Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Last Man Standing?

NCLA Releases Video Telling Story of the Only Man in America Allowed to Keep His Bump Stock [More]
What are we, chopped liver?

[Via Bear]

So Much for Filling Them with Dread

Taking the ATF’s low estimate of 280,000 BSTDs sold, they have achieved a miraculous 0.30% compliance rate. Using the highball guess: 0.16%. [More]
This keeps up and they're gonna need to make some examples out of scofflaws.

Pro-tip: A flashbang in the crib typically takes the fight out of 'em with minimal repercussions.

Resistance is Futile

Jorge Ramos: Amnesty for Illegals, Migrants—‘Nothing We Can Do to Stop Them’ [More]
Is he right?

I see plans are being revealed by Democrat "leadership" to recruit them to help with the takeover. Sorry, all who sacrificed to build what is now being appropriated and whose memories are now being forgotten, disparaged and purged.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." I do wonder how many gun owners who know better have done absolutely nothing with that information.

Unable or Unwilling?

“I was fine with Sen. Alexander and Sen. Grassley working on prescription drug pricing and other issues that are not a comprehensive effort to revisit the issue that we had the opportunity to address in the last Congress and were unable to do so”... [More]
Kind'a like Republicans were "unable" to do anything about reciprocity and hearing protection when they had the majority in the House and the Senate. These swindlers posture a good game for the gullible rubes who don't know better, but the bottom line: Real change won't happen unless there's a credible "or else" attached to the demands.


FBI Refuses Records Requests For Emails To CNN On Day Of Roger Stone Raid [More]
They stonewalled us on Las Vegas, too.

Must be nice to be above the law...

[Via Mack H]

The Naked Truth

It Wasn’t Just Hugs With Creepy Joe: What About The Naked Walks And Swimming Naked In Front Of Female Secret Service Agents? [More]
And it looks like the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

What is it with aging Democrat former vice presidents crazed sex poodles?

Besides, Alyssa says get a grip.

[Via Jess]

Mo Money Mo Problems

The Cost Of Immigration [More]
And then there are projected costs...

But...but...but avocados...

Blinding Me with Science, Science

Here we go again: Another hack “scientific” study favoring gun control [More]

[Via Michael G]

Caveat Venditor

Countries that sell arms have no right to talk about peace, says Pope Francis [More]
What about countries that buy them?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Hot and Steamy Enough

Ex-cop gets 20 years after daughter died in hot patrol car while she had sex with supervisor [More]
Like I asked, how could you not?

[Via bondmen]

Nothing to See Here, Move Along

No one will answer for Twin Peaks shootings after DA dismisses last 24 defendants [More]
No one?

My Kind of Town

Lori Lightfoot elected Chicago mayor, will be 1st black woman and 1st openly gay person to hold post [More]
What's Snuffy going to do now that all the killings will stop?

And what are all the white people in the photo so happy about? I thought they were all privileged racists.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Muster Call

Spectrum News is airing a documentary on the “state of gun violence and gun control in the Carolinas,” then hosting a town hall meeting immediately afterward… [More]
Spectrum has already shown its cards. Don't let them stack the audience.

In a time of other options for subscribers, can they really afford to pull an Ed Stack?

Who Will Oversee the Overseers?

House Democrats Want ‘Oversight’ over Fox News’ Editorial Decisions [More]
Is there really anyone dumb enough to believe they'll stop with the Second Amendment?

Ironic, though, in a "What else do you expect from these totalitarian bastards?" kind'a way. I distinctly recall Old Bloody Hands being instrumental in House Oversight's deliberate indifference to pleas to investigate CleanUp ATF claims of Bureau corruption more than a year before Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by a rip crew with walked guns.