Friday, May 01, 2020

ISP’s Weak ‘Assurances’ on Masked Concealed Carry Offer No Guarantees

That expression of “confidence” is not a guarantee and has no authority to override enacted law. Relying on “judgment” (with an “appropriate” qualifier) and “discretion” is an admission that any such decisions will hinge on how enforcers choose to respond to a given situation and detainee. It also means a mask charge could be tacked on to an inadvertent violation where no criminal intent exists. (Case in point, how much “discretion” could be involved in defining “partially exposed”?) [More]
Forgive me if I question the reliability of opinions from an agency that told women to defend themselves by vomiting or using a rat tail comb.

O Canada

Trudeau announces ban on 1,500 types of 'assault-style' firearms — effective immediately [More]
You knew he would.

This just shows us how fast they can get it done when "progressive" useful idiots are the majority.

We're the Only Ones Distancing Enough

“311 is more [of a] priority than someone getting robbed at gunpoint,” an NYPD source told The Post. [More]
That reminds me-- we haven't talked to Tommy Lee in a while.

[H/T Wirecutter]

That's Why They Call Them 'Tyrants'

Michigan Governor Extends Lockdown By Executive Order Despite Legislature Refusing To Extend Her Authority [More]
So does that mean enforcement on her part would be an unlawful act that would be lawful to forcefully resist?

[Via Michael G]

The Good of the Many

Judge Christopher Murray acknowledged that rights claimed by the plaintiffs were fundamental ... “But those liberty interests are, and always have been, subject to society’s interests – society being our fellow residents..." [More]
There's an excuse that could literally let those doing the determining get away with murder.

Chris ought to get together with Steven...

[Via Michael G]

There Will Be Blood

Finally. Germany Bans Hezbollah and Raids Its Mosques [More]

How soon 'til the massacre in "stricter" Deutschland?

[Via Michael G]

Stranger Things

Pastor Danny Jones about COVID-19 [More]
Dots are connected in a way that makes more sense than anything I'm seeing from CNN et al...

[Via Andrew S]

A Long Weekend

After ruling in New York gun rights case, more Second Amendment cases set for Friday conference [More]
The Court will release an order list at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, May 4.
UPDATE: Kick the can!

Battle for Freedom

If you enjoyed Hypocrisy of Heathens or if you didn't listen to it because you don't "do" Facebook, I've been informed you can access the podcasts via Spreaker or iHeartRADIO.

So Much for Vibrant Diversity

Nancy Pelosi appoints only Democrats to House Select Coronavirus Committee [More]
That must be because she and her fellow Democrats care deeply about the welfare of the American people coming first, instead of, say, them being shameless, ruthless, and power-mad...

[Via Michael G]

Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes?

FBI Agent Questioned Whether ‘Goal’ of Flynn Interview Was ‘To Get Him Fired’, Handwritten Notes Show [More]
Like I said, wake me when all the conspirators are being frog-marched.

And find that door!

[Via Surfer Joe Asgard]

Thank God He's OK

We're told his security team was on the front of the property...Eminem came face-to-face with a home intruder who slipped past his own security... The intruder was detained and the guards came a-runnin' and grabbed the guy. [More]
How did he "detain" him?

Nothing Personal

Joe Biden denies sexual assault allegation by former Senate staffer ... but WON'T open his personal archive [More]
Then I guess there's nothing to see here, right?

Keeping Audiences 'In the Dark'

CW’s Anti-Gun PSA: Having Gun Means 'More Likely to Be Victim of Gun Violence' [More]
What can I say but "CW"?

[Via Michael G]

Who Was That Masked Man?

More than three weeks after 413,000 Wisconsin voters went to the polls, there has not been the spike in COVID-19 cases attributed to the election that many feared. [More]
Noting all the masks in the article photo, I'm curious to know how they dealt with this requirement?
What Will The Poll Worker Be Looking At On My Photo ID?Elector’s Photograph: The photograph must reasonably resemble the elector
[Via Michael G]

Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean that They Aren't Out to Get You

There is a strain of unreasoning paranoia in American public life, and it is a serious problem — but it did not come from nowhere. It came, at least in part, from Waco. [More]
Anybody find that missing door yet...?

[Via Michael G]

Forever Young

Therefore, the stay of en banc proceedings in this case is lifted. [More]
About damn time.

Another Opposite Day 'Progressive' Idea

Targeting People With Mental Illness and Dementia for Euthanasia - Several countries may be ahead of us in this area, but the U.S. is fast catching up. [More]
It's been done.

[Via Mack H]

Snitch Nation

Some public officials seem to think it’s okay to encourage neighbors to rat each other out over stay-at-home orders. It’s not. [More]
Polis, de Blasio, Garcetti... they all have something in common.

But what?

[Via Mack H]