Friday, August 09, 2019

Back Monday

I have a big family weekend with visiting relatives lined up.  Unless something huge comes up, I'm outta here 'til Sunday, when I'll be occupied with behind-the-scenes research and writing, a.k.a. "sausage-making."

That means I won't get to any news tips and expect a delay in comment moderation.

To anyone dissatisfied with the service, I'll cheerfully provide a full refund.

‘The Hunt’ Epitomizes Homicidal Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns

“At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”  [More]
Bloodthirsty psychopaths, aren't they? No wonder they want our guns.

T-shirt coming soon...

How Do You Serve Two Masters?

Former New York mayor Bloomberg gives to pro-Lindsey Graham PAC [More]
The story is five years old but it bears being brought up again in light of the gun-grab being plotted.

[Via @pamnsc]

Lies, Damned Lies and Chris Cuomo

CNN’s Cuomo on 2nd Amendment: ‘No Individual Right . . . Until Scalia’ [More]
Back to the old lies. How very "progressive."

Reminds me of a Proverb...

[Via Matthew L]

Why Do You Think We Call It 'Tyranny'?

Can the government constitutionally outlaw the types of rifles used by the El Paso and Dayton killers? In a word: No.  [More]
It says "shall not be infringed" for a reason.

And ditto for "Red Herring Laws."

It would be a criminal act to enforce them and it's past time to remind those who would of legal precedents.

[Via Henry Bowman]

We're the Only Ones Patrolling Enough

Another officer coming with a patrol rifle. [More]
Note they're not willing to call ours "security of a free state rifles."

[Via Mack H]

But They SWORE on It to Congress

Facebook Denies Shadow Banning, Receives Patent for Shadow Banning [More]
So who gets charged with perjury?

[Via Michael G]

It's Getting Tougher to Do

Explain the Difference [More]
It's his to blow, and all he has to do is take the fire out of the bellies of a critical mass of gun owners to do it.

Before you kill the messenger for pointing out inconvenient truths, ask yourself how much and how often you've made your expectations known to him -- and urged others to do so as well.

Me, I'm pretty cynical about that.

In the absence of gun owners telling him, why wouldn't we assume the loudest noisemakers would get his attention?

UPDATE [Via Dave Licht]:

GOA is making some noise.

Speaking of Foundational Facts

First, we must face a foundational fact – humans are uniquely hardwired for violence. [More]
Well if that doesn't make me want to go right out there and bare my throat, nothing will.

[Via Mack H]

Just Getting Started

They Will Still Hate You Even If You Disarm [More]
And then they'll be in a position to do something about it, especially after receiving such indisputable confirmation of victim cowardice.

[Via Mack H]

The Courtesy of a Reach-Around

"One, they reached out. Which shows that, you know, their interest and concern for our positions." [More]
I'd say more like it shows a need for talking points by people who otherwise don't have a clue, but whatever works.

[Via Mack H]

Aiding and Abetting

Criminal illegal alien who avoided deportation in a CHURCH has now allegedly killed father of five [More]
Way to go, All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church and Rev. Nori Rost.

[Via Michael G]

Spiking the Gun

Vince proposes a registration process that would require any American who wants to own an AR pistol or assault-style weapon to first pass a comprehensive background check. Citing the example of gangland-era machine guns, Vince said, "a person wanting one of these firearms really had to demonstrate that they weren't a person that had violent tendencies." [More]
You know, the right of people who pay us and that we approve of to keep and bear arms...

I knew I'd run across this perennial disarmament profiteer before. Nice to see NPR couldn't find an advocate with an alternate view.

Look for these pistols to be the next big target for demonization once the gun-grabbers hear of them. Maybe I should hold a "come up with a scary name for them" contest to preempt the antis.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Virtual Enough

Texas deputy sheriff charged with cyberstalking girl he met playing Minecraft when she was 12 [More]
It sounds like he wanted to add a whole new meaning to the word "meatspace."

[Via Henry Bowman]

Size Matters

Purdue Researcher Says Larger Gun Magazines Save Lives [More]
I'd expect nothing less.

Not to be a prig, but I'd add "Having" and "Can."

We properly object to "guns kill." Consistency is appropriate here.

[Via CDT]

Qui Tacet Consentire

Not One Democratic Presidential Candidate Responds to Question Asking Them if They Condemn Antifa [More]
On the bright side, we finally found a way to get 'em to shut up.

[Via bondmen]

Virus Protection

McAfee Offers Latest Advice For Coming Civil War: "Arm Yourselves To The Fu*king Teeth" [More]
Not having an effective firewall is just asking for catastrophe.

[Via bondmen]

War of Words

With just this one word, they could tie their struggle to those of other marginalized groups... [More]
... and smear you as a hater, for which there is no free speech.

[Via bondmen]

Now There's Something You Don't See Every Day

SHOOTER SCARE Gun nut in fatigues films himself walking into Walmart carrying an assault rifle and 100 rounds just days after El Paso shooting [More]
I repeat, identity information should not be suppressed for the reasons stated.


Another Win

“This important Court ruling reverses the federal government’s infringement on the rights of potentially hundreds of thousands of individuals in Pennsylvania as a result of a mental health evaluation that did not provide due process”... [More]
Like the kind provided in Red Herring Laws...?

Which reminds me: Have you sent your letter yet?

Touché Turtle Coming Out of His Shell

McConnell suggests Senate could look at assault weapons ban, background checks [More]
Everyone but a Dum Dum knows he would do it in a heartbeat if he thought he could get away with it.

[Via Firearms Policy Coalition]