Friday, September 11, 2020

Speaking of What 'Character' Allows...

 Kasich Tells McCain It’s Safe for Pro-Lifers to Vote Biden: ‘Character’ Won’t Allow for Far-Left Abortion Policies [More]

The man is quite simply a liar. How much of that is delusional and how much is calculated are irrelevant. Useful idiots are still enemies.

[Via Michael G]

Life Imitates Art

 “Mother Earth is angry,” Speaker Pelosi says, discussing wildfires burning in California. “She’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is...the climate crisis is real and has an impact.” [More]

I remember that episode!

[Via Michael G]

Instrumental in Passing Laws against YOU


What kind of "ocracy" is rule by domestic enemies?

[Via Michael G]

Unintended Consequences

 @ssurovell says that as qualified immunity bill is written, it seems to create a new civil cause of action that can be used every time someone thinks they’ve been denied their second amendment rights by law enforcement upholding any one of our new gun laws. [More]

Well, wouldn't that just be too bad...?

[Via Mack H]

Plus It'll Be Trump's Fault!


Now if he does say he caught it they'll have some 'splainin to do...

[Via Len Savage]

Life in the Neurocracy

 University of North Texas president says he is 'looking into' conservative group after student says she feels 'unsafe' [More]

See, this is why we have to ban guns.

[Via Michael G]

Supply and Demand

 Hundreds of Texas Tech dance and theatre students issued a list of demands to the university to combat racism. This includes a complete overhaul of the current curriculum, countering a “white heteronormative patriarchal canon” with “intersectional feminism.” [More]

At least they're learning a useful trade.

[Via Michael G]

A Little Light Reading

 The Crisis in Civil Rights - Best Books and Articles on Race, Police, and the Welfare State [More]

Categories include:

Good. I was getting tired of Harlequin Romances.

So Look for the Union Label...

 Biden Campaigns with Union Official Accused of Sexual Harassment [More]

At least the ticket is consistent.

[Via Michael G]

That'll Teach Us!

 New Reporting Shows Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest [More]

But don't worry. There'll be a bill for the productive and lawful sector.

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

 When the people in the vehicle refused, the man returned and grabbed their legally registered gun from their car. He robbed them of some cash and took off with their gun. No one was injured. [More]

Dumbasses got lucky.

And what do you suppose the "Authorized Journalist" meant by "legally registered"?

[Via bondmen]

Our Rulers are Counting On It

 Federal Judges Block President Trump’s Effort to Exclude Illegal Aliens From Census Count For the Purpose of Congressional Representation [More]

And two were appointed by the Vote Freedom First President!

[Via bondmen]

Playing with Fire

 Antifa Arsonist Arrested Near Tacoma, WA After Live-streaming Himself. [More]

As someone who has spent vacation time doing hot, filthy and hard volunteer clean-up work in the aftermath of a forest fire caused by idiot drug-induced camper negligence, and noting how that pales to what those on the front lines actually fighting it must endure, I'm trying to decide if I'd have a problem if the punishment for intentionally setting things ablaze for maximum destruction fit the crime.

[Via bondmen]

An Editorial Correction

Police in Kenosha told armed vigilantes, “We appreciate you guys. We really do.” Then one of them killed two protesters attackers. [More]

There, I fixed it for ya, Ryan.

[Via bondmen]


This has happened because of the close working relationship between gang leaders and many Chicago aldermen and City Hall functionaries. Major gangs have enjoyed substantial if not complete official protection from the Chicago police and prosecutors for at least twenty years. [More]

Funny how Snuffy always seems to leave them alone.

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

What Happens in Staunton

Massive turnout flips Queen City from blue to red [More]

The story is several months old-- we're reminded of it in a GOA alert from July.

Let's just hope what happens in Staunton doesn't stay in Staunton. 

That's entirely up to gun owners.

[Via CDT]

Settling Down

 Settle for Biden is a grassroots group of former Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supporters who recognize Joe Biden's flaws but know that our nation will not survive four more years of Donald Trump. [More]

Because nothing inspires like resignation to disappointment.

Registered by proxy, naturally.

Nothing with FEC, either.

I wonder if they know.

Speaking of the election, here's something from the FEC site all gun owners should note:

[Via Michael G]

BleachBit 2.0

 New DOJ Documents Show Wholesale Evidence Destruction By Mueller Team [More]

Hey, if Hillary could get away with it...

[Via Michael G]

A Plan in Lieu of Actually Doing Something

Democrats are amassing an enormous lead in early voting, alarming Republicans who worry they’ll need to orchestrate a huge Election Day turnout during a deadly coronavirus outbreak to answer the surge.[More]

That certainly inspires me to leave anonymous "Molon Labe!" comments on blogs and forums!

A Show of Insufficiency


Chiefs fans boo players 'show of unity' [More]

Or as SeeBS calls them, "alleged boos." Apparently, they don't bring microphones to the games.

The multimillionaires don't care, idiots. You paid for the tickets.
