Tuesday, July 09, 2019

An Unintended Consequence

If the First Amendment applies to Twitter, and therefore Twitter can't allow public officials to block users even from their personal accounts, then it follows that, well, the First Amendment applies to Twitter, and therefore Twitter can't censor political content or ban users for their political views. [More]
Right, but expecting consistency hardly seems realistic.

[Via Michael G]

No. Your Move.

As of last week, only around 700 weapons had been turned over. There are an estimated 1.5 million guns—with an unknown number subject to the new prohibition on semiautomatic firearms—in the country overall. [More]
Now that she's dressing the part, maybe Jacinda could strap a bomb to her chest...

[Via CDT]

RIP Ross Perot

“In business and in life, Ross was a man of integrity and action. A true American patriot..." [More]
He was a remarkable man with a remarkable flaw that made him unsuitable for office. Sorry, but amidst all the bipartisan praise, much of it deserved, we can't forget the inconvenient truths.

'I Did Not Have Sex with Those Lolitas...'

Clinton Issues Statement On Epstein, Says He ‘Knew Nothing’ Of Sex Trafficking [More]
Well, we know how believable he was the last time he claimed innocence -- under oath.

Time for the left to scream about incentivized allegations against Trump as opposed to documented flight logs against Billy Jeff.

[Via Dave Licht]

UPDATE: Epstein as a honey trap blackmailer not only seems plausible but loads of fun for when it blows up and we learn names! And here I've been blaming everything on Dolly.

[Via Michael G]

More Hot Air from the Newsraper of Record

Do Americans Need Air-Conditioning? [More]
Have I got the place to do a controlled experiment to find out in!

Figures Stalin's Apologists would make "according to need" the criteria.

[Via Mack H]

Anti-Gun Convicted Sex Offender Yarrow Deserves to be Shunned

Yarrow’s conviction is damning, but it’s fair to ask why this is relevant fare for AmmoLand Shooting Sports News. It's because, like so many gun-grabbers, he's a man who could not (or more likely would not) control himself, yet he is all for controlling gun owners who do not share his degenerate self-control issues. [More]
It kind of adds a whole new creepy undertone to "Puff the Magic Dragon" and "Blowin' in the Wind."

Yearning to Breathe Free

Tommy Robinson to Seek Political Asylum in United States, Says He Will Be Murdered in Prison [More]
Watch, he'll be the one they refuse.

[Via Michael G]

Hard Copy

I supplemented my White House petition with a snail mail letter that allowed me to provide more detail than the online form allowed:
[Right click/open in new tab]
Please help:

  • Sign the petition.
  • Share it with your friends.
  • Ask others with reach ("conservative" media; national, state and local gun groups; blogs; forums; etc., to help spread the word.
No one is claiming this will be a cure-all -- but distorting and framing the terms is used very effectively by the gun-grabbers and there is no excuse (or advantage) for the ostensibly "pro-gun" White House to continue perpetuating a deliberate Obama-era lie.

Not Professional Enough

Police say she was trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident but shot her husband instead [More]
Who does she think she is? A New York "Only One"?

[Via bondmen]

If at First You Don't Succeed...

A Virginia dad on Thursday fired 39 warning shots and brawled with a naked woman who called herself "the devil" after she allegedly broke into the family's home on their first night living there, according to reports. [More]
What's the definition of insanity again?

His, not hers.

[Via bondmen]

Race for the Cure

City of St. Louis takes small step towards a program called “Cure Violence” [More]

So it won't include the only proven effective treatment?

[Via bondmen]

Going Straight to the Source

The Crawfords told FOX4 in a previous interview that they hope their lawsuit will set a precedent and help change gun shield laws. [More]
Destroy the legal market. What could go wrong?

And no good turn goes unexploited, does it?

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Crotchety Enough

NYPD officer accidentally shoots himself in the groin [More]
At least he won't have any more negligent discharges.

[Via Steve T

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Flubbed' Is

When the reporters confronted Omar about these details, she said she may have flubbed some facts.  [More]
You know, she lied.

Sir Wilfrid suspects it's her default mode:

And They're Overwhelmingly Democrat

Record 60 million Hispanics in US, 52% of population growth [More]
How do they vote?

Tell me about Goal 5 again?

And specifically why it's been rewritten to hide the fact that the single greatest threat to "legal" recognition of RKBA is being deliberately ignored by the "reformers" who promise to "Save the Second"...?

Back by Popular Demand

Popular vote compact would help conservatives. [More]
No it wouldn't.

Besides, you don't deal with the entirely created problem of illegal aliens by dancing around it and not dealing with it directly.

As to the title's premise, Hillary won the popular vote. Argue with that.