Saturday, October 31, 2020

Philadelphia ‘Gun Violence’ Counselor Reportedly Shoots Male Prostitute to Death

So it was a business meeting, just not official business. [More]

And since he works for the DA, why hasn't this sparked a new round of rioting?

Friday, October 30, 2020

And Don't Let the Door...

Record Year for Americans Giving Up Citizenship [More]

Good-- the more disloyal morons who want to make themselves "prohibited persons," the better I like it.

I wonder how many know that? And if anyone responsible for enforcing "commonsense gun safety laws" is making sure the ones who still stay do? Does anyone know if it works like that? Why would it make sense not to allow them to buy one yet still allow them to keep one? Or is expecting any of it to make sense a ludicrous assumption?

You've Got Mail

 Voters in NYC Receiving Mail-In Ballots Pre-Filled in Straight Democrat Ticket [More]

If the polls are right, why would the Dems need to? And since we already know where their electoral votes are going, what is the advantage of doing this there instead of in a swing state?

If this is real, the only explanation that makes sense is yes, the cheaters really are that stupid.

[Via Michael G]

Master of Understatement

 No Matter Who Wins On Tuesday, There Will Be No ‘Return To Normalcy’ [More]

Kind'a reminds me of that past unpleasantness between the states...

[Via Mack H]

The Bell Still Tolls

"Hemingway hailed Castro’s revolution as ‘very pure and beautiful,’ Fontova said. ‘He was also a guest of honor at many of Che Guevara’s firing squad massacres. Hemingway loved to watch Che’s firing squads murder hundreds of Cubans. Hemingway would watch the massacres from a picnic chair while sipping Daiquiris.'" [More]

No wonder the writing establishment and  Hollywood loved the guy, including falling all over him for siding with the commies in Spain. And good on "Papa" to blow his own brains out when he could no longer get it up.

The ever-instructive Miguel A. Faria, MD, shares some little-publicized history and some pre-election thoughts on how communists exploit ignorance, fanaticism, and ambition to gain a beachhead from which to launch further cultural incursions -- ones that always end up at similar execution sites.

"¿Armas para que?" indeed. And as I recalled in that article, Americans taken in by the mask included no less a mark than GUNS Magazine, which compared him favorably with American revolutionaries in “Where Castro Gets His Guns” in its March 1959 issue, saying in words you can just hear Antifa using today, that "should serve as a signal to the embers of neo-fascism elsewhere."

Miguel's new piece is important. Read it and share it.

Today, please.

We're the Only Ones Qualified Enough

 Louisville police officer sues Kenneth Walker, boyfriend of Breonna Taylor, for emotional distress, assault and battery [More]

Sorry, "civilians," turnabout is not an option. That's why we call it qualified immunity.

[Via Mack H]

If You Thought Longshanks was Bad...

 Humza Haroon Yousaf, the cabinet secretary for justice, issued the warning in a conversation with the Justice Committee about the proposed legislation. The Christian Institute said Yousaf is refusing to provide a "dwelling defense," insisting that "hateful speech" in the home should be criminalized. [More]

Sorry, William Wallace. They took your freedom.

Nearing Perfection

It's now "voter suppression" to stop Democrats from arbitrarily ignoring election law. [More]

Sure. Just like it's "racism" to expect behavior and performance standards to apply to all.

What did Mr. Orwell tell us?

[Via Michael G]

At Least They're Taken Care Of. They Think.

Manhattan buildings for super rich hire armed guards for possible Election Day unrest [More]

I wonder how committed those guards will be if a mob pulling tumbrels shows up. I wonder how safe those buildings and their inhabitants will be if the guards kill an unarmed  "peaceful demonstrator" of color.

[Via Dave Licht]

The Throwaway Takeaway

 Source: Hunter Biden's gun was taken by Hallie Biden in 2018, thrown into a supermarket garbage can, went missing — and no arrests were made [More]

The huge question I see missing: How did he answer B.21.e.?

(Enlarge to read)

Shall we ask?

