Thursday, May 21, 2020

Take the Guns First, Due Process Later

Assistant U.S. Attorney Misha A. Coulson, who handled the case, stated that in 2017, the defendant won two rifles in a charity raffle. On January 11, 2018, a six month restraining order was issued against Polak in Buffalo Family Court. Later, on the same day the restraining order was issued, the defendant went to The Gun Locker LLC to fill out paperwork related to him taking possession of the two rifles he previously won. When completing an ATF Firearms Transaction Record form 4473, Polak was asked “Are you subject to a court order restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or intimate partner or child of such partner?” The defendant inaccurately marked “NO” on the form, and then dated and signed the form, which includes a warning that it is a federal crime to answer “NO” if the buyer is subject to a restraining order. [More]
So what had he been tried and convicted of to ensure due process before having his rights infringed?

Don't worry -- I'm sure Mr. Barr & Co. will come through for us, aren't you?

[Via @pamnsc]

Their True Feelings

Yet evangelical useful idiots delude themselves into thinking they are partners with those who hold them in contempt and continue to do their bidding.

Malum Prohibitum

Gun laws make guns bad because someone says guns are bad. [More]
When, in fact, it's the "someone" who is bad...

A Growing Realization

They have zero chance of getting what they want. They DO have a chance of making our getting rid of them very unpleasant and bloody. [More]
I'll hand this one off to Errol:

[Via Michael G]

At Least They're Consistent

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is conflating the results of two different types of coronavirus tests, distorting several important metrics and providing the country with an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic. [More]
Fancy that.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Immune Enough

Yes, you read that right. The cops executing the search warrant stole about $225,000 of seized items and they were granted qualified immunity because there was no “clearly established law” holding they can’t steal stuff they seize.  [More]
And all the Supreme Court had to do to let that stand was...nothing?

Comment poster Skink offers the opinion that this was not the right way to fight it.

[Via Michael G]

On Speaking Terms

Columbia Law School Profs Led The Fight Against Brett Kavanaugh. They’re Silent On Their Commencement Speaker, Joe Biden. [More]
Future lawmakers of America...

[Via Michael G]

Not the Only Ones?

Sheriff Revolts Against Lockdown: 'We Are Not Stormtroopers. We Are Peacekeepers' [More]
I can think of one way to test that...

[Via bondmen]

Greatest Top 10 Hits

The gun-grabbers would rather he had been unarmed by mandate.

[Via Wynn A

Where Credit is Due

CSU one of many public universities in the state giving out cash to illegal immigrant students [More]
Why not? It's not their money.

They're just the ones who get props for being generous and caring, while those they steal it from are smeared as haters if they express disapproval.

Good thing none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Potatoes...

Prince Charles wants furloughed workers to pick fruit and vegetables... [More]
The people are revolting!

[Via Henry Bowman]

It was Either That or Grow a Potato in a Jar of Water

Misguided Shutdown Policy Began as High School Science Project [More]
You ought to see the paper mache volcano they're using to model Mount St. Helens.

[Via Mack H]

Causation Correlation

They created visualizations that tracked the movements up to 48 hours after the protests ended, and Jeremy Fair, executive vice president of VoteMap, told the newspaper that many of the cellphones reached the state borders and some even crossed them. [More]
Define "some."  And they had to opt-in?

In other words, the ones who crossed over were on Team "Progress" and were trying to create a headline impression for political purposes?

[Via Michael G]

Running the Asylum

“Unconscious bias includes using language, symbolism and nonverbal cues that reinforce normative social identities with respect to gender, race, sexual preference and socioeconomic status,” Bonomi said. “For example, when the virtual background of a Zoom meeting attendee has pictures of his or her wedding, it unintentionally reinforces the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.” [More]
That's why I leave the camera off, lest my whiteness offends anyone.

And yes, of course Amy is a gun-grabber.

[Via Michael G]

I Got Them Gun-Free Zone Blues

Police haven't confirmed the weapon type.

I'll bet rules that guarantee a disarmed victim pool of people who obey them delighted the bad guy:

[Via Dave Licht]

UPDATE: The diseased coward is Armando Hernandez, who comes across more like a Quezada constituent than a Trumpster...

I expect his video will get taken down soon.  Hey, what would you rather have? The dissemination of information in a free people's interests or Zuck's "community standards"?

UPDATE: Hopefully this link will survive.  I wonder if anyone in law enforcement has taken an interest in "King bbc" ...?

Oh Look: More Dumb Bloombergian Lies about 'Smart Guns'

No one involved can quite agree on who’s to blame for the standstill.  [More]
Of course we can, liars. It's you assholes who want to make them mandatory and ban the ones not so inhibited.

If that very real threat had not already been legislated on, I don't know anyone who would object to offering these as a free-market choice, although I also don't know anyone who would want one.

And we never did figure out how the Armatix without required microstamping made it onto the CA "safe list," did we?

Huh. They don't take comments. Imagine that.

[Via Michael G]

Do Not Pass Go

On the whole, though, no state worthy of the name can permit exceptions to its monopoly on legitimate deployment of armed force like those in Michigan or North Carolina. Surely no sensible interpretation of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would say a state must tolerate them. [More]
That's a deadly game these people are playing.