Monday, September 30, 2019

Correction, Retraction and Apology

Campus paper apologizes for anti-social justice op-ed, cites JOURNALISM ETHICS [More]
We're sorry for publishing the truth. It will never happen again.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Unreflected Enough

Recruitment ads were purchased through Google and ended up on sites that do not reflect the City's values... [More]
Think of what that means for the type of enforcers they want.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Forewarned Enough

Police feared Odessa shooter was planning attack – 8 years ago [More]
I guess instead of observing the law for the outliers, it's easier to just preemptively infringe and to ignore due process for the rest of us.

[Via bondmen]

And There was War in Heaven

The St. Louis NAACP, faith groups and civil justice groups are asking that a top official with the city police union be fired over statements about the city’s prosecutor... the groups wrote the union to say that Roorda’s comment incites violence. [More]
I thought that had been cured...

Looks like somebody needs more money.

[Via bondmen]

Groundbreaking Junk 'Science'

Not that we can expect Newsweak to let its readers know shenanigans were called on that over three weeks ago...


Curious, the propagandist they identify as an "investigative reporter" makes no secret of his subject matter bias, which evidently is a job requirement.

[Via several of you]

The Very Model of a Modern Inspector General

Others are more skeptical. While acknowledging that Horowitz is widely respected, these critics say his work has long been hampered by biases, conflicts and a tendency to play favorites... [More]
You don't say.

[Via Michael G]

Just Like in the Good Old Days

Antifa Thugs Harass, Block and Scream “Nazi Scum!” at Senior Woman with a Walker Outside Dave Rubin Event in Canada [More]
Can you imagine a society with these people in charge?

[Via Michael G]

Today in Fake News

Whistleblower's Attorney Blasts '60 Minutes' For 'Literally Making Stuff Up' [More] 
That's not a ticking stopwatch you hear.

[Via Michael G]

But No One is Talking about Taking Your Guns

Brackney was given a chance by Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL) to correct the record if she might have misspoken, but she only doubled down. Steube pointed out that any firearm could be used to hunt people down, and Brackney responded by repeating the point. She only clarified that police and the military would still be able to have guns. [More]
The Founders had a term for internal subverters of Liberty like this. Domestic ...uh... hold on, it'll come to me...

[Via Jess]

'The Reports of My Death are Greatly Exaggerated'?

There have been several media reports today that the Administration will be pulling its nomination of Immediate Past National President Chuck Canterbury to be the next Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. These reports are false.  Chuck continues to have the full support and confidence of the President and his Administration.  [More]
If true, that's too bad. Some might say it's inexcusable.

Because it can only mean the president and his administration will continue to erode support and confidence at the time he needs it most.

[Via Jess]

Stop Being Obtuse, Ted. The Answer is Right in Front of You.

“Now, the question is what do we need to do that actually works? And this is where I get frustrated with Democratic politicians in Washington,” he continued.  [More]
And this is where some of us get frustrated with our supposed representatives.  You know what's "necessary to the security of a free State," and it's not wasting more yet resources on people who have proven they can't be trusted without a custodian.

[Via Felix B]

A Second Chance at Love

Trump Meets With LaPierre to Discuss How N.R.A. Could Support Political Defense [More]
So he'll call and send flowers this time?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

A 16-strong knife gang targetted a group of young athletes in London’s Finsbury Park, robbing and threatening to kill the three white people in the group but telling the black people with them “You’re good.” [More]
UK: Whites Scared, White-Owned Businesses Stoned in a Racially Divided Bradford ‘Heading for Disaster’ [More]
Blimey! Thank goodness Meghan and the baby are here to bring unity!

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Inclusive' Is

College Students Want Inclusive Society over Freedom of Speech, Poll Finds [More]
And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

[Via Michael G]

Different Ability Appropriation

College Student Scares Off Potential Sex Attacker by Pretending to be Autistic [More]
"Tropic Thunder" comes to mind.

Actually, my first thought was to wonder why they couldn't try that at Lexington.

I'll be expanding on this over at AmmoLand in the article after next, assuming nothing pushes it back.

[Via Michael G]

I Hear You Knocking, But You Can't Come In

10 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Front Door Security [More]
And might I suggest an affordable portable option for when you rent or travel...?

