Monday, October 12, 2020

Omitting Core Purpose of 2nd Amendment in Semi-Auto Arguments Advances Total Disarmament Agenda


 They are ignoring our God-given given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our liberty against tyranny, and our ability to do so with what Continental Congress delegate Tench Coxe called “the sword and every other terrible implement of the soldier.” [More]

You can't ensure "the security of a free State" by depriving "the people" of their ability to provide it.

Replacing Those Monuments

 Trayvon Martin’s name will be added to section of an avenue that leads to a high school he attended in Miami. [More]

What, no statue?

[Via Michael G]

Still Standing Tall

 Wheelchair-bound GOP candidate has home vandalized by extremists [More]

As egged on by his opponent. Moe Davis, this song is for you!

[Via bondmen]

No One's Talking About Taking Your Guns

 "They have no guns. They don’t allow them. They just took them all away," Bollier said with a chuckle in a video obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. "And, you know what, it’s pretty darn safe. It’s this amazing thing." [More]

Thanks, Barbara. That's most helpful.

Especially when we note Everytown and the Moms consider her position to be "Common-Sense Gun Safety..."

Ditto for Giffords!

[Via bondmen]

Crazy Eric Still Riding That Bomb

 He also said that the guns he wants to ban are “the murder tools of choice for hateful extremists or untrained law enforcement and military wannabes.”[More]

So under a Biden regime that he's a part of, law enforcement gets to use murder tools?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Unnumbered Enough

 Thousands Of Mathematicians Call For Boycotting Predictive Crime A.I. From Police [More]

Why police be using math anyway since we know it's racist?

[Via bondmen]

A Conclusion We Dare Not Draw


Looks like it's time to stifle him again.

[Via bondmen]

Survey SAYS...

 Survey: 57% of Republicans, 39% of Democrats Have Gun in Home [More]

I know for a fact there are none in mine. Nasty things, always going around killing people...

Question: There's not enough demand now for FFLs to start telling Democrats to go to hell and go do business with those they blame the rest of us for?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Headless Enough

 Cities Are Losing Police Chiefs and Struggling to Hire New Ones [More]

I don't suppose "Defund the Police/Fund the Militia" is going to catch on any time soon...?

Weapons of Choice

 The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for 2019 shows more than four times as many people were stabbed to death than were killed with rifles of any kind. [More]

We're gettin' there, but first things first...

[Via bondmen]

So Much for 'Our Friends Across the Aisle'

 PA Mayor Fires Police Chief Over His Wife’s Pro-Trump FB Comments [More]

Commies in power purge. It's what they do.

[Via Michael G]

With 'Republicans' Like These...


...who needs Democrats?

It doesn't matter if her opponent is also an enemy. We expect that.

But rewarding Republicans for this will only encourage more to turn their backs on us when they perceive they can get away with it.

Never donate to the party, only to individuals who have earned your support.

Our Minds are Made Up -- Don't Bother Us with Reality

 We’ve got the emails.  We’re getting them out.  We’re going to get all this information out so the American people can see it.  [More]

Call me a cockeyed pessimist, but I'm wondering if any minds will be changed or if instead, all we'll see are insulting dismissals and redirects by trolls.

Most don't understand the issue and their predispositions and biases are immovably entrenched.

[Via Jess]

Becoming the Story

Trump Supporter Disrupts Bernie Sanders at Biden Drive-In Rally; Has Trump 2020 Flag Stolen by Reporter  [More]

So much for the canons of journalism. Notice no "real reporters" are interested in ID'ing him?

[Via Jess]

'So Rich in Culture'

Put on a happy face with:

No wonder so many people risk their lives to escape from here and go there on makeshift rafts, at night to avoid the patrol boats. No?

¿Armas para que?

Joe and his Brady/Everytown/Giffords backers couldn't agree more.

[Via Agustin B]

Ruse of the Fisherman

  Pope says weapons manufacturers can’t call themselves Christian. [More]

Where are the Ronnie Barretts among these rope-selling capitalists?

[Via Michael G]

Useful Idiot Deemed Useless Eater

 Pro-Antifa Communist Candidate Is Leading Ted Wheeler In Portland Mayoral Race [More]

That's OK, Democrats. Now that you've fouled your nests there, you can always move to Texas.

