Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Check THESE Facts


And AFP has always been so reliable on 'gun facts"...

We seem to be on a Facebook roll today!

'Community Standards' Again

 Received via Facebook Messenger:

As long as they don't mention Bill of Rights Day, they oughtta be OK.

Thank You, Captain Obvious!

 Science Journals Have Become Intensely Political [More]

You don't say.

Sorry, this is actually not a bad article, although he does miss a hole on immigration you could drive a truck through. I just have a thing about NRO.

[Via Mack H]

Who Needs Causation When You've Got Correlation?

 Pro-gun localities accounted for nearly half of Virginia’s red flag orders in law’s first months [More]

Any profiles on the individuals we should know about, or does a generalized smear about cover it?

[Via Mack H]

Victims Matter

 Jeez, what a racist thing to say! [More]

[Via bondmen]

Grand Theft Auto

 Police say auto thefts are up, perhaps due to gang activity in the metro area — and, in fact, two Overland Park vehicle owners were even shot at after confronting suspects in separate incidents in July. In both cases, the suspects escaped in other vehicles that had, themselves, been stolen. [More]

But...but...but licensing and registration...

[Via bondmen]

Like a Good Neighbor

  The letter says Kail and his wife, Brittany Kettler, will be fined $250 for posting a sign containing obscenities. The sign was stolen the next day. [More]

That reminds me: Did they ever catch the purple pooper?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Unvetted Enough

 Currently, under Missouri state law, law enforcement agencies do not have to conduct background checks for officers. [More]

Does that also mean they don't have to go through NICS when issued a service weapon?

[Via bondmen]

A Little Sedition Here, a Little Sedition There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Treason

 Soros Operative Openly Pines for America to Get Overthrown and Conquered by Foreign Powers [More]

Hey, who's the anti-Semite complaining about this?

[Via bondmen]

As Usual, the Wrong 'Solution'

 As wildfires Incinerate Four Million Acres, California Attempts to Protect Wildlife by Banning Rat Poison [More]

Well, who wouldn't rather have bubonic plague? And I don't suppose the Coastal Commission will let anyone hire a piper to draw them to a pier?

And everyone knows blaming "climate change" is just another lie to cover up the deliberate enviromentalcase mandates and Democrat incompetence and corruption...?

[Via Michael G]

First Do No Wrong-Thinking

 A team of Yale Medicine professors developed a set of suggestions for identifying racist medical school applicants. The process involves essay prompts about race, tasks that ask applicants to address discrimination, and minority-led interviews. [More]

Dr. Keeper, please report to OR...

[Via Michael G]

'Crimson' as in 'Red'

 Harvard student newspaper editors: Trump supporters endorse ‘white supremacy’ [More]

Talk about young people well-suited to understand the plight of "underprivileged: minorities in this country!

At least they've got their pronouns figured out, although I would like to see a photo just to make sure no one is "underrepresented."

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Keystones...

 Look, Sen. Pat Toomey's (R-PA) an okay senator ... He was a seat-filler, but he also betrayed us on Second Amendment rights... [More]

She's a great wife. Sure, she cuckolds you when you need her the most, but aside from that...

And he's a great squad member.  Most of the time, he'll shoot at the enemy except for the times when he opens fire on your six.

Get your s**t together, PA GOP. You keep advancing political garbage like him, or Specter, or Oathbreak Ridge, or...

You've got two years to find an acceptable candidate. Otherwise, enjoy your higher corporate taxes and feel our pain, m***********s. You'll be making us do it the hard way, but we'll still have our guns.

[Via Michael G]

Will She Have to Give the Medallion Back?

 An open letter released today and signed by 21 scholars and public writers calls on the Pulitzer Prize Board to rescind the Prize for Commentary awarded to Nikole Hannah-Jones for her lead essay in “The 1619 Project.”  [More]

Shades of Michael Bellesiles!

And the prize has otherwise been so credible! Don't they have a "Best Fiction" category they could reassign it to?

Those haters who signed the letter probably don't want to see the King of Wakanda get a Nobel Prize for opening his borders and freely sharing all that technology, either.