[Via Dave Licht]

The House That @Jack Built

 Is Jack Dorsey a Pathological Liar or Has He Simply Lost All Control Over Twitter [More]

Noting his past inclinations, I'm inclined to go with Door Number One.

What do his motives for lying under oath matter? If I did it, would I be prosecuted?

Everyone realizes if the Dems do a sweep on Tuesday there will not only be no consequences, but the partisan manipulation will become even more egged on and in-your-face?

[Via Michael G]

What a Racist Fascist Nazi, Right?

 Border Chief Morgan Is Criticized for—Wait for It—Wanting to Secure Border [More]

Being similarly accused is no doubt a prime motivator for out gutless "gun rights leaders" to deliberately ignore the obvious.

[Via Michael G]

What's in a Name?

 Plutocrat Violence And Election-Night Horror: Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa Is Fascist [More]

I guess if you want to split hairs and compartmentalize labels, the totalitarians can exploit the lie that Pol Pot wasn't a commie and that Hitler wasn't a socialist...

Me, I'm more a Matthew 7:20 kind of guy...

[Via bondmen]

The Cognitive Dissonance: It Burns!

 Chicagoans support both BLM and more policing [More]

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

It's Academic

Columbia Prof Says American Flag Is A "Symbol Of Genocide" [More]

I wonder how Pol Pot would have treated him.

[Via bondmen]

'Good Americans'

 We Soon Learn Whether Most Americans Are Any Different From the Masses Who Fell in Line With Hitler and Stalin [More]

People are people. By definition, half are going to be below average in intelligence and morality, half of the remainder will be mediocre, and the upper quarter will be divided.

That's why the tyranny of the manipulated majority is so evil, and why the Founders never went around prattling and pandering about "our democracy."

[Via bondmen]

Missing the Larger Point

 'If it was Hunter Biden and your wife and family sitting in those pews at that church, would you still want me not to have this gun to protect them with?' [More]

They wouldn't need you. They'd have tier one-level operators with real weapons of war. 

[Via bondmen]

Maybe Get Her Drunk First and Tell Her to Write in Her Own Name?

 Hillary Clinton Announces She's Joining Group That Delivered Victory to Trump: The Electoral College [More]

Hey, how come she gets to talk about not conceding the election, but when Trump cites his duty to ensure it has been conducted lawfully, all the Dems start screaming about having the military drag him out of the White House at gunpoint, that is, threatening to kill a sitting president if he doesn't obey their demands?

[Via Jess]

The Results of Crying Wolf

 Its delisting will cede control back to where it belongs, state and tribal governments. [More]

That ought to make animaladjusted environmentalcases, who always demand "home rule" when it means a coerced reduction in choices, howl.

I think I'll break out my Center for Biological Diversity gorilla hand ashtray tonight and celebrate with a cigar grown on slashed and burned rainforest land.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Business is Booming!


When they start the segment citing "a president who has refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power," you know you're in for some spin.  

Me, I think the more telling indicator is found in ammo sales.

 [Via Dave Licht]

Candidate Comparison

 Here are some reasons why I'll be voting to re-elect the President on November 3rd, 2020... [More]

And some reasons why useful idiots voting for Biden are deluded...

[Via Agustin B]

'Independently Fact Checked'

Dr. Buttar has some dire COVID warnings. [Watch]

The Keeper says "No":

The approved narrative says "Quack."

I guess in a couple months we'll know if they're right.

We've been lied to so much it's near impossible for the average person without specialized knowledge to determine the truth. The only certainty is that some want it this way for reasons of their own.

[Via Don J]

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Go Through Those Curtains Past the Creepy Guy in the Trench Coat

 Walmart pulls guns, ammo off sales floors because of ‘civil unrest’ in some areas, but will still sell those items [More]

Not to me they won't.

[Via Mack H]

Friday Update: They've reversed themselves.

Tommy Lee speaks for me.

