Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Religion of Peace

The Truth About the Muslim Brotherhood [Watch]
How welcoming this into this Republic secures the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity is anybody's guess.

This is an informative and watchable overview. Take 15 minutes and do it.

[Via W3]

If at First You Don't Succeed

Group tries again on petition for gun sale background checks [More]
Why do they call these useful idiot prohibitionists "a gun safety group"?

I'm going to look deeper into these hive insects when I get some time.

Safe Haven?

Presidio County Declares Itself “Second Amendment Sanctuary” [More]
I'll update this when I get a link to the resolution.

[Via Gregory R]

“Be it resolved that the people of Presidio County…. hereby designate Presidio County a Second Amendment sanctuary in order to preserve for the people of, on, and in Presidio County their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. Furthermore, any regulation that violates the Second, Ninth, Tenth, or Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America shall be regarded by the people of Presidio County to be unconstitutional and therefore by necessity unenforceable and invalid….We the people of Presidio County through this resolution hereby declare our rights, our freedom, and our liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Democrats Return to Their Roots

The law now applies to nearly all firearm sales and requires licensed dealers, like Walmart, to facilitate private-party transfers. Walmart is concerned because the new law requires it to conduct background checks for guns it doesn't sell. [More]
What's the word for coercing human beings to perform uncompensated labor...?

[Via Bluesgal]

2020 is Trump's to Blow with Gun Owners

The problem here, as mentioned above, is that 2020 is going to be close. He can’t afford to lose any gun owners due to alienation, and it remains to be seen if a critical mass of TINVOWOOTers mean it when they say they’ve had it with elections. [More]
If you don't want to see that happen, join those of us trying to convince the man to stop with the infringements.

I'm Sure We Could Arrange a Demonstration

In reality, there is no evidence whatsoever that carrying guns deters rapes. [More]
Care to create some, Matthew Chapman?

"Raw Story" -- is it any wonder they're a go-to source for lying bullsh*t?

[Via Mack H]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

Reusable metal straws may be good for the planet, but they can also kill you. [More]
I guess the environmentalcases who believe that haven't done much hanging around mines and refineries but the main point of contention has to be the attribution of responsibility to an inanimate object.

[Via Mack H]

Manifest Destiny

The flight log for the Lolita Express... [More]

[Via DDS]

The Company They Keep

Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck Accused of Human Trafficking, Revenge Porn After Black Gay Escort Dies in His Home [More]
The insatiable lust for dominance is the first clue.

[Via Michael G]

Better than Nothing

Thom Tillis Announces Justice For Victims Of Sanctuary Cities Act [More]
OK, but I'd still rather put resources into prevention rather than treatment.

[Via Mack H]

Caught in Her Own Web of Lies

Kirsten Gillibrand would like reporters to stop asking her about flip-flop on immigration [More]
OK. Ask her about guns instead.

I'm convinced this woman is a psychopath.

[Via Mack H]

Attack of the Swamp Creatures

The Louisville Courier Journal reports that national Republican organizations will be using establishment money in an attempt to unseat Massie, who has the most constitutional voting record of any Republican in all of Congress. [More]
The truth is, they would rather have a Democrat because that's what forcing him to expend campaign funds on a primary challenge will work to the advantage of.

[Via Felix B]

The Coloban?

Brown instead told talk radio he tried to ruin former Republican state Rep. Cole Wist’s life in the 2018 campaign season because he supported a proposed red-flag law. I was very publicly against that bill, but at no point did I want to lose more Republican seats to the Democrats, as we did in Wist’s formerly competitive House District 37. That strategy is what will turn our state blue for good. Even former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo came out against RMGO and Brown’s method of forcing “politicians to dance to his tune.” [More]
I know plenty of gun owners have major beefs with Dudley and I can't speak to the charges of threats and extortion, but I will challenge the contention that gun owners are better served in the long run by continuing to reward GOP turncoats with power.

And as for using Tancredo as some kind of RKBA benchmark, I wouldn't go there.

[Via bondmen]

If Only they Would Disarm You and Me

Two men charged in slayings of five men at north St. Louis County apartment [More]
On a positive note, at least it wasn't a "hate crime."

[Via bondmen]

Simple Simon

St. Louis Premium Outlets in Chesterfield evacuated after shots fired [More]
A Simon Property, eh?  People ought to be smarter than to go to such dangerous places.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Scaring Sh*tless Enough

Suspect passes gas so loudly Missouri law enforcement is able to locate his hiding place [More]
It doesn't give much detail here as to why the suspect was a menace, but I will say much of the war on drugs doesn't pass the smell test.

[Via bondmen]

Keepin' On Keepin' On

If you haven't done so already, please take a minute to sign and share with your friends. If you have done so already, please take a minute to ask your favorite "conservative" news site to look into this.

I'm talking to you.

Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test

Walt Disney World is famous for its Magic Kingdom, but now guests at the popular Florida resort are reporting their guns magically vanishing. [More]
Magic Kingdom scofflaws?

The Streisand Effect

BARKER STREISAND Barbra Streisand flew her three dogs 10,000 miles to watch her perform in London [More]
Now there's someone with opinions we should take seriously.

How Very Orwellian

A Russian journalist has been accused of 'controlling minds' and 'affecting the human subconscious' after referencing George Orwell's 1984 in an article. [More]

Are they going to fit a rat cage to his face?

At least they're not demonetizing him for being a hater.

And That's Not All

Mexican-made autos stream across border at record rate in first half of 2019 [More]
It would seem there's a deal with powerful incentives that could be made.