Monday, February 17, 2020

Batman Gun Symbol Puts Childish Blame on Objects Instead of Perpetrators

One gets the feeling something other than hearts got broken in the writers’ and artists’ minds in childhood – such as the ability to apply adult reasoning and see how juvenile their presumptions are about practically everything.  [More]
Hey, who doesn't love a crusading, gun-hating billionaire?

There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

Candidates should take note of this, especially because that growth means more foreign-born voters. Since Trump took office in 2017, the number of foreign-born Virginians who are eligible to vote has grown by 18,000 people, bringing the total to more than 534,000 immigrant voters across the state, according to NAE. [More]
Yeah, we noticed.

Well, not everyone.

[Via Mack H]

Welcome, Future Democrats

US released 375,000 illegal immigrants who entered with family members [More]
So conservatively, using credible observable data and trends, that's 262,500 future anti-gun Democrats once that "pathway to citizenship" fully opens -- and until it does, it still is used for apportionment.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Right, Saviors?

When Balconies are Outlawed...

Police said Harwick and Pursehouse dated and had recently broken up. Detectives learned that she had expressed fear about him and filed a restraining order. The restraining order expired and the two had seen each other in the past few weeks, according to police. [More]
There oughta be a law!

Infringements SHOULDN'T be 'Easier'

ATF Proposes Step to Make a National Gun Registry Easier [More]
By all means, make your voice heard.

Just understand, like with "bump stocks," they're ultimately going to do what our "Beautiful Second Amendment President" tells them to do, so make sure you send the same message to him.

BTW, I deleted the last line of the pre-written message because there is no point at which I would not object.

Enemy of the State

Democrats in Washington State Target Well-known Conservative Legislator [More]
There's no agreeing to disagree. We're seeing that early on, dissent is criminal.

With totalitarians, it always is.

[Via Michael G]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over [More
Works for me.

When things go to hell, the deliberate indifference of those who would not bring enforcement actions against clear infringements will be a big reason why.

[Via Michael G]

Racist AND Ageist

Shannon Watts repeatedly posts on Twitter that NRA members and Second Amendment advocates are mostly white, male and middle-aged. [More]
Straight out of the playbook.

These people just thrive on being obnoxious douches, don't they?

Y'know, she never did explain what her role was in covering up for her corporate masters against this black man. And no, you don't have to by into the glysophate allegations to point out the hypocrisy of the left, which says it does, for giving her a pass because she's useful to their disarmament schemes.

[Via Felix B]

So Much for Letting the Punishment Fit the Crime

5 Year Sentence Recommended For Former Baltimore Mayor [More]

Wayne Fincher got 6½ and all he did was exercise a right.

[Via Dave Licht]

Breeding Contempt

San Francisco Mayor Just Admitted To Having Relationship, Accepting Money From City Worker Under FBI Investigation For Public Corruption [More]
"Having a relationship" is a euphemism for she was screwing someone besides the productive sector. "Accepting money"? Draw your own conclusions.

I'm not gonna bother Tommy Lee again so soon.

[Via Dave Licht]

'It's the Democrats!'

'Bail reform, it's lit!': NYC Subway thief who has been arrested 139 TIMES thanks Democrats for new lenient laws and brags he cannot be stopped after being released [More]
Tommy Lee? You're up.

[Via Dave Licht]

You've Got to Accentuate the Positive

“1776” is an assembly of independent voices who uphold our country’s authentic founding virtues and values and challenge those who assert America is forever defined by its past failures, such as slavery. We seek to offer alternative perspectives that celebrate the progress America has made on delivering its promise of equality and opportunity and highlight the resilience of its people. Our focus is on solving problems. We do this in the spirit of 1776, the date of America’s true founding.[More]
Eliminate the negative.

And don't mess with Mr. In-Between.

[Via Michael G]

Now All They Need is Will

European Court Approves Summary Deportations of Illegal Migrants [More]
But "It remains unclear if the ECHR's ruling will have a deterrent effect" because the invaders are "using extreme violence"?  Really?

[Via Michael G]

Some Good News for a Change

The Democrat defectors must have really gotten an earful from their constituents.

I wonder how many do-nothing VA gun owners will still not get involved, and how many newly-active will figure they've done their part. Because now, with Sheets Northam doing his Terminator "I'll be back" routine, is really the time to push push push...

Finally, Some Truth

'Fascist!': Michael Bloomberg heckled by gun rights activists in Virginia [More]
MSN "reports" that like it's a problem...

Is it just me, or have they intentionally made that website harder to load and more demanding on the CPU for anyone who doesn't use Microsoft Edge?

[Via bondmen]

Moms Demand Rationality?

A band of Manhattan moms are trading luncheons and playdates for political lobbying and police meetings — all in the name of protecting their kids from rising crime, bail-reform loopholes, aggressive panhandlers, and what they see as a general return of lawlessness. [More]
So they're actually going after criminals...?

[Via bondmen]

Outraged Hoplophobes to Report Her in 3...2...1...

Republican Claire Chase Uses .308 Cal Rifle To Show What She Thinks Of Red Flag Laws [More]
To do otherwise would be like shooting first and aiming later.

Send that gal some "Rubio for Senate" signs.