[Via Jess]

So What is the Point?

The point is to reinforce BLM themes, starting with George Floyd... [More]

And what's the point of that?

[Via Michael G]

And Guess Who Will be Buried in the Rubble

 Dreaming Of A Landslide - I know I'm tempting fate, but a landslide is what this country so desperately needs. [More]

I agree with the courageous Noor bin Laden, that the landslide would be more like this.

Then again, we are talking Andrew Sullivan, here...

Taken to Task?

I was just contacted on Twitter with this reaction to my last AmmoLand piece. Since there just isn't enough of me to field all the stuff that comes my way AND do one-on-one detailed responses to everyone, I'm sharing this one here. 
"This issue has nothing to with gun rights. It is simply a counterintuitive decision that recognizes that attacks are not static. Attackers will escalate violence to overcome defenses. This is about perverse incentives and effective tactical strategies.  "
Anything or anyone that denies another human being from exercising his or her rights has everything to do with that. Besides, don't tell me, tell these guys.

Since when is surrendering to monsters "an effective tactical strategy"?

As for cameras, everybody's wearing masks now, and as for "drop-boxes," I can't help but note the stores are still being robbed. Besides, if somebody is threatening my life, your money isn't what I intend to protect.

What this has nothing to do with is an employee acting as a de facto security guard but with the ability to defend his life from a predator. It has nothing to do with stopping a robbery or chasing after a shoplifter, neither one of which that are paid and trained and steeped in legalities enough to do. It has everything to do with a person having an absolute right to stop someone else from threatening to kill them. No one can morally deny them the choice to make what is their call. 

That doesn't mean they will all be armed, as I'm sure many will be idiots who believe the grabber bs, but if Mr. VonSpookyclaws wants to challenge More Guns, Less Crime, I'd like to see his creds and his research. 

Sure, Col. Cooper cautioned us that being armed does not mean you're proficient. That said, many do more shooting in a weekend than police are required to do for qualification. Unsourced anecdotes about old Southland policies before that evidence was in and not providing copies of those policies, their context, and all results, including successful DGUs, hardly constitute an overwhelming dataset to justify one-size-fits-all. It speaks more to corporate CYA. 

And there's plenty of reason to presume most sub-80 IQ morons knocking over convenience stores don't do any practice at all because that's too much like discipline and work. Don't assume that just because someone works behind a counter they don't have the training -- and most importantly, the will -- to prevail. 

The argument this person is making, that if you are armed robbers will just take you out first, is a phony "rationale"  used to disarming everyone anywhere. 

So no, I'm not really interested in hearing the same old whiny rationalizations and excuses masked as informed rebuttals that I've heard for 30 years. Especially when they ignore a fundamental question raised that we've seen enacted many times: WHAT IF WHAT THEY WANT IS YOU?

Now He Belongs to the Rages

 The University of Wisconsin-Madison student government recently voted to approve a resolution that supports the removal of the school’s famous Abraham Lincoln statue, arguing it serves as a remnant “of this school’s history of white supremacy.” [More]

So when do we start vandalizing Arlington?

[Via Michael G]

Low-Hanging Fruit Update

BLM Supporter Tied to Michigan Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot. [More]

Damn racists!

What a shock to find genius, here, was living in his parents' basement, eh?

[Via Michael G]

A Fixed Fight

What Second Presidential Debate Moderator Was Just Busted Doing Should Disqualify Him Immediately [More]

Since when does the title challenger get to pick the referee?

[Via Jess]

Since this was prepped: Fight canceled.

As Defined By Us

 Starting next week, when people attempt to Retweet a Tweet with a misleading information label, they will see a prompt directing them to credible information about the topic before they can amplify it. [More]

It's a matter of "civic integrity," you see.

The old Jojo Krako rejoinder

Who's content providin'? We're content controllin'!

[Via Mack H]

Another 'Victory for Gun Sense'!

  It turns out that in April 2019, Democratic Gov. John Carney pardoned Croft "for the possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, assault and burglary"... [More]

Cue the applause...

