Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Virtual Child Molestation

 Illinois student suspended over pellet gun seen in virtual classroom [More]

Well, we know the name of the boy. Why don't we know the name of the teacher, the administrators, and the board members responsible, so that the public that pays for them can give them each honest performance evaluations?

And tell me this isn't going to follow the kid around and be used against him in the future.

They just essentially SWATted the kid. The biggest bullies are the ones with policies against it.

Many were no doubt born after this 1965 Boys' Life ad and would expel any student who brought such a magazine to school.

[Via Mack H]

Speaking of Traitors...

 While searching for something else I ran across an old post, where CSGV called me a traitor, that would have fit right into my new article

The Big Picture

 The big picture: Polling over the last few months has suggested that Texas, due in part to its changing demographics, has become increasingly favorable for Democrats. [More]

Well, good gee golly f*****g whiz, who could have foreseen that?

[Via Mack H]

A Little Bird Told Me

 From a Colorado correspondent:

I have a friend whose wife is fairly high up in one of the healthcare companies that runs a bunch of hospitals in the metro area.  Here’s some information:

“Our hospitals are nearing their all-time high of China Virus cases.  (103 total cases) The severity is MINOR.  The infection needs to run its course, hit the folks it's gonna hit.  Then Herd immunity plays a BIG part....& the slope of infections DIVE a steep line.

Plus: the word on the street (Corporate higher-ups): Gov Polis is preparing to shut down the state the day after election. Reason for the delay: he wants Hick & other Dems elected & doesn't want to cast a dark cloud on Dems prior to vote."

Time will tell.

Kamala's Nose Under the Tent

Why Is No One (Except the President) Calling Out Kamala Harris’ Communist Ties? [More]

So Democrats want to put someone a heartbeat from the presidency with:

  • Communist Parents
  • Pro-Communist Boyfriend
  • Communist-Affiliated Protégé
  • Communist Financial Benefactor
  • Pro-Communist Chief of Staff
  • Communist-Affiliated Husband

You have to wonder how these people get top-secret security clearances once they assume office. Having worked for a defense contractor, I can tell you just-plain-folks don't just get a pass.

Don't Say 'Beer,' Say 'Bull'

 Professor David Brunsma claimed that the history of beer in the United States and its contemporary culture are tied to racism and white supremacy. [More]


[Via Michael G]

No Honor Among Thieves

 Looter Calls Philly Police to Report Looting After Fellow Looters Steal His Car [More]

Hey, there's no reason to use pejoratives to describe one of the underserved who is proactively rectifying "the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society."

[Via Michael G]

Going Through the Motions

 On Tuesday evening, the Luzerne County Council voted 7-4 to withdraw the motion. Among the reasons is that the attorneys for the County BOE apparently filed the motion without first raising the issue with county officials.  [More]

So they're not all crazy Dutch bastards?

So: Who are the four subversives, and has the lawyer been fired and complained about to the bar?

[Via Michael G]

Circular Logic

 Biden Expresses Openness To Rotating Justices Off The Supreme Court [More]

As long as it spins to the left...

I have an idea for rotating statist politicians...

[Via Michael G]

We Are the Champions

 Dodgers fans celebrate World Series victory with superspreader events and looting throughout the city [More]

Because social justice. And you're racist.

I wonder how many consider themselves Republicans?

"Sports fan" that I am, I didn't even know the World Series was on. Who'd they play?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over in the City of Brotherly Love...

 WALTER Wallace Jr “rapped about shooting cops” and allegedly once put a gun to a woman’s head before he was tragically killed by police on Monday. [More]

What's "tragic" about it? Sounds like a perfect excuse for a loot, shoot and burn! I understand that shoes are popular items. And it sure looks like the haters are getting their comeuppance!

Might that prompt an unintended consequence?

I guess that depends on if the Democrats, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the People's Republic, manage to scare up enough useful idiots, mail-in illegals and dead people.

Huh. I thought by now Grand Master Jay's Guerillas would have won the day after all that safe posturing at Stone Mountain. Maybe they should change their name to the FAC.

[Via bondmen]

Once is Happenstance

 Hmm... America Keeps Getting Attacked By Nations It Hates In Ways Only The CIA Can See [More]

Mr. Fleming had two words for it broad enough to encompass "domestic." Funny, how "the Swamp" is so vested in interventionism. Curious, how their efforts are hostile to what the Founders knew to be "necessary to the security of a free State."

Perhaps Gen. Butler can shed some light...?

[Via bondmen]

Highway to the Danger Zone

 "This Is The Most Perilous Time, Absent War, In Modern American History" [More]

We ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via bondmen]

House of Cards

 According to our partners at the Post- Dispatch, United Press International is considering whether to send a “cease and desist” order to the couple because they’re using this UPI photo as part of their personal greeting card. [More]

Talk about begging for a Streisand Effect.

And why do I picture that TV teleprompter reader wearing big red clown shoes?

[Via bondmen]

Hate You Forever, Too

[Via Michael G]

A New York Democrat

 It's nice to see representatives of the party of women's rights and commonsense gun safety living up to its values. [More]

[Via Michael G]

The Gravity of the Situation


What, you mean this isn't all virtual and some of us may have some real-world decisions to make? T.L. Davis elaborates. [More]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic


Imagine similar groups openly fighting for Tibetans and Uyghurs over there-- oh, that's right, you can't in a communist slave state. Keep doing the totalitarians' bidding, "social justice" Democrats, you damned fools. 

[Via @pamnsc]

Senior Moments

 If the chief justice is in dissent, however, the assignment power falls to the most senior associate justice in the majority. Clarence Thomas is now the most senior justice, so he will assign authorship any time he is in the majority and Chief Justice Roberts dissents. [More]

It'd be a lot easier if "our" side held the Dolly pix over Roberts' head...

Unwrapping Contradictions


True dat. Endowed by our Creator, meaning it and our inherent rights do not come from government...

I'm just wondering how a Salvation Army Angel Tree Location houses a Cole Porter Room, in honor of a gay bigot against blacks.

You don't think...?

Legally Conned

Reese Witherspoon Talks Potential Political Run, Need for More Women in Government That is ‘Adjudicating Over Our Bodies’ [More]

Just what the Founders' Republic needs: another self-entitled, gun-grabbing Democrat drunk.