[Via bondmen]

The Will of Landru

In the 21st century, our rugged, go-it-alone mentality has horrific consequences. [More]

There is a solution:

You will be absorbed. Your individuality will merge into the unity of good, and in your submergence into the common being of the body, you will find contentment, fulfillment. You will experience the absolute good.

[Via Mack H]

Trail of Tears 2.0

I Went To The Trump Rally in Omaha And Wasn't "Stranded", I Just Walked Back To My Car [More]

So it wasn't the Bataan Death March the DSM is trying to make it out to be?

Not So Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

 An abandoned van stocked with explosives, including propane tanks, dynamite sticks and torches, was discovered by Philadelphia police near Logan Square late Wednesday night. [More]

My guess is it won't be the usual low-hanging fruit, because otherwise all but the CIs and provocateurs would have been arrested to great, self-serving fanfare.

"Authorities" are never taken by surprise unless it's by peaceful protesters or adherents of the religion of peace.

[Via Mack H]

Troll Party!

There sure seem to be a lot of infiltrators and disruptors in "Comments. [More]

You wonder how many are paid -- and by whom.

You know what they say about flak when you're over the target.

[Via Keith B]

Why Not Test It Out First?

 Jewish Ambassadors Reject Joe Biden's "Shoot Him in the Leg" Illegal Strategy [More]

How about if he wins and issues that as a standing Executive Order for his and Kamala's Secret Service details?

UPDATE: So is anyone really surprised Wolf Blitzer is an idiot?  

That reminds me: Did Ramsey ever get certified?

[Via Mack H]

Snow Job

 Zuckerberg 'not aware' that Facebook election integrity official worked for Biden [More]

Yeah, it's not like they require resumes or connect to LinkedIn...

[Via Michael G]

Brown-Nosing Rich Kids

 Brown University students want Roman statues removed because they promote ‘white supremacy’ [More]

When are the privileged children going to object to the school's name where, abolitionist heirs notwithstanding, the family fortune was established by a slave trader?

[Via Michael G]

Report from the Ground

As noted before, I've worked elections here in Northeastern Ohio for several years. I had occasion to go to the county Board of Elections headquarters yesterday afternoon around 5:50 and it was packed with early voters-- wrapped around the building and then filling the railed queue management maze. A worker in the lot told me the end of the line was about two hours away from voting.

I have no idea how the majority I saw would have voted, but, admitting I'm being superficial here, the way most of them looked did not fill me with hope. If anyone thinks they can relax because the polls are wrong and it's going to be a Trump blowout, the Democrats are counting on that.

You've Got a Friend Comrade

 Biden's fawning speech in Moscow – down the memory hole [More]

Sounds like he got caught plagiarizing again...

[Via bondmen]

Quid Pro Cuo

 NY Gov. Cuomo Reaped $6.2 Million In Campaign Cash From 347 State Vendors Who Pocketed $7 Billion Since 2014 [More]

The commies would have a point were this real capitalism instead of corruption that has nothing to do with mutual free choices and everything to do with coercive advantages.

[Via bondmen]

We Don't Know the Half of It

 A 20-Year-Old Book Suggests China Is Already Quietly At War With The US [More]

I'm sure there has been much that has happened with them, with Russia, with Iran, and with others the government has not dared make public...

[Via bondmen]

Developing News

From hypersonic weapons to fifth-generation fighter jets to drones to advanced main battle tanks to new service weapons, Russia has been busy upgrading its military as geopolitical tensions soar. [More]

But according to the advanced "science" of gungrabology, they still don't qualify as "developed"?

[Via bondmen]

What Happened to Lives Mattering?

 Local hip hop artist BRB Loopy recovering after being shot 5 times [More]

Give me a second to compose myself and treat this with the seriousness it deserves.

On second thought, I'm not sure some inconvenient truths would be welcomed by all.

[Via bondmen]

As the Culture Terraforms

 Washington Post: ‘Demographic Changes’ Spur Democrat Rebirth in Texas, Virginia, Colorado [More]

Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue! Just ask anyone in the "gun rights leadership."