[Via Mack H]

Can't Be Trusted, Period

Moustapha Diop, 18, was attempting to load a firearm in the same room as Jarrett when the weapon discharged, striking the victim in the abdomen [More]

But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mayes used to say, there's more!

Diop is charged in Richmond with reckless handling of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon, destruction of property and violating the curfew. He was later charged with failure to appear in court on those charges in Richmond on Sept. 9. ... After his real identity was learned, the U.S. Marshals Service started searching for him, and he was arrested Sept. 11 in New Jersey ... Back in New York after his brush with the law in Richmond, Diop was charged in the July 2 shooting of a person riding a bicycle who was wounded in the left buttock ...

Give that man a custodian!

Would I invoke outrage if I wondered if Moustapha came from a long line of native New Yorkers...?

 [Via Mack H]

Render Unto Caesar

Gov. Cuomo: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Your Religion — ‘You Have to Follow the Rules of the State’ [More]

Why am I envisioning a one-panel cartoon with St. Peter reversing the governor's words back to him...?

 [Via Geordan]

Communist News Network

MISTAKE: CNNer Touts Communist as Icon of Lifelong Voting [More]

Why assume it was a mistake?

[Via Michael G]

Instead of 'Illegal Carriers' AP Will Use 'Undiagnosed Couriers'

“We will not permit foreigners using illegal measures to contaminate [our citizens] and put them at risk,” the president vowed... [More]

Tell some Democrats Trump said that and watch Twitter explode with accusations of "Racist!"

TDS Writ Large


Dead wrong again, but rather than doing the decent thing by retracting and apologizing, he continues to obfuscate and try to save face.

"I'm an educated guy who cares about the world and trying to make it a little better place, his profile says.  "I've never seen someone spread so much hate and ignorance as Trump."

That must be why he can't spell "plotting" and goes about spreading hate and ignorance. How does a demonstrably ethics-challenged moron get > 100K "followers" again? Oh, that's right, by appealing to Democrats.

Anybody know who the "Washington Post reporter, who retweeted it to his half a million followers" is?


 Dr Carrie Madej reveals how Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to introduce new technologies in the coming vaccines, that will alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. [More]

Reporters for the government-funded BBC Reality Check calls her claims "false and misleading."

Who among us has the knowledge and understanding of the science to weigh in one way or the other? About the only thing we have is experience assessing the credibility of what the government, the pharmaceutical companies, the medical establishment, and the media chooses to tell us.

Unless we have a good understanding of the complexities, any conclusion we come to will be a leap of faith, and that's as dangerous as anything.

[Via Elias Alias]

Messin' with Texas

James Van Der Beek shares details about why he and his family are moving from LA to Texas [More]

After recovering from my first reaction of "Who?" (sorry, I have not watched network television in decades) I was curious enough to wonder why this was being featured on Faux News. Is he that rare example of a Hollywood family values "conservative"?

Well, there was this after Hillary lost:

Trump voters: In his victory, can we all take a breath and acknowledge the racism, misogyny & bullying we all find unacceptable? ... Feeling a lot of pain tonight... trying to make sense of it. I feel the anger too... trying to see a way out of it. Maybe it's too soon...

So if he's the benchmark for the American family man, what must that make anyone to the "right" of that?

Just what Texas needs: Another Democrat "influencer."

See, the pre-election publicity over a feel-good non-story now makes sense.

I just wonder at what point his being a heterosexual married to a white woman will no longer work in his favor.

In Absentia

Watch This Trump Rallygoer’s Heart Break When He Discovers The President Votes By Mail [More]

Ha-ha! What a dumbass, right? Our smarter-than-him readers/comment posters sure think so, which was the goal!

Yes, of course, we at Mediaite and they at The Daily Show know perfectly well there's a huge difference between absentee ballots and promiscuously mailing out ballots, but not mentioning that and helping perpetuate the ignorance is kind of the point.

Size Matters

Some Americans worried about possible violence after the U.S. presidential election are forming community watch groups, others are working on conflict de-escalation and still others are purchasing guns, according to two dozen voters, online groups and data surveyed by Reuters. [More]

In other words, we managed to scrounge up a handful of examples to bolster the meme that Republicans are hateful extremists, and Portland communists are the voices of sanity.