Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Centers for Deplorable Control

Barack Obama - 'Donald Trump is a symptom, not a cause' [More]
I somehow missed this back when he said it, but seeing it now is as telling as it is chilling.

A symptom is a sign of a disease. A disease is something to be cured by eradicating its cause.

Our Intrepid Press Corps

Reporters scramble after mouse falls from White House ceiling [More]
UPDATE: It wasn't a mouse.

A Dilemma for Our Time

Mississippi police officers fatally shot a man in a wrong-door raid. The city says he had no constitutional rights because he was an undocumented immigrant. [More]
So two priorities for the totalitarian agenda -- intentionally flooding the country with illegals for political power and ruling with an iron enforcement fist -- can make a real mess when they collide?

[Via Michael G]

And Why is This Our Problem?

Africans Threaten A Caravan To The Border; Mexican Bureaucrat (And Former Gary Johnson Staffer!) Juan Hernandez Wants More Remittances [More]
Only traitors out to destroy the Republic would be for this.

Follow the Money

View the full report on the for-profit consultants who funnel billions of dark dollars through their DC network. Learn how that network spawns hundreds of pop-up groups fighting to advance the agendas of the Left’s mega-donors. [More]
Add some useful idiots and Presto!  "Grassroots" activism!

[Via Keith B]

Obscura et Mendaciis

Leader of Yale Law ‘animal rights’ program: ‘Past beliefs about human exceptionalism’ no longer legally relevant [More]
What is it about Yale?

[Via Michael G]

It Always Starts as a Trickle

The number of 5 a day might seem a bit far fetched, especially since we are told that ‘Red Flad’ laws would not be used this frequently.  [More]
Oh, we ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via Keith B]

You Can't Stop the Signal

[T]he hardest thing in producing any technology is knowing that it’s possible.  [More]
Our problem won't be us getting guns. 

[Via Keith B]

Mystery to Me

“We have asked the question ‘Why. Why did this suspect do what he did?’” [More]
Because he could?

[Via Mack H]

Brought to You by Friends of 'Friends'

Video: Everytown for Gun Safety, Missy Cotter Smasal Campaign Run TV Ad Featuring Virginia Beach Mass Shooting Survivor [More]
Blue Virginia, eh?

Oh, I forgot-- if I mention Jorge, his fellow trainers, who coincidentally crossover with our saviors, get upset with me.

[Via Mack H]

I Got Your 'Rightful Cry' Right Here

The rightful cry of Second Amendment advocates has long been that laws should keep guns out of the hands of criminals or those who are bent on violence, and refrain from broadly punishing law-abiding Americans who do not pose a risk to themselves or others. [More]
No, that's been the cry of preemptive surrenderers like Amy Swearer. That she is being given a prominent seat at the table speaks more to manipulation by connected sellouts than anything else. I'd never even heard of her until recently-- now she's the go-to authority for congressional testimony and supposedly representing gun owner interests? Who made that call?

There are no "good" Intolerable Acts. And how would one go about narrowly "punishing law-abiding Americans who do not pose a risk"?

More to the point, what's she going to talk Republicans into surrendering next?

Anyone too dangerous to be trusted with a gun is too dangerous to be trusted without a custodian. And making that determination will require real due process.

Noting who fills her feed bag, I'm with Mr. Jinx.

[Via Mack H]

So It's Not the Gun?

[T]he rifle technology in question was here long before this insanity. [More]
Opposite Day "progressivism" ensures the culture is devolving away from civilized behavior. 

[Via Florida Guy]   


Fake Hate: Virginia Girl Admits She Made Up 'Hair Cut' Assault at School Where Karen Pence Teaches [More]
And the ideological lynch mob was egged on by the usual rabble-rousers, including the newsraper of record.

Telling, how many progtwits go into "Commissar Vanishes" mode to hide how wrong they are when exposed:

[Via Michael G]

About that 'Epidemic'...

[T]he Federal Bureau of Investigation’s released its Uniform Crime Report for 2018, and violent crime, including murder, declined significantly last year. [More]
What I want to know is how many were committed by "NRA terrorists."

[Via Michael G]


Someone explain...? [More]
Someone, in this case, a state rep replying to an email inquiry, did:
As an elected official and leader of the ADE, she can create internal task forces for any topic. The Legislature does not control how that agency is run, other than how it is funded. The school safety task force is not a public body with any decision-making power, but it may help the Superintendent outline what she advocates for on school safety. The fact that she already has the authority to do something like that, legislation is unnecessary and is the primary reason the bill surrounding school safety died in the House.
[Via CDT]

Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test

WATCH: Afghan Migrants In Greece Set DEADLY Fire At Migrant Detention Camp [More]
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in and oops-a-daisy!

[Via Michael G]

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

KC-area teens didn’t pull the trigger but are charged with murder. Is that justice? [More]
One-size-fits-all "laws" result in ill-fitting punishments. That's no way to run a free society.

That's what we want to be, right?

And before anyone goes all "law and order" on me, consider that defying a gun edict would be deemed a "dangerous felony," and guess where they'd pin a "friendly fire" death.

[Via bondmen]


According to the police, the woman was sitting in a car with a man, when the suspected robber who has not yet been identified approached the driver's side of the car and demanded she open the door and give up her belongings. [More]
Well if he's still out there endangering the public, don't you think some identifying information might be helpful?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Friendly Enough

Second friendly-fire death this year for NYPD [More]
With friends like these...

[Via bondmen]

On Your Mark, Get Set...

Does America Meet the 3 Preconditions for Civil War? [More]
That it hasn't happened already tells the fundamental transformers much. The question is -- if it does -- will they be surprised or will that be part of the plan? And if it doesn't...?

[Via bondmen]


This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Man jumps to his death at Grand Canyon Skywalk [More]
Time to sue for not spoiling the view.

I was prompted to locate an old photo of my father (right) and his lifelong friend, circa 1942 atop the Empire State Building, enjoying a New York weekend after receiving his USMC commission and before going to Camp Lejeune for the training that would prove vital on Guam.

Better than any Headline I've Ever Seen at 'The Onion'

Prince Harry Insists We End Human ‘Greed, Apathy and Selfishness’ [More]
It's always enlightening when the hereditary mathematicians and poet laureates chime in.

Beto Demands Violence Monopoly at School where Government Shot Student Protesters

That’s a hell of a way to make your point that only the government should be armed. [More]
So the best way to keep the government from killing citizens is through citizen disarmament? Hey, where hasn't that worked?