Tuesday, June 09, 2020

“Second Amendment Cases” Before SCOTUS Bypass Core Purpose

As of this writing the cases have been relisted again. If the court does pick one, it will share something in common with the other contenders: All either ignore or tread lightly on the core purpose behind the Second Amendment, the maintenance of a well-regulated militia deemed “necessary to the security of a free State.” You can’t have that without an armed populace whose “right … to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” [More]
Yes, these are all good cases, all worthy of being advanced. But when are we going to get serious about addressing the part about "the security of a free State"?

O Say Does that Star-Spangled Banner Yet Wave...?

Citrus Heights Homes Displaying American Flags Targeted By Arsonists [More]
Sure seems like an act of terrorism by domestic enemies to me...

Good for Thee But Not for Me


I guess she's gotten what she wanted from them and she doesn't need them anymore.

I wish these opportunistic hypocrites would stop with the half measures and call for defunding the fire department, too...

[Via Dave Licht]

The Courage of His Convictions

Facebook CEO Crumples Under Activist Pressure to Consider Censoring Trump [More]
And the telling thing is, he's buckling to ingrates biting the hand that feeds them. Funny thing about packs when they sense weakness in the alpha...

[Via Michael G]

Mystery to Me

What could have motivated him to shoot Pruitt is a mystery...[More]
As usual, Yul is absolutely no help.

A past public defender...? Check his politics...?

[Via Michael G]

Much Ado about Nothing

Obamagate is the bag of granny's used diapers that everyone smells and everyone wants to go away. No one in Washington is interested in bringing the Department of Justice to justice, much less call out our first black president for being a wannabe Stalin. [More]
That's pretty much what I think.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but "experience hath shewn"...

[Via Michael G]

A Quack by Any Other Name?

Dr. Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud [More]
How is that not the same thing?

[Via Mack H]

Jackbooted Thugs Gone Wild

‘Waco’ Shines a Spotlight on the Government’s Abuse of Power [More]
I need to carve out some time to watch this and see for myself how they handle it.

[Via Mack H]

A Ready-Made Wedge

As it rises in prominence, the issue of defunding police will divide the Democratic Party more than the GOP. [More]

Now we need to let BLM and Antifa and the politicians who cater to Marxists know Biden opposes them.

[Via Mack H]

A Sense of Entitlement

WATCH: Black Woman Has a Meltdown... Over Not Being Able to Loot Neighborhood Stores [More]
And her Democrat vote cancels yours.

[Via Mack H]

There's a Lesson to be Learned Here

How easy it would be to smear that foaming-at-the-mouth bipolar headcase into the ground if we were not civilized and self-restrained... [More]

Or as Vanderboegh used to say:
They tear it all down and leave us no options but to surrender or resist at their peril.

[Via Michael G]

Valley of the Deplorables

Bitter Hillary Goes After President Trump: How Could “Anybody with a Beating Heart and a Working Mind Still Support Him?” [More]
What, support the avatar for their own rationally-held beliefs...?

[Via Michael G]

The Latter Day Lynch Mob

“You assaulted a little girl and other innocents because of your political beliefs,” one Twitter user messaged him. “Hey so are you the piece of shit who assaulted a child in Maryland today on the bicycle trail?” asked another. “Hey you racist bitch….we’re coming for you.” “You deserve to pay.” “Ur going down u disgusting piece of shit.” “Nice job assaulting a small child today. You need to be fired from your job immediately.” “YOU UGLY RACIST BITCH.”. [More]
And these people, quick to condemn non-"progressives" as Nazis, "serve" on juries...

It's instructive to note "As with most such clarifications, it had only a fraction of the reach."

I also wouldn't mind seeing turnabout on the stupid, evil doxxer and let her see how she likes it.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at 'The Newsraper of Record'...

Bush Aide: NYT Fabricated Trump Story - The claim that former President Bush won’t support Trump is “completely made up.” [More]
That'll teach me.

[Via Michael G]

True to Their Nature

Gun Control advocates now patrolling neighborhoods while armed [More]
They're not against guns. They're just against YOU having guns.

[Via bondmen]

The Sack of Rome

Barbarians At The Mall [More]
The vandals depriving their own communities of essential products and services may be what is necessary for those public segments to lose the will to continue.

[Via bondmen]


Hey, how come Republicans are so underrepresented?

[Via bondmen]

Because the Exceptions to the Rule are More Exploitable

Media's 'Racial Injustice' Blind Spot: Over 30 Shot In Another Deadly Chicago Weekend [More]
Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

He's Not the 'Only One'

Responding to phone calls that 2nd Amendment demonstrators were open carrying down Main Street, Bukala wrote on the Lowell Police Deparment's Facebook page on Tuesday: "We are aware and no need to call us," adding "We at the Lowell Police Department support the legally armed citizen and the Second Amendment"... [More]
Tell me that shouldn't be a firing offense from a public job!

