Friday, March 08, 2019

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Emergency' Is

House Democrats are poised to approve new funding for gun violence research in the face of what they say is a “public health emergency” killing thousands of Americans every year. [More]
But the border isn't one.

Still, they do have a point-- Democrat constituencies breaking Democrat gun laws in Democrat strongholds are definitely a national problem for the Democrats they overwhelmingly kill.

The Flaw in the Argument

The researchers also find a clear correlation between looser laws, the resultant increase in gun ownership and the subsequent rise in mass shootings. [More]
Aside from "mass shootings" being a malleable term of convenience for the antis, and "permissive gun laws" being a meaningless one, what law would prevent them?  Show your work.

And they're dragging out the cigarette analogy again? Really?

Oh, and they're not "on the rise," so detection of an overt lie early on relieves us of further obligation to fisk.

Yo, Yahoo News National Correspondent Alexander Nazaryan: How's it feel to be a tool?

[Via Mack H]

I See Where the Expression 'Stupid as a Tennessee Republican' Came From

It came from me, just now, after reading this. [More]

And before getting angry and butthurt, you know what I really mean.

[H/T Wirecutter]

UPDATE: Sensitive, aren't we?

Looks like he plays both ends against the middle. And it looks like it worked.

How about releasing his "Gunsensevoter" pledge and his original NRA questionnaire?

And Leave the Driving to Us

"We're trying to drive states to create these laws with certain guidelines to make sure they actually work but to let the states deal with this issue but to incentivize them to do so," Graham told CNN. [More]
He knows the House'll pass it in a heartbeat. And then come back for more.

See, this is why we should always vote for Republicans, especially if they have the Fairfax seal of approval. After all, Lindsey's "committed to defending our Right to Keep and Bear Arms..."

What? Reciprocity? Hearing protection? While we had control?


They're testing how far they can betray gun owners yet still keep the desperation vote. What betrayal won't that bloc put up with?

That it may backfire has either not entered the turncoats' minds or else it has, and they've got their personal Big Club memberships secured.

What's funny is how many will still make excuses, and reserve their hostilities for those who point out they're being cheated on.

I know -- the perfect is the enemy of the good and politics is the art of the possible.

What's good about this, and what do those who counsel appeasement know about what's possible?

At Least HE's Taken Care Of

Mark Zuckerberg ‘has secret panic chute leading to car park’ underneath his Facebook conference room for emergency escapes [More]
And don't forget the walls!

I can see him turning the switch in the Shakespeare bust.

Don't judge him until you know what it's like to be able to afford to be anti-gun and pro-cultural terraforming.

We're the Only Ones Powerful Enough

Prosecutors detail evidence against ex-Chicago cop charged with robbing drug dealers: He 'used the power of the badge' [More]
In fairness, he was under a lot of pressure to meet department standards.

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via Neil W]

We're the Only Ones Impersonal Enough

Supreme Court lets stand $4-million verdict against L.A. County deputies in shooting [More]
Supreme Court lets stand $4-million verdict against L.A. County deputies taxpayers in shooting.

There. I fixed it for ya.

Democrat Furor over Utah School Perimeter Gun Law Ignores Reality and Motives

One of the ideas promoted by the anti-gunners is that “we have a right to feel safe.” Since how we feel is subjective, and since two people can have different reactions to the same situation, there is no universal consensus. Hoplophobes have no right to impose their neuroses on the rest of us any more than narcissists have a right to expect us to agree with their self-assessment of wonderfulness. [More]
Who thinks this "reasonable restriction" is all they want?

A Time-Tested Practice

Media Outlets Spread Fake News About TSA Seizing ‘Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher’ [More]
Why not? It worked for Charlie Beck.

[Via Michael G]

March for Our Lives, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness

Pro Rights Rally March 23rd [More]
Announcing it early should give plenty of time to arrange to go.

Background Check Primer

Since background checks are such a requirement for today’s gun enthusiasts, it’s important for gun owners (and those who may someday be gun owners) to understand everything they can... [More]
You may find this a helpful resource.

We're the Proto-Only Ones Filial Enough

Granger boy reportedly shot dad, a state trooper, with service weapon over video games [More]
So when he doesn't get immediate compliance he gets violent? And he attacked the family dog?

And his remorse is that he got caught?

Sign him up -- the kid's a natural.

Law Flags Red

Legal question here: If I call Zachary Greenberg an "@$$hole," do I have to say "alleged"?

The End is Near

Politically, this invasion means the inevitable death of the national Republican Party, as peoples of color, who vote 70-90 percent Democratic in presidential elections, become the new majority of 21st-century America. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that single issue!

And We'll Hold Our Breath Until We Turn Blue!

Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike. [More]
Oh, look: Bad parenting in action. Who thinks these indulged brats are ready for the Red New Deal?

Loud-mouthed, brainwashed young useful idiot parasites: Is there anything they don't know?