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

I see a lot of comments left under my latest article and on social media prompted by the Giffords graphic asserting if you need a license to drive a car you should need one to own a gun.

Many of them miss the point and claim the difference is the BoR mentions nothing about driving.

It says nothing about breathing, either. And yeah, we get you don't "need" a license to OWN a car, only to use public roads. That's not the point, either. 

The misconception that if a right is not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights it doesn't exist is misinformation those who would rule us want us to believe. In a real sense, this abets the state in its control over people's lives and freedom.

The Constitution was never intended to enumerate all rights, but to define the limits under which the national government can legitimately exercise power. This was one of the concerns the Federalists had against adding a "Bill of Rights" to the Constitution--that people would construe it to mean only the rights mentioned must be recognized. That would have been alien to the Framers, who, in order to preclude people from wrongly thinking the government could assume powers not specifically delegated to one of its branches, added:

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Government has no authority "to deny or disparage" other rights. 

I've actually taken heat for this in the past. My "offense" was telling GUNS Magazine readers that "There is no section in the Constitution where the power to grant rights is delegated to any branch of government" and that "the Second Amendment didn’t create a right to keep and bear arms — it acknowledged a right that was already assumed and accepted." 

Those assertions prompted angry responses from some readers who called me an "idiot" and a Trojan horse" who "sounds like an anti-gunner."

I suppose some will not take kindly to this post, but I will persist despite my many flaws.

Phlegm on Their Hands


They * don't  * much * like * people *on the other end of life's spectrum, either...

And with all the effort they put into banning the means of defense, you gotta wonder what their plans are for the rest of us.


 It’s time for every American to make their voice heard. It’s time for every American to DriveTheVote. Join us by registering today. [More]

So what's wrong with that?

Well, it's "powered by Rock the Vote":

Rock the Vote Action Fund (RTVAF) is a 501c4 organization dedicated to building the political power of young progressives and leveraging that power for action on issues that affect their lives. We’re the sister organization to Rock the Vote.

Check out their "Activities," including for "gun control" and "liberalizing immigration."

Sorry, AutoTrader: You're known by the company you keep. If you would rather partner with elitist subversives undermining my freedom, you won't need to partner with me and my wallet.

[Via Laocoön]

A 'Former Republican' for Biden

 Defund… hospitals? WaPo blogger lambasted over call to cut funding for Walter Reed medical center after Trump discharged [More]

What can I say but "Jennifer Rubin"? 

Maybe she could be specific about who gets kicked to the curb...

Funny, who the DSM recognizes as a "conservative." If that's as far "right" as is acceptable, what must that make the rest of us?

[Via Jess]


 So, here’s the question: How much power should local governments have to regulate firearms or prevent their possession by felons, minors, undocumented immigrants or people judged mentally incompetent? [More]

So, here's the answer: When it comes to unalienable rights, none.

You'll notice the same group of lying hypocrites demand a one-way door and are all on board with Biden infringing "universally."

So, here's another question: If someone bent on and capable of mass murder showed up where Lance Melton or Tim Burton worked, how much use do you think they'd be at protecting themselves and others? 

And why on earth would anyone who is rational listen to either one of those impotent cud-chewers?

[Via Mack H]

A Second Opinion

 Science is supposed to be clear, logical and objective. Unfortunately, it is as messy and ego-driven as any other human endeavor. Even though these studies really show that neither civilian gun ownership nor gun laws have anything to do with rates of suicide, homicide, mass shootings or other violence, these researchers misstate their own results and cannot give up their bias against guns. [More]

Are you aware of DRGO?

Have you told anyone else about them?

News from the Commonsense Gun Safety Capital

 A spate of shootings shook Sacramento over the weekend, leaving two children and one adult dead and several people injured, according to police reports. [More]


And they keep using that word...

We're the Only Ones Going One Better Enough

 LA County Deputy Accidentally Shoots Partner In The Leg [More]

As he says to Lee Paige: Hold my beer.

"Accidentally": Check.

"Unintentionally": Check

Anybody see "negligently'?  How about "stupidly"?

I do see "initially incorrectly reported that the victim had accidentally shot herself in the leg" so we could probably add "dishonestly" ...