Friday, August 07, 2020

New York AG James Suit to Dissolve NRA Met with Countersuit

In short, this is war, and the intent is for Democrats to rule in November, at which point the party’s agenda on guns will be unleashed with a vengeance.[More]

Wayne LaPierre understands he's a target and the legal bills are going to go through the roof. That's why he's hanging on for dear life. The Catch-22 is, as long as he does, don't look for donations to pour in.

UPDATE-- Here is the NY complaint:

As Long as I'm on the Subject...


Governor Mike DeWine receives negative results in second coronavirus test [More]

Whew! All that face-touching worried me.

So how many false positives aren't we being told about?

Another Coronavirus-Related Death

Police in Virginia say that a rape suspect released from jail in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic went on to kill the woman who had accused him. [More]

Dare I ask if he's originally from around these parts?

And then he shot himself? Thank goodness Virginia and Maryland have all those "commonsense gun safety laws"!

At least Judge Dawkins and his family are OK and beloved by the community! Predator Enabler Way has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

[Via Michael G]

Hits the Spot

[N]o evidence suggests the button was intentionally placed in this position as some sort of effort to sexually groom children. [More]

Those pieces of crap at Snopes will make excuses for anything. Like dismissing the Biden/Byrd thing because he was a Kleagle instead of a Grand Wizard, as if that was the point...

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

 AG Racine Sues NRA Foundation for Diverting Charitable Funds to Support Wasteful Spending by NRA and Its Executives [More]

Interesting that he picked a 501(c)(3) entity with its own source of plunder separate from what NY is going after. I wonder what other vultures are going to flap in looking to feed.

We're the Only Ones Leashed and Muzzled Enough

Senate Democrats introduce police reform omnibus bill creating officer code of conduct [More]

It sounds good, but we know the motivation is purely political, meaning they'll screw it up. And anything that makes the enforcers resent their Democrat bosses sounds like a "win" to me.

What's outrageous is that most of these are not already longstanding enforceable expectations.

[Via Mack H]

The Rope-Selling Capitalist

Dan Crenshaw blasts Teen Vogue op-ed advocating end to private property rights [More]

And then the teens can all have anal sex

Just so you know where the buck stops on the subversion and perversion, Teen Vogue is owned by Advance Publications, "a private family business" headed by Donald Newhouse, "worth" $14.3B. who inherited the business from his father.

Oh, and this links to Free Republic because, as regular readers know, Fox News does not allow access to links from Blogger for reasons of their own, which must include not needing any more traffic.

'This Isn't Your World Any More!'


Pretty much says it all, doesn't it...?

"Peaceful demonstrators, eh, liar?

Say, who's up for some "commonsense gun safety laws"?

Don't Hold Your Breath

“This was a person who murdered a police officer in cold blood, and then he was convicted of doing that, and this parole board went out of its way — which was apparently their intention — to facilitate his release; and they broke every rule and procedure and law in the process,” House Minority Leader Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah, charged during a video news conference that he and two other Republican leaders held to discuss the report. “And somebody needs to be held accountable.”[More]

But no one will be. Virginia is blue.

[Via Mack H]

Making Us All Look Bad

[H]e also warned rioters that they are “creating the B-roll film” for the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump. [More]

Wait 'til after the election and I'll throw a brick through a store window myself!

[Via Michael G]

Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Progressive privilege: Lefties making excuses for two lawyers arrested for Molotov cocktail firebombing of police car in Brooklyn [More]

Anyone who can't be trusted with gasoline, a rag, a bottle, and a match...

How does it help "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" to allow the Pakistani to remain in this country?

[Via bondmen]

Not Buying This for a Second

Man loses life savings in caught-on-video robbery, assault outside California bank [More]

Huntington Park is dangerous? How would a resident know that?

This just stinks to the high heavens.

I'm going with either a corrupt teller tipping off an accomplice or the "victim" planning a break-up and arranging it with a friend to escape a community property claim and make it look good.

If it turns out all is as being represented, I know we're not supposed to blame the victim, but come on...

[Via bondmen]

All We Need is a Picture of Bush with a 'Mission Accomplished!' Banner

Operation LeGend is not a permanent project. Jensen says he expects the agents will go home when their work is done. [More]

Good one!

F***ing idiots.

[Via bondmen]


Reich is not so keen, however, on a proposal to tear down a dilapidated building in his Berkeley neighborhood and replace it with a 10-unit development that would include low-income housing. [More]

A hypocritical "progressive" who doesn't practice what he preaches... Imagine that.

Next thing you'll be telling me Gavin Newsom doesn't pay his taxes.

