Friday, January 17, 2020

Strange Bedfellows

Antifa Group Plans To March Alongside Pro-Gun Protesters In Virginia [More]
Yeah, I'd heard some rumblings and Mark even mentioned it yesterday.

If anyone is thinking of reaching out, let history be your guide.

[Via Keith B]

Meanwhile, Over at Imperial Stormtrooper Central...

Does it have legs?

Bondmen sends the specs courtesy of the economic fasc... uh, public/private partners at Ring Power Tactical.

My first thought was "One ring to rule them all."  My second was "Gee, a screwdriver in the sidewall and that thing ain't goin' nowhere."

[Via Carlos Perdue]

If at First You Don't Succeed...

Via email:
A judge yesterday denied the GOA-VCDL challenge to Gov. Northam’s illegal gun ban. GOA and VCDL are now appealing to the Virginia Supreme Court. You can read our response to the Governor here.

[Click to enlarge]

The Enemy Within

If you are represented by Republican Senator Dunnavant or Republican Senator Hanger, let them know you are not happy with their vote on SB 70! [More]
If they gave a f*** how you felt, do you think they'd have voted that way? Make sure they lose the next time they run. Anything else is more of how "we" got here.

[Via Keith B]

New York, New York, It's a Wonderful Town!

NYC: De Blasio released migrant who then raped and murdered 92-year-old woman [More]

[Via Michael G]

I'm Sure It's Just an Oversight

Texas in play? Ted Cruz predicts 'massive Democratic turnout' in 2020 [More

Forget to mention something, Ted?

[Via Mack H]

A Better Way for What?

All of these camps have it wrong on immigration, especially when it comes to skilled immigration. [More]
OK, Einstein. You answer the challenge.

[Via Mack H]

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

3 Kinds Of Women Democrats Refuse To Believe Exist [More]
That's because they're not real, like "commonsense gun safety laws."

[Via Mack H]

Slip of the Pen

Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Pens Look Like Bullets [More]
Who thinks that's not intentional?

[Via Dave Licht]

California Dreamin' on Such a Winter's Day.

SB 354 will enable DACA students to receive additional funding to continue their education in graduate school [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Right, "Saviors"?

[Via Michael G]

'A Textbook Example of Tyranny'

So Virginia introduces a bundle of radical laws to destroy 2A rights, militias, sale transfer and registration bills, and the People of Virginia says no, and we're going to vote you all out next term. Virginia government responds by introducing a bill to eliminate voter ID. [More]
Let's hear it for the flag of the commonwealth!

[Via Henry Bowman]

An Answer for Randall

“You wouldn’t walk into 7-Eleven with an assault weapon. He wouldn’t walk into the library with an assault weapon, so why would you walk into the council chambers?" questioned Randall. [More]
BFYTW works for me.

[Via Mack H]

And the Low-Hanging Fruit Award Goes To...

I'd love to learn more about how these morons were so thoroughly made. [More]

Just what Coonman's counting on having show up...

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Immune Enough

After police had a ten-hour standoff with an empty house—eventually destroying everything inside—a court ruled there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Now the Institute for Justice is launching a new project to ask the courts to reexamine doctrines giving government officials broad immunity from accountability [More]
Anybody see "secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty" in there? Any government action that does not advance the mandates defined in the Preamble to the Constitution is by definition destructive to the ends of the Declaration.

[Via CDT]

We're the Only Ones Red-Flagged Enough Update

Judge denies red flag petition requesting seizure of Colo. officer's guns [More]

As I said, this can work in our favor.

[Via Wynn A

Armed American Radio Redux

AAR “OG” David Codrea joins the broadcast. [Listen]
What gets me is how much has developed since host Mark Walters and I spoke yesterday afternoon.

Squealing Like a Pig Again

So what's the excuse for a group of legislators, most of whom are men, telling women what they can and cannot do to defend their bodies?

There's Northam's version of deliverance and then there's this jackasslaw's version of Deliverance.

Astute Observation

Note the chokepoint -"Officials say there will be one way onto Capitol Square Monday morning." should violence break out and people attempt to flee....instant Charlottesville. By design no less, imagine that! [More]
They love it when a plan comes together!