Monday, August 10, 2020

You Want to Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Condrea concluded that if the NRA continues to circle the wagons around LaPierre, the group is going to have a difficult time getting donations to fight this lawsuit. [More]

C'mon, guys, you know how to spell it by now.

All That Matters


Glad we settled that melanin and genitalia are the most important factors in selecting a leader...

Speaking of which, did they just unwittingly solve the "gender" question for us, or will they be satisfied if the chromosomes don't match but the cosmetic reconstructions do?

Suit Challenges Hawaii’s Denial of American Samoan’s Right to Own Gun


“American Samoa is noted for having the highest rate of military enlistment of any U.S. state or territory. As of September 9, 2014, the local U.S. Army recruiting station in Pago Pago was ranked first in production out of the 885 Army recruiting stations and centers under the United States Army Recruiting Command.”  [More]
It’s tough to owe permanent allegiance -- by law -- to a government that denies your basic human rights.

This is the Great Plan?

“For the good of the NRA – Wayne must go.” [More]

True, but with the pending legal deathmatch, he doesn't dare let go.

As for the "Retire LaPierre" website saying the plan is to bring back Chris Cox, the last time I heard that I asked: "Are you people out of your minds?"

What is it with self-appointed "saviors"?

Same as It Ever Was


That's all it's ever done.

I have no way of knowing how much of this is backed by irrefutable proofs. I will say that anyone who hasn't at least considered these potentials needs to come to grips with the reality that the struggle we are in is existential, and that we are, in fact, living in history.

The Cognitive Dissonance, It Burns!

California is going to release 17,600 prisoners because of coronavirus. California is also arresting citizens and giving them 6mo of jail time for not wearing a mask. [More]

I couldn't make this add up until I remembered that the people who "think" this way also believe 2 + 2 does not necessarily = 5...

Know Who Your Friends Are



What a douchebaggy (not to mention unoriginal) thing to say to someone.

I was warned about this character on Facebook over the weekend, and sure enough he was on my list, along with lots of other pro-RKBA advocates he'd reached out to.

I try to keep my rolls as troll-free as I can, first by checking out all "friend" requests -- I guess this one slipped by. If you're on Facebook and he's part of your peeps, be advised. I'm not saying it was this guy, but some of you will recall I had a problem a while back where my posts were being rejected as "community standards" violations, and I have good reasons to suspect it was due to infiltrators filing complaints in order to disrupt.

And before I get the obligatory "I won't do social media" rebuttal, fine, do what you want. Some of us use it for advocacy media and have plenty of good reasons for using it.

More Deadly Than War

G. Edward Griffin discusses longterm communist plans and manipulations to ignite a race war. [Watch]

Set some time aside to watch the whole lecture.

[Via Don J]

We're the Only Ones Permitting Enough

Four indicted in Santa Clara County Sheriff concealed gun permit scandal [More]

But not Sherrif Laurie ... yet.

"Felony charges," good. Be karma to see guilty parties end up "prohibited persons"...

[Via several of you]

A Mailing Flub

A non-profit group says more than a half-million inaccurate applications for absentee ballots were mistakenly sent across Virginia this week — including to dead voters, errant relatives and even a pet — in an unprecedented mailing flub that has heightened concerns about the integrity of expanding mail-in voting efforts [More]

Is that anything like a "botched gun sting"?

[Via Mack H]

The Government They Voted For

In 'defund police' cities with rising crime, getting a gun no easy task: 'Near-impossible to get a permit' [More]

A popular "Life is tough" quote comes to mind...

[Via Jess]

That Damned Second Amendment!

A 17-year-old is dead  — one of at least 21 people, including an off-duty D.C. police officer, who was shot during a large public gathering ...“That baby don’t have no father no more. And he was a baby himself, he was only 17.” [More]

Dare a correlation/causation speculation be made to suggest the root causes of problems have very little to do with the "popular" scapegoats?

And what the hell was a cop doing there and why is her name a state secret?

If only Dick Heller and Emily Miller had known how easy it is to get a gun in DC.

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Embracing Other Cultures

Mail-In Voting Severely Restricted In Most Countries, Contrary to Democrat Demands In U.S. [More]

Hey, what good are "principles" if they can't be ignored or reversed when inconvenient?

[Via Michael G]

Can't Wait to Read It


I'm grateful that some have noticed, especially since most others have either ignored the history or rewritten it to exclude Mike and me from any mention.

If You See Something, Say Something

Indianapolis BLM/Antifa threaten drivers at GUNPOINT for trying to use their city streets as streets [More]

It's the duty of good citizens to report violent crimes so I just messaged IMPD:

[Via bondmen]

Not Everyone Agrees

Not everyone agrees with Biden or Gov. Whitmer on these extremist ideas. An NSSF survey of likely voters in 18 battleground states, including Michigan, showed that enforcing existing gun laws and protecting lawful firearm sales are at the top of their minds heading into November. [More]

I guess those who don't think things through too clearly aren't paying attention to where their neocon establishment "gun rights leaders" are heading them.

