Thursday, February 06, 2020

The Cognitive Dissonance, It Burns...

Gilmore describes Rotunno's views as a "neoliberal version of feminism" that emphasizes individual choice above all else. [More]
What the hell else is there when the option to refuse exists?

Her body her choice until she has to make one between integrity and profit?

And like I said, I don't even like the disgusting son of a...

'My Name is Legion for We are Many'

Lunatic on ASU Campus Threatens MAGA: 'Slash His Throat and Every Republican' [More]
You ever notice there's never a herd of swine and a lake around when you really need 'em?

I'd say it's a public safety issue not to get this creature under immediate custodial care.  Plus I'd like to see him ID'd just to see if affiliations can be determined.

I actually fear another "lefty" mass shooting over the events of recent days.

[Via Michael G]

That's a Keeper!

Twitter suspends James O'Keefe for posting public info [More]
Hey, what have we been warned about "wrong thinking"?

Quid Pro Ho

Billionaire presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg snagged his first gubernatorial endorsement Wednesday, as Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo called him the right leader to take on President Donald Trump. [More]
No doubt just a coincidence:
In governor's races, Bloomberg's PAC will spend on behalf of Democrats Gina Raimondo in Rhode Island...

TDS Writ Large

Democrats Are Now Blaming Trump Supporters For Part of Chaos in Iowa [More]
Outrageous! Maybe they ought to impeach him or something!

[Via Michael G]

Two-Minute Warning

Public testimony before the committee will be limited to 2 minutes per person and will be heard until 4:00 pm. [More]
I hope someone points out that "prohibited persons" would be exempt from the reporting requirement because being compelled to admit to authorities they illegally had a gun would be self-incriminating.

We're the Only Ones Securing the Blessings of Liberty Enough

Undercover Cops Hired 118 Handymen, Then Arrested Them All for Not Having Licenses [More]
Gotta "justify" that payroll and all those perks...

This reminds me of nothing so much as this NSFW South Park clip.

[Via Michael G]


Snopes continues to discredit itself as an apologist for the left with this lame attempt to mitigate and redirect.

"Nazism was the antithesis of what these women ... represent" is refuted by the record.

[Via Gerhard Paul]

Speaking of Wretched Refuse...

Nassau Police Commissioner Blames Bail Reform Law For MS-13 Witness’ Death [More]
Perhaps the question should be "What are they giving sanctuary to?" as opposed to "who."

And "why."

[Via Michael G]

Having a Mitt-Fit

Former Romney campaign spokesman says conviction decision is 'motivated by bitterness and jealousy' [More]
And just generally being an opportunistic phony.

So leave it to the most busted name in news to bleat crap like "Profiles in Courage." Until next time he runs, at which point he'll revert back to being a rightwing extremist with a made-for-"progressive"-ridicule religion...

Speaking of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places...

Tax the Rich: Pope Francis Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution [More]
Per Third World standards, you're rich.

And if you're against this, you're a racist.