Damn Right-Wing Extremists

A new video from Saturday’s rally in Portland shows Antifa criminals macing an elderly man in the face while attacking another man with a crowbar - The vicious assault was even more brutal than that sustained by Andy Ngo, who was doused with quick drying cement hidden in milkshakes. [More]
Antifa Member Threatens to Acid Attack Attendees of DC Free Speech Event  [More]
If the law doesn't protect us, guess who else it won't protect.

Thing is, there are those counting on that, perfectly willing to give up some pawns if they can provoke the low-hanging fruit into responding in kind. Then guess where all blame will be focused.

The boots on the ground there need to dedicate a portion of their contingent to surreptitious observation rather than engagement, ID the most egregious troublemakers and follow them until the masks come off and where they hang them is known.

Let the disinfectant properties of exposure to light go to work.

[Via Florida Guy

Doubling Down on Dumb

I also have a bias against the gun lobby that gaslights Americans into believing that gun ownership is not only a right, but also — these days — a necessity, as many readers have suggested. Additionally, the disrespect, anger, violent language and threats contained in many of the responses to this Q-and-A are, frankly, a great argument for stricter gun control. [More]

And if she was threatened, as we've asked before of another hysteric, where's the police report?

[Via Jess]


Challenge to NJ’s May Issue Handgun Rule Filed with Supreme Court [More]
What did Mr. Kennedy say...?

Meanwhile, Over in the Cradle of Liberty

Several Police Cars Damaged After Hundreds Of Teens Gather In North Philadelphia [More]
And yet they look so wholesome...

Mr. Adams would like to share an observation with us:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other Democrat constituencies.
I decided it could use an update.

[Via William T]

Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 covers all migratory birds, their nests and their eggs, which means that the birds can't be harmed without federal permission.  [More]
If they're destroying what's mine, watch me. Who's to know?


Weird: I was initially sent this story, but it's from 2008.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Much Ado about What, Exactly?

6% chance of being enacted... [More]
Yes, be aware, yes realize how odious this Menendez stool sample is, and yes, be angry that political conmen like him are in power rather than in cells.

But no, don't fall for all the faux desperate fundraising hype from rice bowl groups well aware that there are more immediate threats and lawsuits that require our attention and our resources.

I'd be more receptive if the appeals were more matter-of-fact and less hyped up. Then again, I can't say my own pleas recruiting help are based on any winning techniques. Maybe ya gotta act like the sky is falling with those inclined to be responsive -- which says more about "our side" than I care to admit.

Bolsonaro Forced to Back Down on Easing Brazil Gun Infringements

That was evidently too much for the – how do you say “swamp” in Portuguese?  [More]
The good news is, if you’re poor, you have a right to a free death certificate.

We're the Only Ones Clueless Enough

St. Louis Chief makes urgent plea for witnesses to help solve recent homicides [More]
Any questions?

[Via bondmen]

Democrat Admits His Constituents Can't Be Trusted

U-S Congressman Lacy Clay is scheduled to introduce a bill Friday that would allow high crime cities to have stricter gun laws. State gun laws are often the same for low crime rural areas as they are for higher crime urban areas. [More]
What other rights do they need to have moderated? And doesn't that also make it irresponsible to allow them to vote?

[Via bondmen]

Wrong Argument

Second Amendment supporters were quick to point out one thing: owning and operating a car is not a constitutional right. [More]
Neither is breathing.

The Constitution does not define what our rights are.

[Via bondmen]

So "Background Checks" Don't Work?

The parents of a slain Kansas City man are suing the manufacturer of the weapon used in the shooting and the dealer accused of selling it to a former fire captain who is charged with knowingly supplying firearms to felons. [More]
Everytown is perfectly aware of PLCAA, so unless there is critical information left out of this report, it sounds like they have the money to harass a dealer into a settlement. Let's hope the defendants hold out and countersue.

[Via bondmen]

SWAT's the Big Idea?

More than half a dozen police officers showed up at the home of Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. in Maryland early Sunday after a hoax call to 911 reporting that someone had been murdered inside the home. [More]
It looks like he emerged with his faith in "Only Ones" intact.

Prediction: If they find the culprit, he will not be someone who believes in the Bill of Rights.

[Via DDS]

Live Enslaved or Die

It cannot be said strongly enough. HB696 removes all pretense of due process for the confiscation of property. [More]
And the majority voted for it.

[Via Felix B]

The Great Imposter

Florida Department of Health has no record of her being licensed as a doctor of any sort. ORMC says they have no record of her working there. Ever. Florida Heart Group of Orlando, for whom she said she was working, says, nope. UF and FSU have no record of her playing for the Gators or Seminoles as she claimed. UCF, where she claimed to receive her medical degree, has no record of her. That Bachelors from Florida State? No record. [More]
So why'd she drop out of the race? If being a total fraud doesn't qualify her to be a Democrat gun-grabber, I don't know what will.

Hell, her “I ask all to please respect my privacy at this time” line qualifies her to be a professional comedian.

Bullet Points

"The NRA will fight for our right to own guns, but we do not have the right to own bombs, which is what bullets are." [More]
The stupid, it burns...

Sic 'em!

"If you're admitting that it's done for purposes of fundraising, false, and intended to deceive older liberals, you've basically admitted all the elements of a Lanham Act and a defamation claim" ...  [More]
Arnhole explains the appropriate strategy to use here:

Morality Play

In Seattle and Eastside fundraisers, Biden touts support for LGBTQ rights and charges Trump with ripping the nation’s ‘moral fabric’ [More]
I don't know if I'd use the term "polite pushback" here...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

A pregnant woman has been fatally stabbed in south London, and her baby was delivered at the scene ... A 37-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is in custody. [More]
Somehow I get the feeling there's something they're not telling us.

Castaway Redux?

Thousands of guns, grenades mailed to South America are seized in crackdown on Florida ring [More]


From ATF-inspected FFLs?

Any "walking" done? How about ATF involvement?

I ask because eight years ago Mike and I were lonely voices on Operation Castaway.

Note if you want to read our reports, you'll need to run many of the now-dead links on War on Guns and Sipsey Street Irregulars through the Wayback Machine. I plan on doing that myself soon since this warrants a new article.

Just Being One More Fish to Fry is Enough

Barely 1% of Americans See Guns as Most Important Problem Facing America [More]
It doesn't have to be "the most important."

How many see guns as the "problem" at all, and what other lies have voters swallowed whole?