[Via bondmen]

Come One, Come All?

 "I Started A Local Gun And Preparedness Club... And Leftists Tried To Interfere" [More]

Do I even need to summon Gomer for this one? If you open it to the general public, a good chunk, if not most of the attendees, will be hostiles.

Discrimination doesn't mean you're a hater. Otherwise, you're just asking for disruptors, informers and provocateurs.

[Via bondmen]

The Wrong Criteria

The bill would require judges to consider certifying children as young as 14 as adults for certain weapons crimes. [More]

It strikes no one in the legislature that age is not the determinant for if someone is a danger?

[Via bondmen]

Damned if You Do...

 McCloskey Persecution Shows No Self-Defense Is Possible Without A Lawyer [More]

And the chill is on, regardless...

Look for everything they have said to the media to be used against them.

A good rule of thumb is to use the same rule for reporters you would for cops.

[Via bondmen]

Blessed are the Peacemakers

When you are in possession of five (or six) rounds of pure mayhem that you can carry at your side and hold in one hand, the long eons of arbitrary oppression of the physically weak by the physically strong has ended. A 98-pound 13-year-old girl can shoot and kill a 400-pound bear attacking her. Or a six-foot-tall, musclebound rapist. Or a spindly secret policeman come to cart her and her family off to the gulag. [More]

And cursed are those who would deny that right.

[Via bondmen]

By the Book

Intro to Gun Use & Safety...

Tom Gresham spoke with Decoding Firearms author John Petrolino. 

Playing the Wild Card

Nearly 20,000 Fake Us Driver’s Licenses From China And Other Countries Seized At Chicago Airport [More]

How many have gotten through, and not just in Chicago?

And how many are being used to abet "disenfranchised voters"?

[Via Jess]

Free Them All

Sex offender just set free by Mass. Bail Fund is charged with new rape [More]
You ever get the feeling some are motivated to open the gates of hell and unleash all the demented souls on us?

The good thing is, Massachusetts is a "may issue" state with "discretionary/justified need" to possess hurdles in major population centers like Boston, so at least the chances of victims adding to the "gun violence" stats are minimized.

That is good, isn't it?

[Via Michael G]

What Happens in the Classroom Stays in the Classroom

Well, yeah. If you're going to sexually indoctrinate children, the last people you want to find out are their parents. [More]

[Via Michael G]

A Method to His Madness

Killer Cuomo Helps Set Up COVID-19 Testing Centers in Florida, Texas and Georgia [More]

Well, yeah. He knows New York is solid blue, so why not use "tax dollars" to influence potential swing states with Democrat "benevolence"?

[Via Michael G]

Sins of the Fathers

 The Reverse-Colonization of France [More]

What can you call it but "madness"?

Besides "directed"?

[Via Michael G]

In the Spirit of 'Bipartisan Compromise'

Did these 72 GOP representatives think their vote will gain them some “strange new respect” in the Leftist media, or a higher share of the minority vote? If they do, they’re WRONG. [More]

The useful idiots pull that meat-throwing crap on guns, too, and the jackals always just circle in closer.


We just find it jaw-dropping that so many people in that particular line of work (destruction) have been shouting for years about establishing hiring processes where the ethnicity of a person is masked. Now, when we’ve created it, their heads suddenly explode because of how "racist" it is. It makes one wonder how dedicated to their principles they really are [rhetorical question]. [More]

It would be nice to see this concept work. Let's hope the individuals and businesses brave enough to step up and list with them are rewarded instead of targeted.

[Via Henry Bowman]

An Inconvenient Truth

As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over three times the potentially lethal limit of fentanyl... [More]

Shhh... mob rioters don't want to hear that. Telling them will just make them want to burn and loot something else.

It Doesn't Add Up

Some critical theory scholars argue 2+2 can sometimes equal 5 [More]

Well, yeah. Math is racist.

It's all about "context," you see. 

Just like Opposite Day "progressive" reality...

The New Abnormal

How ‘San Francisco Democrats’ Took Over the Country [More]

Taxation without representation for their opponents meets representation without taxation for their constituents.

My Kind of Town

Hours after Chicago police shot a young man who turned and fired at them, hundreds of people went on a looting and vandalism spree in various parts of the Windy City early Monday, according to reports. [More]

Well, there's your answer to "What do the 'protestors' want?"

In other Windy City "news":

Chicago Sees Its Most Violent Month In 28 Years As Murders, Shootings Skyrocket

Anybody else get the feeling Lori's trying to control the wrong end of things...?

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

One Man's 'Vandal'... another man's "street artist." [More]

The larger and more chilling criminal act has been perpetrated by the "pathetic" tyrant de Blasio.