Friday, June 12, 2020

'Deplorable Exchanges'

You'd better believe ol' Ramon uses that term advisedly. [More]

And they have policies and procedures on what you can say on social media? In @20 years doing P&Ps, I never heard of such a thing.

Nice to know we're importing Brazilians to dictate the limits of free speech in the U.S...

[Via Michael G]

A Man of His Time

Yes, Churchill was a racist. It's time to break free of his 'great white men' view of history [More]
And without him, Brits would be speaking German. 

[Via Mack H]

Where Credit Is Due

Police officer tears into reporter after a dumb question. Lays down the cold, hard truth about the issues facing the black community. [Watch]
I wonder if they'll fire him.

[Via Rick Oltman]

We're the Only Ones Undocumented Enough

Louisville police release the Breonna Taylor incident report. It's virtually blank [More]
Hey, they said they wanted it to be transparent. Who can't see through this?

[Via Mack H]

One Can Only Hope

Meredith and her husband and her neighbors may find themselves reaping the very whirlwind they have chosen, with such peculiar blindness, to welcome. [More]
Now that would be "social justice"!

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Party of the Workin' Man

NHDem Senator: Working-Class Parents Don’t Have Intelligence to Oversee Their Kids’ Educations [More]
Guess what else she doesn't think they're smart enough to handle.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Running Down Enough

[A] Florissant police officer driving an unmarked SUV ran into and over an unarmed young black man. The officer then exited his vehicle, pinned down the injured man and struck him twice with his fists. The victim repeated four times, “I don’t have nothing” while the officer cuffed his hands behind his back. [More]
Sorry, background information on your public servant is confidential. Besides, his attorney says "what this detective did ... was simply an accident."

You know, his car and fists went off.

[Via bondmen]

It's a Big Collective and You Ain't In It

Bureau of Land Management shut down Bundy protest and killed LaVoy Finicum over far less [More]

[Via bondmen]

Nazi Snitch Nation

School sics cops on 11-year-old after seeing a BB gun in his house during virtual lessons, says it's no different than bringing a gun to school [More]
What's "the teacher's" name?

[Via Jess]

Nothing Succeeds Like Secession

That is, if the commies do it. [More]

Figures Democrats would support this...

[Via Michael G]

The Blacklist

LSU prof pledges to 'drop' students who engage in 'hate speech' [More]
What did we say about "public"?

The students have a binding contract with the university and this would indicate a breach that should include not only damages but an oversight authority to ensure other forms of discrimination through grades, etc. are not allowed to occur.

[Via Matthew L]

We're the Only Ones Making Ourselves at Home Enough

Rush says cops lounged in his burglarized campaign office as nearby stores were looted - ‘They even had the unmitigated gall to go and make coffee for themselves and pop popcorn, my popcorn, in my microwave,”’ congressman says. The police union president says officers had been told to ‘make themselves at home’ while guarding the office. [More]
I'm not sure I see what the problem is-- after all, Rush is an old commie who has the unmitigated gall to make himself at home infringing on our rights.

It'll be interesting watching this unfold. Popcorn...?

[Via Matthew L]

Every Autocracy Needs a Strongman

CHAZ has its first self declared dictator/warlord. Seattle based rapper Raz Simone evidently deputized himself and his crew, and they are patrolling the streets, regulating any unauthorized activity in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. [More]
Peoples Force! In color...

At least he'll be able to make sure he and his elite guard eat.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: And, of course, everyone must pay his fair share for protection.

[Via Jess]

Painting the Town Red

Salisbury University’s Racist Vandal Caught After Threatening Graffiti Targeted Black Students [More]
Who will even be surprised by who he turns out to be?

Did someone say "systemic"...?

[Via Michael G]

From the Party of Poltroons

Horowitz: Republicans decide to take a knee and wash Pelosi’s feet [More]
Most of them would stab gun owners in the back in a second if polls showed they could get away with it. But then, by the time the polls do, their districts and states will be solidly blue and no longer in need of useful political idiots.

[Via Mack H]

Rules for Radicals

Another Saturday in Happy Valley - Leftist Protest March, Pro USA/LEO Rally Both on Main Street, At the Same Time [More]
So the secret to keeping the peace is an armed citizenry that will not be terrorized and occupied by communist thugs?

And it's safe to say no "autonomous zone" in Westcliffe...?

We're the Only Ones Infringing Enough

California Using Police Raids on Ammunition Buyers Who Fail Background Checks [More]
So it's really not about "background checks"...?

It's about registration and confiscation...?

Who knew...?

Hey, anybody see where all those "good cops who support the Second Amendment" got off to...?

[Via Dave Licht]

Keep On Truckin'

Trailer With 58 Illegals Stopped At Texas Checkpoint. Let's Not Forget The Border. [More]
Brought to you by "pathway to citizenship" Democrats and "cheap labor" Republicans!

Ideological Bullet Fee

Editorial board at public university calls for 'hate speech' to be 'barred' on campus [More]
"Public" means it will be done by defacto government functionaries with money coerced from taxpayers.

Who thinks the hive insects will stop at the Second Amendment?

[Via Michael G]

Through the Glass Door

Everytown’s minority employees have something to say... [More]
Systematic institutional racism...?

Oh, go on!

Rope-Selling Capitalists

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Loses More Advertisers [More]
And cowards fold.

Keep this up and all views to the right of Rachel Maddow will be gone from mainstream television.  Which, of course, is the agenda.  Along with disappearing such voices from the internet.

Consider the bitchmonger at the heart of the complaints, "Sleeping Giants."  I note their pinned tweet shows they're also focused on Breitbart advertisers.

Curious, they have amassed such power to control the information we can see and have plenty of DSM support, but we know almost nothing about who they are (aside from the name of one professional propagandist - and curious, he appropriated 3%...), and who is funding them...

And where have I seen groups using a fist logo again...?

Like a Flash in the Pan

Hartley Sawyer Fired From 'The Flash' After Racist, Misogynist Tweets Surface (Exclusive) [More]
Forget that the show is big on second chances. He'll never work in this town again!

It'll be interesting to see if there's a way back through groveling, or if his name appears in the news again associated with something darker.

Fictional diversity and tolerance don't extend to "progressive" reality, and we know what CW superheroes are really about.

It's almost funny, the way the Hollywood cult still pulls the victim card when talking about the "blacklist" against communists, but is all in for utterly ruining "heretics."

War Drums

Biden was asked whether he’s considered what would happen if Trump refused to vacate the presidency in the event he wasn’t reelected. “I have,” the former vice president responded, before suggesting that the military could step in to ensure a peaceful transition of power. “I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” Biden said. [More]
What was the evidence to justify such a question?

Remember, the target of a military strike here is a man who is also an avatar, and the stated intent has been to disarm those he's a symbol for.

Speaking of Dying in Darkness...

Find the non-agenda-advancing front page story. I'll wait.
Trump pushes fights over racist legacy as much of U.S. takes different course [More]
So the indictment is meant for everyone who votes for him and against Biden.

Gee, no politically-motivated editorializing of "news" by the DSM there...