[Via Andy M]

It's His Party and He'll Lie if He Wants To

Did NJ Gov. Murphys’ Invitations to Pro-Freedom Groups Get Lost in the Mail? [More]

What, and let your intended victims know your plans...?

The In-Your-Face Partisan

 Roberts joins liberals again in denying relief from PA Supreme Court ruling allowing ballots, even without valid postmarks, to be counted if received three days after Election Day. [More]

Hello, Dolly...

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: You're looking swell, Dolly...

Somebody Step on a Duck?


Here's the backstory ICYMI.

If it looks like Democrat dirty tricks, walks like Democrat dirty tricks, and sounds like Democrat dirty tricks...

The School of No Knocks

 She argued that while such warrants are rare, they are primarily used in communities of color... [More]

So might it be possible to reach a different conclusion than the one we're being steered toward?

We all get that surprise raids have resulted in their share of obscene outcomes. That said, there would seem to be times and places when and where such options might be prudent and preferable.

"One size fits all" may work most of the time. I guess we'll see what happens when it doesn't.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Loyal Enough

 FBI agents urge Biden and Trump not to fire Christopher Wray [More]

No doubt most federal "Only Ones" share the same opinion on armed citizens as Wray and Richard Blumenthal...

[Via Mack H]

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

 It was the third attack in two months in France that authorities have attributed to Muslim extremists, including the beheading of a teacher. [More]

That's Nice.

And Joe and Jo want to let them all in.


[Via Michael G]

A Game of Inches

 Just a few thousand votes cast for any one of these third-party candidates could very well determine who is standing with their hand on the Bible on Jan. 21, 2021.  [More]

And who gets to sign what edicts into "law" and appoint which judges to uphold them...

When It Absolutely, Positively Has to Be There Overnight

 UPS says it lost the cache of documents that Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed would damage Biden's campaign [More]

What can Brown do to you?

UPDATE: Looks like the trail got hot and the perp got cold feet:

Tucker Carlson's Biden Documents Mysteriously Disappear and Then Reappear, Is It Chance or Moscow Rules

In Other Words, a Mole

He had previously denied that he was "Anonymous." Asked in August by CNN's Anderson Cooper if he had written the op-ed and book, Taylor said, "I wear a mask for two things, Anderson: Halloweens and pandemics. So no." [More]

So we also know he's a self-admitted liar.

No wonder the DSM is so hot on us believing him.

UPDATE: Like I said, a liar.

[Via Mack H]

Intended Consequences

Did the head of a gun control group just admit “gun violence prevention” leads to shootings? [More]

What's the point of having a Monopoly of Violence if you don't intend to use it?

'Peaceful Protests'

 Coming soon, to a public square near you. [Watch]

[Via Don J]

Day Before Yesterdaily Defense

Mark talks with Bad Ass David Codrea. [More]

I have to say I laughed out loud when I read that. Someone ought to tell the wife and kids. 

Here's the archive for Tuesday's Armed American Radio Daily Defense with host Mark Walters.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Virtual Child Molestation

 Illinois student suspended over pellet gun seen in virtual classroom [More]

Well, we know the name of the boy. Why don't we know the name of the teacher, the administrators, and the board members responsible, so that the public that pays for them can give them each honest performance evaluations?

And tell me this isn't going to follow the kid around and be used against him in the future.

They just essentially SWATted the kid. The biggest bullies are the ones with policies against it.

Many were no doubt born after this 1965 Boys' Life ad and would expel any student who brought such a magazine to school.

[Via Mack H]

Speaking of Traitors...

 While searching for something else I ran across an old post, where CSGV called me a traitor, that would have fit right into my new article

The Big Picture

 The big picture: Polling over the last few months has suggested that Texas, due in part to its changing demographics, has become increasingly favorable for Democrats. [More]

Well, good gee golly f*****g whiz, who could have foreseen that?

