Thursday, October 01, 2020

Theater of the Absurd

 Hot mic appears to catch Pennsylvania's Democratic governor, state rep laughing about 'political theater' of wearing masks​​ [More]

So if "No Justice/No Peace" is something Democrats approve of, why shouldn't someone whose business built by a life of work and then destroyed seek "closure" from arrogant political exploiters?

The Land of Fruits and Nuts

 California Governor Approves Task Force to Make Slavery Reparations Recommendations [More]

I'm not going to entirely discount the principle because I'm looking forward to the day when gun owners can sue for reparations.

What Did They Call George Zimmerman Again?

 Leader of 'white supremacist' group Proud Boys is the state director of Latinos for Trump...[More]

A "black Hispanic-American"...?

When and who do they sue for libel?


 Biden would return respect, value to the Oval Office [More]

"Biden’s team selling ‘Will you shut up, man’ t-shirts..."

Let's hear it for "respect for the office"!

Working Hard or Hardly Working?


Community leaders working hard to reduce gun violence [More]

Not very effectively, it seems...

If Mayor Pete failed so miserably there at even making a dent, what made people think he could solve things for the whole country?

Hey, aren't those guys around the table flouting the St. Joseph County extended mask order?

Bloomberg's Trace Leaves Little Room for Truth

 On Gun Laws, Barrett’s Philosophy Leaves Little Room for Public Safety [More]

Because everyone knows "the security of a free State" makes things more dangerous for all of us...

Anybody know if Olivia pronounces her last name "Lee" or "Lie"?

Dog Bites Man

New York Times Publishes Hypocritical, Chinese Communist Party Propaganda [More]


[Via Michael G]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

 FBI Director Wray Didn’t Call Antifa an ‘Idea,’ He Called It a ‘Movement or Ideology’ [More]

He could have just called them "domestic enemies."

How many buildings have the Proud Boys torched, again?

[Via Mack H]

Virginia Values

 The so-called Virginia Values Act (S.B. 868), which Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) signed on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday) in the middle of a pandemic, compels churches, religious schools, and Christian ministries to hire employees who do not share their stated beliefs on marriage, sexuality, and gender identity. A companion law (H.B. 1429) requires ministries and others like them to pay for transgender surgery in employee health care plans, a procedure that violates these ministries’ convictions. [More]

And Jorge helped!

Who do these guys think they are? ABC/Disney?

[Via Michael G]

Stopping the Signal


You can open the graphic in another tab if you need to enlarge it, and the Dropbox link takes you to the files. It looks like he put a lot of thought into this. Not being an attorney competent to evaluate its "legal" merits, I pass it along in the hope that someone who is will be able to advise. 

It wouldn't hurt to ask for an assessment from some gun groups that might help if this looks doable to them.

Wise Rules to Live By

 A Step-by-Step Guide to Direct Action - What It Is, What It’s Good for, How It Works [More]

The tactics are universal, you know.

Don't be that low-hanging fruit.

[Via Dave Licht]

Good for the Goose

 Disturbing number of college students justify shutting down speech with violence [More]

That's funny -- I was just thinking of stopping them from doing that using the exact same method.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Soothing the Savage Breast...

 College music department pledges to remove the ‘systemic racism’ from its curriculum [More]

It's about time they replaced that hater crap I buy season tickets for every year with real music and the quality of people it attracts...

[Via Michael G]

Nothing to See Here


Nick Kristof’s Times Colleague Kindly Helps Him ‘Find Trump’s Anarchists in Portland’ [More]

Not the first time this self-impressed idiot couldn't find it with both hands and a mirror...

[Via Michael G]

What's Different Now

 No, we can't "all get along." [Watch]

Those who would bend us to their will won't allow it.

We're the Only Ones Keeping Abreast of the Situation Enough

 Murray’s suit says Todd sent text messages with sexually explicit images, discussed her sex life and told her “to sleep with a rich man to pay for breast implants.” One of Todd’s texts said, “I see breasts in your future,” according to her suit. [More]

Is this some kind of bust?

[Via bondmen]

Who's Endangering Who?

 Police said Swinney-Jones admitted to hiding the firearm because he was scared. [More]

It would seem the greater question is why would a citizen be afraid to be found by police with a gun, and if there is cause, what is he doing without a custodian?

[Via bondmen]

Will the Persecution Never Cease?

 Federal judge tosses lawsuit; blasts Gardner's claims she was victim of racist effort to oust her [More]

Wait a minute -- she's a woman AND she's black... what the hell is going on here if that's not enough to deem her accusations actionable?

[Via bondmen]

The Minnesota Effect

Police funding cuts in major American cities have unleashed a torrent of bloodshed, according to one expert, who calls the homicide spike the “Minneapolis effect.” [More]

You mean those "peaceful protests" come with a bonus?

[Via bondmen]

Rabble Rouser

 Friday morning, when Gov. Ron DeSantis was set to speak in a Beach Drive ballroom, Mayor Rick Kriseman’s right hand man, Kevin King, sent out Facebook messages asking for protesters to appear outside the the event. [More]

Here's what everyone is missing, at least in the reporting I've seen: Assuming LKing was not on vacation or authorized leave Friday morning, the city has rules and regulations with associated levels of mandatory discipline up to termination concerning employee misconduct (Sec.7). Failure to apply them equally to makes other disciplinary actions challengeable, and thus a liability to the city and negligence or worse on the part of any official that does not enforce them.

Work-related misconduct includes:

Conducting personal business during working hours ... Unauthorized distribution of written or printed matter of any description on City premises ... Participation in prohibited political activity in violation of Florida Statutes ... Use or attempted use of political influence or bribery to secure an advantage of any manner, including the use of real or perceived City authority to obtain any personal benefit or advantage ... 

And that's assuming he didn't use city-owned equipment.

Then again, if you really want to talk ethics violations, look at the gun-grabbing oath-breaker he works for. It seems fair to wonder if a disciplinary investigation would show King's action was calculated and directed, and if sweeping this under the rug with a public wrist slap and no consequences will result in a cover-up,

[Via Michael G]

You Have Their Word on It


AP Issues New Guidance for Reporters to Cover Up Leftist Violence [More]

It's kind of what they do.

And again.


That's why I call 'em the DSM.

It's all part of a larger plan, you see.

[Via Michael G]

If You Meet the Buddha on the Road...

 Shannon Watts: the fake Buddhist [More]

I guess the First Amendment means as much to her as the Second if she's using the law to force her religion on us...


Look who and what Shannon wants to subjugate.

What is it with collectivist gun-grabbers and Chicoms?

Unclear on the Concept

Leftist Former CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo Wants to Watch His Political Opponents Get Lined Up Against a Wall and Shot in the “Revolution” [More]

These people really are psychopaths.

Out and out liars, too, when you consider what would happen if a "conservative" had tweeted something similar about groups he opposes...

[Via Michael G]

No Relation to William

 That’s Wallace’s big example of right-wing violence: an armed citizen defending himself. [More]

His old man didn't much go for that, either.

Name in Lights

Kamala... [More]

So is stuff like this what's considered an in-kind contribution? 

Something for Nothing

 LeBron James Family Foundation launches program to tackle systemic racism [More]

Instead of the real problem of systemic "progressivism"...?

Mark Kelly Owes Complete Disclosure on Chicom Money Influence

With all the interest in foreign influence in U.S. elections, it’s not out of line to ask how a retired captain with Chinese connections finds himself with “assets worth up to $27 million.” Not that we can expect the propaganda-preferring DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media) to ask very loudly, it at all… [More]

Well, he does say he's running "a people-powered campaign." The People's Republic is people...