Wednesday, October 07, 2020

None Dare Call It Treason


The newsraper of record -- still "Stalin's Apologists" after all these years...

I'm Not So Sure It's Exclusively Either/Or

 There will be no gulags in America. There might be a bloody civil war, but there will be no gulags. [More]

Noting how most don't lift a finger while things are easy, I think if/when things go to hell there will be both. 

The Ends Justify the Means?

 The coronavirus is "God's gift to the Left,” the octogenarian workout instructor and Biden campaign surrogate mused recently in a video encouraging voters to support 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden.  [More]

So disproportionately killing blacks, Latinos and low-income minorities is OK with her as long as it helps achieve collectivist political ends?

Bandying About

 “Sociopathy”: Psychiatrist says Trump's behavior “meets criteria for a locked psychiatric facility" -- It "would not be an exaggeration" to say that Trump "delights in putting people in danger," Dr. Bandy X. Lee says [More]

And if you don't agree and want to vote for him anyway, you obviously should be locked up, too!

More likely she is crippled with TDS and it's chronic. In a sane world would lose her license for malpractice and put in a 72-hour hold.

How Soon Do We Start Holding Our Breath?

 “The Bottom Line: we’ve asked SCOTUS to use our case as a basis to establish a nationwide standard to protect the constitutional rights of voters. We must stop the bureaucrat fiats and nearly 350 lawsuits filed by the radicalized Left to undermine free and fair elections!” [More]

Four-to-four with Roberts making five-to-three in favor of the Dems likely...? That is if they even hear it...?

[Via Michael G]

Terms of Surrender

 We're gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger, until somebody realizes that if you don't kneel with us [unintelligible] this shit is gonna explode...[Watch @2:44

Just so you know what's expected of you...

[Via Jess]

Nothing to See Here

 A professor at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell said that there isn't any evidence that Antifa qualifies as a terrorist organization. He said there is "no evidence that the group was involved in any planned campaign of violent attacks." [More]

Somebody tell these guys their paper has been rejected.

[Via Michael G]

A Right Delayed

Gun-Rights Group Sues Philly Over Massive Permit Backlog - Suit: City tells some to wait until 2022 for appointment [More]

Curious... these guys didn't have to wait at all.

Democrat urban government: Is there anything it doesn't make better?

[Via Michael G]

'World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit'

 Disparate impact has morphed from presumptive evidence of racism into conclusive proof. [More]

From the land of fruits and nuts, naturally.

And if anyone takes offense at that, take it up with the "progressive" Founding Chair of People for the American Way.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of 'No New Thing Under the Sun'...

 Marquette explores blacks-only housing plan, hate speech punishment [More]

Hey, it's just Democrats returning to their roots...

[Via Michael G]

The Ditches of Madison Country

 Madison County voters concerned after party affiliation showed up on ballot envelopes [More]

Well, yeah, a carrier's job is hard enough...

[Via bondmen]

Genius is Pain

 John Lennon at 80: One Man Against The Deep State "Monster" [More]
Lennon was pretty much a monster himself.

[Via bondmen]

In Other Words, We're Screwed

 Only Full Transparency Will Save The CIA And FBI Now [More]

That and unicorn rides...

The issue isn't saving them. It's saving us.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Searching Enough

 PA State Police Investigated For "Shoddy Affidavits" And "Minor Traffic Stops" To Search Vehicles Illegally [More]

And they bring the full lethality of the state with them should you balk at compliance.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Stopping the Violence Enough

 Family says Jonathan Price killed in Wolfe City officer-involved shooting while breaking up fight [More]

That'll break it up!

[Via bondmen]

Lies of Omission

 Trump did condemn white supremacists, too bad so many people won't listen [More]

It's not so much that as they're not being told by the DSM.

[Via bondmen]

Strip Tease

 But the DOJ memos offered a sophisticated legal defense of jurisdiction stripping, arguing that “clear and unequivocal language” in Article 3 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to shield certain laws from Supreme Court review. [More]

That door swings both ways.

[Via Steve T

At Least We Know Whose Side They're On


Gun-Wielding Missouri Couple Who Attempted to Protect Home from Rioters Indicted on Two Felony Counts [More]

A government that refuses to honor the principles of the Preamble has abdicated all claims to consent from the governed.

[Via Michael G]

To Be or Not to Be

 In other words, the judge essentially ruled that the struggling patient was no longer competent to want to stay alive. [More]

Oh, look: The usual suspects!

And don't forget the "hater loophole"!

[Via Mack H]

It's Déjà Vu All Over Again!

 CNN Poll: Biden expands lead over Trump after contentious debate and President's Covid diagnosis [More]

Seems I've heard this before, and from the very same people.

Oh, now I remember:

Clinton leads by 5 heading in to final two weeks

But don't let this persuade you it's OK to do nothing.

A Pore Excuse

"The state is investigating why its voter registration system crashed on Monday, saying unexpectedly heavy traffic that can’t be immediately explained pored in during the closing hours." [More]

"Poured," but yeah, explain that.

[Via Michael G]

The Handwringer's Tale


Elisabeth Moss is due to star as former Congresswoman Katie Hill in a film adaptation of her memoir from Blumhouse Productions ... The Handmaid's Tale star is trying her hand at a biopic, which will be based on Hill's forthcoming book "She Will Rise: Becoming a Warrior in the Battle for True Equality." [More]

It's all the fault of men! White Christian men!

At least that's what this phony political power-perv and her new Hollywood cultist BFF would have us believe.

Speaking of that cult:

Then you can rape women without their knowing it...

With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

Slaying of Convenience Store Clerk Points to Complicity of Not-So-Silent ‘Partners’


If you’re trapped behind a counter, there is no place to run. Besides, what if what they want is…you? [More]

Oh, thank Heaven for 7-Eleven?