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

The number of gun crimes committed in the United Kingdom has increased by 27 per cent in five years and the number of firearms seized has quadrupled, despite the country having some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. [More]
Still trending upward, eh? As noted the last time, we ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via Jess]

If at First You Don't Succeed

Universal Pictures said Tuesday that it will release the social satire “The Hunt,” a film it canceled in the wake of criticism about its premise of “elites” hunting people for sport in red states. [More]
I wonder how a poll of paying movie-goers would break down politically.

As I said back before it was pulled:
I’m going to reserve final judgment until I see it – in a few years when I can do so without paying extra. From one of the trailers, it looked like the “deplorables” were fighting back and I may end up pleasantly surprised at how many “progressive” elitists get what’s coming to them.
It seems many are becoming increasingly eager to put that to the test.

[Via Jess]

A Great Disturbance in the Force

The widespread misconception that the reverse has been the case partly explains radicals’ unscrupulously optimistic assumption that the existing social order can be overthrown without detriment to the social fabric and human wellbeing. In short, peace and prosperity are assumed to be the natural order of things; it’s the capitalist system that disequilibrates society. The anarchist authors of Contradictionary: A Bestiary of Words in Revolt thus describe capitalism as “[o]ne of the most advanced forms of disorder,” a “disruption” of the “anarchic harmony” that would otherwise characterize our world. [More]
So no mass graves this time because they'll do it right?

As for "treat[ing radicals] as independent human beings capable of rational thought and action," if there are any proven techniques to persuade them to be receptive and allow that, let's hear them. I see the author generalizes his own anecdotal experience, but by the time some undefined "we" try to engage in an unwelcome one-on-one with people who are not only unwilling to listen but who dismiss us a "Nazis," all indications are it'll be too late.

[Via Michael G]

As a Matter of Fact, He Does Own the Whole Damn Road

“We Purchased This (Public) Sidewalk Space For Our Event” – Bloomberg Staffer [More]
Anyone know if criminal charges could be filed for unlawful restraint or something?

And Bloomberg got the name of the city wrong! Ah, what the hell-- they're all Everytown to him.

Bully for You

We’ve been told for years that there is a “bullying epidemic” in our schools. [More]
It is.

There are no bigger bullies than teachers and administrators.

And they wonder why the occasional unhinged brainwashing victim snaps.

[Via Michael G]

And the Swamp Gurgles On

It’s true that the OFCCP’s decisions are ultimately subject to judicial review in federal court. But Andrews notes that Chevron deference to administrative agencies gives the OFCCP a leg up in court. [More]
And our "Beautiful Second Amendment President" relies on that in ways Obama never got around to.

[Via Michael G]

The Best Election Money Can Buy

Don't I know it:
Let me guess: "Jenny" isn't a grassroots volunteer.

[Via Michael G]

Sullying His Reputation

"Captain Sully Sullenberger was also there to support the former vice president..." [Watch]
He just ditched more than a plane there.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Something Else for the 'Authorized Journalists" to Ignore

"White Powder" Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where? [More]
Interesting documentation thread these folks have put together...

It would take a bit of sufficiently-funded investigative journalism to validate and bring things into focus.

Good thing they're not "real reporters." You could destroy your career going off message like this.

[Via Wynn A

How Can You Tell a Gun-Grabber is Lying?

Advocates Say Taxing Gun Ammo Will Curb City Violence [More]
And when it doesn't, they'll apologize and admit they were wrong?

Discriminate against and disenfranchise the law-abiding poor-- now there's a "progressive" solution!

Swindlers like Jillian Gilcrest never pay a price, do they?

[Via Jess]

Qualified Immunity

“When I’m the president, we’ll take them on, remove the immunity... [More]
The qualification is political crime bosses and their enforcers get it but we don't.

Authorized Speech

'More guidance and regulation': Zuckerberg requests government rules on 'what discourse should be allowed' [More]
Do these people even listen to themselves?

Do they not realize where that always leads?

Or do they?

What Did They Expect?

The Council of Licenced Firearm Owners (COLFO) says it has evidence confirming unauthorised access to a police database containing the personal details of gun owners. [More]
And that surprises who?

I'm wondering why we have to wait until the last sentence of the last paragraph to find out this is happening in New Zealand. Tommy Lee could have saved me some time.

Wake me when there's a Council of Unlicensed Firearm Owners. Because we've already seen what listening to the Judenrat results in.

[Via DDS]

And After You're Done with the Boots...

WOW! Crazy White Liberals Get on Knees and Kiss Boots of Black Israelites …Then Clap Their Hands — WTH? (VIDEO) [More]
I don't have words.  All I know is if it's a choice between them and me, and it looks like they're making it that way, I choose me.

[H/T Wirecutter]

Learning from the Past

Any question on what kind of reign it will be? [More]

Yeah, That's the Ticket!

Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate... [More]

It was either that or a clip from "Death Wish"...

Because I figure there's a "heart attack" waiting to happen. And I don't see the Sandersnistas going gentle into that good night if this is what the Establishment Dems force on them.

It also makes me wonder what level of betrayal will be necessary for Trump to self-destruct.

[Via several of you]

It's a Woman Thing

In the U.S. this week, Ivanka Trump announced that Sens. Lindsey Graham and Jeanne Shaheen are behind an effort to have her Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative written into U.S. law. [More]
Why? Since when it is in the interest of ourselves and our posterity to admit to political power and wealth transfer fraud and to do so for purposes of pandering to manipulated malcontents?

And will those who "identify as women" be exalted in Abu Dhabi?

How many MAGA-hatters are thrilled with the Ivanka/Jared shadow government that was never part of the deal?