We Used to Call Such Prescriptions 'Malpractice'

Gun violence is nowhere to be found in any of Dr. Adams’ list of top priorities. [More]
That's because it's not a medical issue, no matter how much agenda-fluffing gunquacks want to convince the ignorant otherwise.

I wonder how ol' Doc Skorton would do on this...

Be True to Your School

More than 300 boys and men, some as young as five and many in chains and bearing scars from beatings, have been rescued in a raid on a building that purported to be an Islamic school in northern Nigeria, police said on Friday. [More]
I wonder why Minister Farrakhan, CAIR, Linda, Ilhan, and Rashida haven't said anything about this...?

You Can Tell It's Mattel, It's Hell

This is all about social engineering. If @Mattel wanted to make a doll without defined private parts, totally fine, its been done many times and gives kids options. That’s not what’s going on here. This is social engineering masquerading as a toy. [More]
Hey. somebody's gotta condition the catamites for the day when being against sexually exploiting children will become an act of hate, with all that implies.

Oh, look, you can buy them for your little "6 years and up" inclusion experiment at the place that doesn't like guns anymore.

Ever hear the word "menticide"? Do you know what all the adults in your child's life encourage them to play with?

And remember what Mattel used to offer unmedicated / unconditioned boys, back in the days before "school shootings"?

And now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for the NAMBLA meeting...

When the Chipmans are Down

That is what David Chipman faced yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee hearing on banning modern sporting rifles. It helps to explain his petulant little tweet this morning. [More]
Gungrabby Gabby and Mark's pet jackbooter continues to throw tantrums for tyranny.

Me, I'm not sure we should lionize former law enforcement who says semi-auto AR-15s are the "same" as the select fire weapon he deployed with, and who Clean Up ATF insiders (the original source for Fast & Furious whistleblowing) claim "greased the skids" for a pal said to have been at the center of a sexual harassment settlement, and showed favoritism to get "buddies...placed at the top of the [contract positions] list."

The word used in the CUATF allegation is "fraud."

Curious that he hasn't sued them.

Paradise Lost

Demographic changes and an unpopular president have remade Orange County’s electoral map. Is the transformation permanent? [More]
Hell, according to the "single-issue" excuses from our "gun groups," it's not even a concern. And shouldn't be, if you listen to our focused "saviors."

That said, for Harley Rouda to conclude his true sentiments are with a Democrat Party that is increasingly open about treasonous intent tells us all we need to know about him.

We're the Only Ones Releasing Enough

Four inmates escaped from the Gallia County Jail early Sunday morning after overpowering two female corrections officers with a homemade weapon. [More]
Let's hear it for EEO!

It looks like Escape Days are becoming quite the tradition down there.

Ничего Бургер Part II

NRA Hits Back at 'Politically Motivated' Senate Report Labeling Them a 'Foreign Asset' to Russia [More]
Meanwhile, over at the newsraper of record...

Who's surprised?

It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It

Mitt Romney's national security adviser in his 2012 campaign — a career CIA spook who rose to its top levels — sits on the board of directors of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that formerly paid Hunter Biden $50K a month despite his complete lack of credentials or qualifications. [More]
I'm sure My Man Mitthead "expressing concern" about Trump's part is just a coincidence...

Dox the Terrorists!

The contributors to the NRA are responsible for all the mass killings that are taking place with guns and ammunition provided by the gun industry, which is partnered with the NRA. Hopefully, with enough knowledge and understanding, people can make a choice and decide not to do business with those that are involved in supporting the activities of the NRA, a domestic terrorist organization. [More]
And hopefully, those on the list this NDS* hag then makes public won't find themselves, their loved ones and their homes physically victimized.

What's clear is there can be no peace with those who won't allow it. I guess that means at some point, that reality will not only be accepted but embraced.

* NRA Derangement Syndrome

Of Course You Realize This Means War!

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) on Sunday criticized President Trump for quoting a pastor saying impeachment could trigger a "Civil War-like fracture" in the country. [More]
That's because the ever-subversive Kinzsinger knows he's on the other side.

As for gun owners showing up to make sure their votes aren't overturned by a coup, that depends on how motivated they are.

Welcome to the Party, Pal

Pelosi 'abusing' her role as House speaker with impeachment inquiry, failing to give Trump due process, Collins says *

*  (Fox News does not allow Blogger link access)