Friday, April 12, 2019

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Patrolman charged with 20 counts of sex abuse against police dog [More]
Where's the beef?

What a way to end the day.

[Via WRSA]

Put a Fork in It Joe, They Want You Out

Letters from Joe Biden reveal how he sought support of segregationists in fight against busing [More]
You're no longer useful. That you didn't get the hint and drop out means it's time to forget everything you've done to advance the cause and destroy you.

Surely you're not so stupid you didn't realize that's how communists operate...?

Bitch Slap

Your feel-good story of the day... [More]

The only thing better would be if charges were filed.

Imposed Beliefs

Beginning in January, Colorado judges will have the power to temporarily remove firearms from people believed to be at high risk of harming themselves or others, as the state joins more than a dozen others that now have some type of red-flag bill on the books. [More]
And when Shannon's new temporary-until-he's-no-longer-useful pal has his way, we'll see a lot more.

[Via cydl]

Impeccable Timing

Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger told NRA TV that the Republicans have had it and are ready to dig in their heels. [More]
I guess before this was too soon?

Jean-Claude Druncker

Jean-Claude Juncker almost sets Rwandan First Lady on fire [More]
Finally, the old Eurorummy does something that makes me smile.

Your Tax Dollars at Work

NJ doles out $250,000 for law students to rep illegals in court [More]
Just think of it as a bullet fee.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: VA, too.

[Via Mack H]

Seems Like Old Times

The MHC student who shared screenshots of the tweet said it was “unacceptable for someone in charge of keeping any community safe, let alone a campus as diverse as MHC's, to be publicly displaying his support for hateful regimes and organizations, as well as for individuals who demonize migrants from Mexico or other latin american nations.” [More]
Do we know the name of this self-appointed Nationalsozialistische Führungsoffiziere?

Why not?

[Via Michael G]

DIVOs (Democrats in Votes Only)

The two Republicans co-sponsoring the bill are New York Rep. John Katko and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania. [More]
Katko and Fitzpatrick? This is my shocked face.

It's also why you never donate to the party, but only to worthy candidates.

Any gun owner who votes for either of these cheats ever again may as well admit he's not just OK with being cuckolded, he kind'a gets off on the humiliating abuse.

[Via Mack H]

Santayana on Steroids

EU Tells Internet Archive That Much Of Its Site Is 'Terrorist Content' [More]
Forget those who cannot remember the past.  What are those not allowed to remember it condemned to?

[Via Steve T

We're the Fauxnly Ones with Blown Cover Enough

Investigators allege a central Missouri man already facing rape and kidnapping charges posed as a law enforcement officer to force a woman to perform a sex act. [More]
How's a girl supposed to know?

[Via bondmen]

Lessons in 'Democracy'

Georgetown students vote overwhelming in favor of $27 fee for slavery reparations [More]
A Catholic school eh?  So is this kind'a like buying indulgences?

Daddy, we've got another fee, you capitalist racist.

[Via Dave Licht]

Back by Popular Demand

More than a million high-capacity ammunition magazines flooded into California during a week long window created when federal judge temporarily threw out the state's ban [More]
The stores should have refused to sell to Democrats.

[Via Dave Licht]

Safe Spaces

Turning guns into garden tools is at the center of the work of RAWtools. It connects our programs and enables storytelling—stories of magnificent transformation as well as the deep trauma of grief and loss. [More]
Pilgrim Lutheran, eh?  I don't suppose they'd like to do it in a darker blue area?

They have FOID cards, right?

[Via Mack H]

Who Rang That Bell?

Gatekeepers for what gets in, eh?

I can't swear it's related, but I know that numbers for my name searches to see how the stuff is propagating vary widely day-to-day and my articles have a"habit" of disappearing from the Google News feed.

[Via Fredd B]

The Message Here... that line-in-the-sand members can't (won't) even dominate NRA elections. [More]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Hate Speech' Is

U.S. Senator Warner eyes social media bills for hate speech, data portability [More]
Tell 'em, Keeper.

You didn't think totalitarians just wanted your guns, did you?

They want it all, they want it now and they want it delivered.

[Via @pamnsc]

One Question

Electoral College scheme: Grounds for civil war? [More]
Why the question mark?

Planet of the Apes

Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like [More]
Some claim animals are already entitled to legal "protection of their fundamental rights," even though that concept escapes their "clients."

Sounds like a great way to breed us some more Democrats, doesn't it?