[Via Michael G]

A Major Problem

A major problem: Thousands of ballots that had stamps pre-paid by New York State were not post-marked by the Postal Service ... Many ballots arrived at the elections board a day or two after the primary election because voters did not receive them in the mail from the Postal Service until Election Day. [More]

So the major problem is ... government?

[Via Michael G]

Taking on All Comers

 The very next day the former MMA star and actress took to Twitter to call out the trolls and called them “cowards” for attempting to harass her for the simple act of sharing the photo. [More]

She's right -- notice they all hide behind screen names. And if "silence is violence," that "justifies" physically attacking someone who is simply minding his own business and not out there screaming with the mob.

No surprise the cowardly commie cultists are also narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists...

I know nothing about this woman and suspect being part of the "entertainment" business, she probably holds many "progressive" values. That said, good on her for standing up for herself and showing she's a real fighter, and not just inside the ring or cage or wherever MMA types ply their trade.

[Via Michael G]

Apparently It's Either Them or Bull Connor

Day 69: Rioters Set Portland Police Precinct on Fire. So Much for Promises Riots Would Stop if Feds Left [More]

But...but...but Obama called them "peaceful demonstrators"...

[Via Michael G]

Tyrants Gonna Tyrannize

Nevada Democrats’ Shocking Midnight Run on Election Integrity [More]

Yes, they intend to steal power and then use it against those they hate. 

[Via Michael G]

All About the Benjamins?

New York AG Plans to Turn NRA’s Assets into “Black Lives Matter” Slush Fund [More]

That's a pretty weighty allegation.  I'm not saying it couldn't happen, I'm just saying they haven't fleshed it out beyond brief and unsubstantiated speculation with no real legal analysis.

Incidentally, I turned in a piece on the lawsuits to AmmoLand yesterday afternoon that should be out later today. 

Let's Not Get All Hung Up on Legal Technicalities Like Reality

However, it does not appear that just because he “ruled” the language was biased and misleading, that there is an order to do so. [More]

Since when is truth more important than agenda?

[Via Michael G]

Let's Rub Noses

[T]he business was under attack for the use of the term “Eskimo,” wrongly characterized as a racial slur, and their logo, featuring a happy Eskimo and his dog, Buffy. [More]

Imagine having a life so blessed that this is what you have to complain about. They ought to be down on their knees thanking the God they're so seethingly hostile against.

Or singing...

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Infringement' Is


Comments from WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön:
"NICS, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, exists to prevent felons from purchasing guns and I have no problem with that."

Wrong.  O'Keefe needs to research and THINK about this issue.  His own experience shows it's not a criminal background check, and it does not exist to prevent felons from buying guns.  It's a system that enables government to register gun owners, punish and leave dissenters defenseless.

"Bottom line is the FBI should've never put me on that list."

No kidding, Sherlock, but they DID, and they are NOT accountable.

"So this week, I'm announcing I'm going to file a lawsuit in federal court to have my name taken off the list to correct the absolutely false claim that I've ever committed a felony."

Good for him.  Unfortunately, most of us can't afford to file a federal lawsuit if falsely denied.
And, of course, the antis are all about expanding it to include "No Fly Listers."

Funny, how some who say they're on "our side" pushed "Fix NICS" instead of condemning the damn prior restraint as an unAmerican Intolerable Act.

We Have a Contender

Bill Hagerty defeats Dr. Manny Sethi in Tennessee's Republican US Senate primary [More]

What is it likely to mean?

NRA gives both an "AQ."

GOA endorsed Sethi.

You can find Hagerty's positions on immigration and other issues on his campaign website.

Sethi's is here.

For whatever reason, Numbers USA was asleep at the switch on this one.

As an aside, I find Sethi, the son of immigrants from India,  a refreshing anomaly from the overwhelmingly anti-gun sentiment most exhibit where it counts

It's now up to Tennessee gun owners to defeat the Democrat -- and then keep constant tabs on Mr. Hagerty to minimize the ever-present temptation to deviate from campaign rhetoric.

Still Crazy after All These Years

 “While I recognize that immigration can be an emotional issue, I reject the premise that it is a partisan issue." [More]

Good. Maybe you can be the one to finally answer the challenge.

[H]e did not want it to come out during the election season.

S'OK -- most are just headline readers anyway, and that's exactly what they're getting.

Too bad there's no Box Office Mojo parallel for books so we can see how badly the backers of this effort have lost their shirts. My guess is the major stockers will be public libraries. In a rational world, a vanity publication like this would end up with a garage full of boxes of unsold copies.

"Vote freedom first president" my ... eye.