[Via Mack H]

A Little Bird Told Me

 From a Colorado correspondent:

I have a friend whose wife is fairly high up in one of the healthcare companies that runs a bunch of hospitals in the metro area.  Here’s some information:

“Our hospitals are nearing their all-time high of China Virus cases.  (103 total cases) The severity is MINOR.  The infection needs to run its course, hit the folks it's gonna hit.  Then Herd immunity plays a BIG part....& the slope of infections DIVE a steep line.

Plus: the word on the street (Corporate higher-ups): Gov Polis is preparing to shut down the state the day after election. Reason for the delay: he wants Hick & other Dems elected & doesn't want to cast a dark cloud on Dems prior to vote."

Time will tell.

Kamala's Nose Under the Tent

Why Is No One (Except the President) Calling Out Kamala Harris’ Communist Ties? [More]

So Democrats want to put someone a heartbeat from the presidency with:

  • Communist Parents
  • Pro-Communist Boyfriend
  • Communist-Affiliated Protégé
  • Communist Financial Benefactor
  • Pro-Communist Chief of Staff
  • Communist-Affiliated Husband

You have to wonder how these people get top-secret security clearances once they assume office. Having worked for a defense contractor, I can tell you just-plain-folks don't just get a pass.

Don't Say 'Beer,' Say 'Bull'

 Professor David Brunsma claimed that the history of beer in the United States and its contemporary culture are tied to racism and white supremacy. [More]


[Via Michael G]

No Honor Among Thieves

 Looter Calls Philly Police to Report Looting After Fellow Looters Steal His Car [More]

Hey, there's no reason to use pejoratives to describe one of the underserved who is proactively rectifying "the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society."

[Via Michael G]

Going Through the Motions

 On Tuesday evening, the Luzerne County Council voted 7-4 to withdraw the motion. Among the reasons is that the attorneys for the County BOE apparently filed the motion without first raising the issue with county officials.  [More]

So they're not all crazy Dutch bastards?

So: Who are the four subversives, and has the lawyer been fired and complained about to the bar?

[Via Michael G]

Circular Logic

 Biden Expresses Openness To Rotating Justices Off The Supreme Court [More]

As long as it spins to the left...

I have an idea for rotating statist politicians...

[Via Michael G]

We Are the Champions

 Dodgers fans celebrate World Series victory with superspreader events and looting throughout the city [More]

Because social justice. And you're racist.

I wonder how many consider themselves Republicans?

"Sports fan" that I am, I didn't even know the World Series was on. Who'd they play?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over in the City of Brotherly Love...

 WALTER Wallace Jr “rapped about shooting cops” and allegedly once put a gun to a woman’s head before he was tragically killed by police on Monday. [More]

What's "tragic" about it? Sounds like a perfect excuse for a loot, shoot and burn! I understand that shoes are popular items. And it sure looks like the haters are getting their comeuppance!

Might that prompt an unintended consequence?

I guess that depends on if the Democrats, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the People's Republic, manage to scare up enough useful idiots, mail-in illegals and dead people.

Huh. I thought by now Grand Master Jay's Guerillas would have won the day after all that safe posturing at Stone Mountain. Maybe they should change their name to the FAC.

[Via bondmen]

Once is Happenstance

 Hmm... America Keeps Getting Attacked By Nations It Hates In Ways Only The CIA Can See [More]

Mr. Fleming had two words for it broad enough to encompass "domestic." Funny, how "the Swamp" is so vested in interventionism. Curious, how their efforts are hostile to what the Founders knew to be "necessary to the security of a free State."

Perhaps Gen. Butler can shed some light...?

[Via bondmen]

Highway to the Danger Zone

 "This Is The Most Perilous Time, Absent War, In Modern American History" [More]

We ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via bondmen]

House of Cards

 According to our partners at the Post- Dispatch, United Press International is considering whether to send a “cease and desist” order to the couple because they’re using this UPI photo as part of their personal greeting card. [More]

Talk about begging for a Streisand Effect.

And why do I picture that TV teleprompter reader wearing big red clown shoes?

