Teachers Becoming More Common in Arkansas [More]
I'd be for it if for no other reason than to give "progressives" fits.

The Art of the Deal?

Mexico's President AMLO Talks To Trump By Telephone And Continues To Speak Well Of Trump, Even When Questioned By Reporters [More]
Something's going on between these two.

Remittances are part of it, no doubt. Imagine the pressure build-up without them.

Put into Perspective

So thanks to "progressive" policies,  those who have lost out due to forced socioeconomic changes react with despair? Meanwhile, violent fast-breeder replacement populations are rising?  [More]

[Via Felix B]

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

D.C. Council to have final vote on bill aimed at seizing guns from suspected abusers [More]
As long as due process is no longer a thing, maybe we'd be better off with a law to seize guns from government officials and their enforcers suspected of abusing rights.

[Via Dave Licht]

Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?

Coast Guard serviceman kills his wife, 7-year-old child, then himself, officials say [More]
So... he'd gone through plenty of thorough background checks and routine performance evaluations?

[Via William T]

Have We Got a Girl for You

New York Times photographer posted support for terrorism on Instagram [More]
Wissam, meet Sarah. You both hate America so you ought to get along just fine.

We're the Only Ones Play-Dating Enough

Richard Conte, 47, a police sergeant in the Monmouth County town, was among a nurse, firefighter, DPW worker and others who traveled to a meet-up point expecting to find a 14- or 15-year-old boy or girl...[More]
Definitely a Big Kid's Meal...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Seized Upon Enough

A southwest Missouri city has agreed to pay $1.2 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the family of an epileptic Missouri man who was fatally shot by police after suffering a seizure while driving. [More]
There are plenty of conditions that cause involuntary movements that could then be used to "clear of wrongdoing."

[Via bondmen]