It pays to be an oath-breaker, and based on the preponderance of comments, it seems the useful idiots want it that way. It really is disappointing to see so few gun owners championing their rights and giving these political weasels hell.

[Via bondmen]

Here Once the 'Liberal' Has-Beens Stood and Fired the Shot Heard Round the World.

You have to remember, he is a professional comedian, even if his "talent" is questionable.

And does someone want to explain to this dolt that open carry is illegal there?

I wonder if I posted a similar sentiment for Biden supporters if @Jack would have it -- and me -- booted...?

The Onion Outdoes Itself

George Floyd’s Family Petitions United Nations to Help Disarm Police in the United States [More]
Hey, it won't be my neighborhood that burns.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Marxican Standoff

Mexico’s Left Has Its Own George Floyd; Spain’s VOX Party Strongly Supports Trump’s “Iron Hand;” ETC. [4 ITEMS] Mexico’s Excelsior: “White Supremacists” Instigate Rioting. $PLC Cited…But, Surprisingly, Doesn’t Agree [More]
Gee, maybe people really are the same the whole world over...

A Greedy Capitalist Pig

Manufacturer that burned as Minneapolis protests turned violent plans to relocate from city - 'They didn't protect our people,' 7-Sigma owner says of city officials. [More]
Don't worry-- controlling the means of production is coming.

[Via Michael G]

You Can't Stop the Signal

WRSA has secured a location to send dispatches from. [More]



Zoom CEO says it won't encrypt free calls because it wants to share them with law enforcement [More]
Jingjing and Chacha demand no less.

[Via Michael G]

Trouble in Paradise?

The Gun Owners of America spokesperson who bragged about convincing a Republican group not to host Michelle Malkin, said George Floyd was godly, and hosted firearms lessons for blacks only in Minneapolis, is now coming out in support of defunding the police. [More]
After that first bit, I started thinking the match may have been premature.

Red Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter was formed in 2013 by three self-styled “Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries,” who selected as their movement icon convicted cop-killer and Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur. Shakur had fled to Cuba after being convicted of the homicide she committed when her car was stopped for a broken tail-light by two New Jersey state troopers. Without any warning, Shakur shot trooper Werner Foerster. The 34-year- old Vietnam veteran was lying wounded on the ground pleading for his life, when Shakur walked over and executed him. Officer Foerster left a widow and a three-year-old son. Black Lives Matter activists refer to the murderer as “our beloved Assata Shakur” and chant her words as a ritual, “at every meeting, every event, every action, every freeway we’ve shut down, every mall we’ve shut down.”  The chant is this: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love and support one another. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” The last line is lifted directly from the conclusion to the Communist Manifesto, a document and war cry that has led to the murders of millions. [More]
That is what enemies foreign and domestic, and the useful idiots they exploit, are taking a knee for.

[Via Agustin B]

UPDATE: Can this be true?
EXCLUSIVE: Donations, Including International Funding, to BlackLivesMatter.com Go Directly to the DNC – This Is Money Laundering
I'm skeptical that this is a complete picture and an accurate representation and am wondering about a distinction between campaigns and charities not being depicted. I'd love to have that proven unfounded, but I'll be surprised if it is.

[Via Michael G]

The Zod Squad

Democrats take a knee in US Congress in George Floyd tribute [More]
Disgustingly un-American.  And telling.

But they could use some work on their technique.

One question: Is Nadler still too fat to kneel?

The Original Plan

Christopher Autrey is a member of the Three Percent Original, a group the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as an anti-government militia movement. [More]
Well, then, it must be true.


Then again, we could see what the founder had to say about "top-down organization[s]."

Curiously, the one Christopher belongs to has taken much of his rhetoric but doesn't even acknowledge Mike's name, all the while "blacklisting" others for appropriating their "original" ideas.

In the Flesh

“It’s ‘cause you’re black!” the director shouted out from across the room. At first, everyone thought it was a joke. It wasn’t. The director had known the entire time; he’d cast the orgy that way on purpose. [More]
Just to be clear: It's a woman's body/a woman's choice? But if she doesn't make her choices in the way the collective demands, will she be condemned as a racist and ruined...?

And what is it but the collective's demands, that is, what it wants to watch, that determines value for "services" rendered...?

Exiting the world of porn, let's consider a sleazier, less honest business: mainstream Hollywood. You don't need to look very hard (sorry) to find all kinds of nudity and sex scenes, including not just interracial but gay/lesbian action. The question arises (sorry again), what if a budding starlet really doesn't want to, but feels pressured by future career option considerations, including being vilified and ...uh....... blackballed (sorry, sorry, sorry) for turning a role down? How is that morally any different from Harvey Weinstein or the #MeToo-villified casting couch?

Even an old industry pro like Yul isn't much help trying to get some "progressive" consistency on this.

A Moment's Notice

Eric Holder on Protests: “We Have Our MOMENT” for “Sweeping Changes” [More]
The ones he made when he had YEARS weren't enough...?

[Via Jess]