[Via bondmen]

Hate You Forever, Too

[Via Michael G]

A New York Democrat

 It's nice to see representatives of the party of women's rights and commonsense gun safety living up to its values. [More]

[Via Michael G]

The Gravity of the Situation


What, you mean this isn't all virtual and some of us may have some real-world decisions to make? T.L. Davis elaborates. [More]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic


Imagine similar groups openly fighting for Tibetans and Uyghurs over there-- oh, that's right, you can't in a communist slave state. Keep doing the totalitarians' bidding, "social justice" Democrats, you damned fools. 

[Via @pamnsc]

Senior Moments

 If the chief justice is in dissent, however, the assignment power falls to the most senior associate justice in the majority. Clarence Thomas is now the most senior justice, so he will assign authorship any time he is in the majority and Chief Justice Roberts dissents. [More]

It'd be a lot easier if "our" side held the Dolly pix over Roberts' head...

Unwrapping Contradictions


True dat. Endowed by our Creator, meaning it and our inherent rights do not come from government...

I'm just wondering how a Salvation Army Angel Tree Location houses a Cole Porter Room, in honor of a gay bigot against blacks.

You don't think...?

Legally Conned

Reese Witherspoon Talks Potential Political Run, Need for More Women in Government That is ‘Adjudicating Over Our Bodies’ [More]

Just what the Founders' Republic needs: another self-entitled, gun-grabbing Democrat drunk.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Not Helping

I’d like to spend about 30 seconds with Horowitz in an elevator and rip his throat out of his body. Or beat him so hard in the face that his nose comes out the back of his head. I’d do it and sleep well that night. These people are in need of a good tar and feathering. So this “traitor” says. Die Horowitz…PLEEEEAAAAAAZZZZZZZEEEEEE DIE! [More]

Way to associate my articles, published under my name, with this. I hope everyone realizes that if law enforcement decides this is a potentially actionable indicator that merits a deeper look, they will be able to require access to site records to determine who the poster is.

UPDATE: The comment has been deleted.

All in the Family

 EXCLUSIVE SOURCE: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child - "Was I molested. I think so." [More]

So far I've seen the source attacked but nothing credible refuting the allegations.  I wonder why that is and why the media isn't on this with every resource at its disposal. 

Not really.

[Via Jess]

If the Jackboot Fits...

EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Senate Candidate Mark Kelly’s Yearbook Shows Him Dressed As Hitler [More]

With all the denials and smears against the messenger, I'm wondering why no one has tried to employ some of that facial recognition/aging software we're told justifies public surveillance cameras on every corner.

[Via Jess]

Prepping for Full Psycho Mode

So they're not SBRs now?

I have some friends looking into this. It really does seem like there is an embedded clique vested in a Biden/Harris win, at which point the vicious dogs will be unchained.

Trump really needs to say something. The problem is, we don't know who really has his ear on this stuff.

Today's Daily Defense


You Gonna Do Somethin' or Just Stand There and Wheeze?

The America I Love Does Not Pepper-Spray Jews [More]

Yeah, well the Jews I respect won't allow themselves to be gassed, and those will apparently never include you, fraudulent "Second Amendment Guy" Ben Stein.

[Via Mack H]

They Don't Call 'em Totalitarians for Nothing

 What Happened When a High School Offered a PragerU Video [More]

Evil must not only be the dominant influence -- it demands to be the only influence.

[Via Mack H]

Crazy Dutch Bastards

 Pennsylvania county asks Barrett to recuse herself from mail-ballot extension case [More]

Dr. Evil's got this one.

[Via Mack H]

Forbidden Knowledge

 The Big COVID Con Exposed [More]

Seeing as how the DSM and The Keepers don't want this widely known, especially before the election, the only way it will be is if you share it.

[Via Laocoön]

Think of It as Future Election Interference

Hundred Plus Miles Of New Border Wall Seeing Positive Results In Western Arizona [More]

Damn white racists disenfranchising "pathway to citizenship" Democrat voters...

Bonus question: Who sees the redundancy in the previous sentence?

[Via Michael G]

The Shape of Things to Come

 How Things May Look on November 4 [More]

None of us has a crystal ball. That said, this one with different potentialities is interesting to gaze into.

[Via bondmen]

One Can Only Hope

 'You'll Bury Everyone Involved': Bobulinski Recorded Biden Operatives Begging Him To Stay Quiet, Set To Release Tues [More]

Looks like there may be something to this.

I hope Tucker Carlson has arranged for heightened security.

The outrageous thing is, say the worst is proven beyond a doubt, does anyone think many Democrats would be swayed or would most respond by angrily leveling unproven charges against Trump?

[Via bondmen]

This Makes It Official!

 STANDING BY - Right-Wing Militia Groups & the US Election [More]

To paraphrase Rahm Emanuel, you never want to let a narrative go to waste, right?

I see these globalists are supported by, among others, a CFR embed at State.

[Via bondmen]

Let's Go Commies, Let's Go!

Florida school district investigating claims that cheerleader was forced to kneel during anthem [More]

It was those bullies at Communist Martyrs High!

Most of these virtue-oozing, silly little girls are too ignorant and manipulated to grasp what's been done to them by evil and useful idiot "adults." 

The object is to force everyone to their knees. 

[Via bondmen]

The Compliance List

 110,000 Californians Bought Guns During Pandemic; Fear of ‘Lawlessness’ Most Common Reason [More]

And the state knows who they all are.

The ones who went "off book," however...

[Via bondmen]

Seven in One Blow!

I don't know why that line from "The Brave Little Tailor" just came to mind... [More]

[Via bondmen]

The Rightful Queen

 'I was born' to be president: Hillary Clinton still angered over 2016 loss [More]

That is one seriously insane sense of entitlement.

What must that say of useful idiot Democrats who revere her?

[Via Jess]

It Pays to Discover?

A 30-year customer (and longtime WarOnGuns Correspondent who chooses not to identify at this time) has cut up his Discover card because he learned the slogan "We treat you like you'd treat you" has the addendum: "If you were a 'woke' corporate coward." Here's why (right-click on images to enlarge):

Here are the people they cut off without warning or subsequent explanation:

True to corporate weasel form, they are engaging in discriminatory race-based pandering. I wonder if one of those "black" business owners supported the wrong "causes" if the Biden "You ain't black" exclusion would apply. 

As noted before when discussing the way financial institutions discriminate against the firearms industry: 

Unsurprisingly, banks are also beneficiaries of collectivism. 

Our national gun owner rights groups need to take the lead in convincing Republican lawmakers that such benefits come at the expense of all taxpayers, and making gun owners fund their persecutors with bailouts and contracts is morally equivalent to "bullet fees."

Standing Order

Judge Benitez demolishes the argument that plantiffs have no standing, because they have not suffered an injury. The chilling of the exercise of a Constitutional right *is* an injury in federal jurisprudence. Judge Benitez gives example after example in case law. [More]

Under a system of supposed equal justice under the law, depriving the rights of one person de facto deprives all people.

I'm really starting to like this guy.

Speaking of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places...

If that is true, then how do you explain the pandemic apostasy? [More]
Ephesians 6:12 works for me...

The Low-Hanging Fruit Pickers

 Is it possible that the militia story [about planning to kidnap the governor of Michigan] is another contrived, anti-Trump, smear job by elements within the FBI? [More]

Change "possible" to "probable" and I'm right there with ya.

We must now come to grips with the likelihood that Wray is worse for the country than Comey. [More]

The higher they are, the more damage they can do.

Take the foot-dragging William Barr, for instance...

[Via Mack H]

U.S. Gun Banner Tells UK Paper ‘Traitors’ Think 2nd Amendment is to Fight Tyranny

Three lies in one brief assertion must qualify as some sort of gun grab trifecta.[More]

Overshadowed by gun-grabbers with better connections and more resources, ol' Josh finds solace in the embrace of those who would have been conquered decades ago were it not for Americans with guns. Funny, who he wants us to vote for.