Monday, November 02, 2020

See You on the Other Side

I'm going to a precinct election official meeting this evening and will be spending all day and then some tomorrow at the polls. Please hold off on emails and news tips, which I just won't be able to get to, and understand that comment moderation will be delayed as well.

We Definitely Almost Suppose

  'At the moment I can confirm we believe this is an apparent terror attack' [More]

That's why Karl makes the big bucks.

[Via Michael G]

What They're Thinking?

 ‘They can’t come out and SAY IT.’ [More]

Yeah, but Biden's got Lady Gaga.

I hope and pray these people predicting a Trump win to once more confound the "experts" is right. I'd love to be able to throw that in the face of the next smartass anti who disparages hopes and prayers.

[Via bondmen]

Where There's Smoke...

 Philadelphia Firefighters Union Breaks From National Biden Endorsement To Endorse President Trump... [More]

What must they see that has made them do that?

[Via bondmen]

Voting with Their Wallets

 Gun stores in Michigan are being “cleaned out” by people buying firearms for the first time over fears that there could be massive civil unrest following tomorrow’s presidential election. [More]

Yeah, the thought of looting and burning Republican mobs must terrify them.

[Via bondmen]

There Will be Blood

 Reports have claimed Newsome and the Greater New York BLM were preparing for a bloodbath of political violence in case of President Trump’s re-election. [More]

Why not? When he puts his #MarxForOurLives hat on, he does a blood dance...

[Via bondmen]

The Voice of the Underserved

 Maxine Waters Says She ‘Will Never, Ever Forgive’ Black Voters Who Don’t Do What She Says [More]

Did the old racist hag comment from her $6M mansion?

[Via Michael G]

Bashin' the Fashes

 Protesters Attack Trump Supporters During Virginia Rally [More]

Well, it stands to reason if hate speech isn't free speech then hater lives aren't human lives...

Just wait 'til after Tuesday!

[Via Mack H]

UPDATE: The "Only Ones" put up "No Guns" signs, so everything is all better now. My litmus test has always been if Steve Adams feels safe.

Bearing in Mind

 The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging laws in the state of New Jersey that effectively prevent average law-abiding citizens from legally carrying loaded sidearms outside of their homes for personal protection. [More]

Yep, it'll probably end up in front of SCOTUS and we'll get a chance to see if Barrett helps overcome the Roberts effect.

I'm still waiting to see when one of our groups is going to center things around the core.

Have Dunn With

 Anita B. Dunn is an American political strategist who served as Acting White House Communications Director from April through November 2009. She is managing director at SKDKnickerbocker, a strategic communications firm in Washington, D.C., and currently serves as a senior advisor to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. [More]

Guess who one of her "favorite political philosophers" is.

[Via Agustin B]

More Peaceful Protestors

 Brian Larue and Eric Murray each received several misdemeanor charges and three felony charges, including possession of weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy, and risking a catastrophe. [More]

Let me guess: The narrative's deadliest threat?


Sure couldn't tell from the story.

And why is it wrong of me to read a line like "a 27-year-old aspiring rapper and father of nine" and begin to doubt my personal responsibility for such individuals not occupying higher social strata?

[Via Jess]

Just in Case the Impossible Happens

 Democrats Setting up Voter Suppression as Excuse to Contest Election if Trump Wins [More]

I thought with all the polls and triumphant predictions that this wasn't going to be an issue...?

[Via Michael G]

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming

 It turns out someone at the Secret Service was covering up for Hunter’s corrupt, illegal and perverted acts. We now know who that is. [More]

Between that, a second laptop and a Pornhub account, the picture just keeps getting more and more covered in slime. 

That explains what the Secret Service was doing looking into his gun information. I'm making sure to include correspondence with them in the FOIA request I'm preparing.

Too bad all of that -- and Rand Paul's referral -- probably won't move the needle tomorrow. What it will do is make it easier for Kamala to extort "the big guy" to step down.

[Via Jess]

Culture Clash

 Cultural Superiority isn't Racism: Why Western Values Underpin the World’s Best Countries [More]

That's pretty much been my position.

[Via Michael G]

The Left Stuff

 Some believe the US space program should emphasize climate change research. [More]

That and embracing the diversity.

Meanwhile, the Klingons and the Romulans will be doing what they do best.

[Via Michael G]

Enemies Foreign and Domestic

 Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Biden [More]

Foreign election interference is only illegal if Democrats are making it up about Republicans.

[Via Michael G]

Parading the Captive

 Kyle Rittenhouse is scheduled to make his first court appearance in Kenosha Monday afternoon, days after the Illinois teen was extradited to face charges in the neighboring state. [More]

But don't worry: The first shooter is gonna be just fine.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Less Than Less Than Lethal Enough

 Philly City Council Strips Cops Of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas After Dozens Wounded In Street Violence  [More]

The union ought to do a walkout. Not that I take their side, I just think it will be instructive for everyone to see how unrestrained Democrat constituents behave.

[Via bondmen]

True Colors

Moms Demand Action member dresses as British redcoat for Halloween (how fitting) [More]

Everycolony for Gun Safety, right?

[Via bondmen]

The Chris Van Hollen is a Steaming Pile Act of 2020

 S. 4841: A bill to remove obstacles to the ability of law enforcement officers to enforce gun safety laws ignore the Constitution and impose tyranny , and for other purposes. [More]

Here's the text for what this treasonous maniac is plotting.

GovTrack has not yet assigned a prognosis for chances of passing. If the Democrats sweep up tomorrow, expect it to be certain. 

[Via Jess]

A Tough-on-Crime Governor

 Michigan Governor: Up To Six Months In Prison If Businesses Don’t Surveil Customers For Contact Tracing [More]

Don't worry, they'll make room.

Just think of all the compliance opportunities once Democrats take over the whole country!

[Via Michael G]

Coming Soon, to a Banana Republic Near You

 In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting "crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures," during Guatemala's long civil war. Instead, CICIG -- an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala's Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left's opponents. [More]

Nobody thinks they want your guns for "safety" do they? Other than their own?

[Via Jess]

That's What They Get for Wrong-Thinking

N.J. Women For Trump group, with 29K members, removed from Facebook days before election [More]

To paraphrase Joe Biden, they ain't women.

[Via Michael G]

Answering a Question with a Question

 Biden was on capitol hill for over 40 years—which intervention and which war did he vote against? [More]

Since when is it the job of Congress to declare war?


Yeah, but if the way they do it now helps career poltroons avoid accountability and allows them to point fingers for political advantage, isn't it worth it?

[Via Michael G]

Return to the Wild

 College Dems, leftist students raise bail money for Philadelphia rioters, looters  [More]

And if someone they procure release for steals a gun and kills someone, guess who they'll want to sue.

 [Via Michael G]

Dox the Trumpsters?

A website, known as has been launched which purportedly will name any person that has donated to President Trump’s reelection campaign.  There are some, including the Gateway Pundit, that believe that this website is controlled by the Chinese. [More]

Actually, that redirects to, which allows lookups for donors to either party based on publicly available records, which, yeah, is information that could be weaponized. What's curious is the website owners demand privacy for themselves.

I decided to see if would lead back to the same site, but curiously, that redirects to Seriously. Now I'm wondering if it installed any cookies, so I'd make sure you know how to deal with that before trying...

[Via Jess]

Speaking of a Soulless Ethos

We moved into an ethos, a soulless ethos, with no sense of ethical or moral consideration... [More

Perhaps people who try are getting a little put off by collectivists ridiculing them for clinging to their guns and religion and smearing them as haters.

Fruits, anyone?

The Voice of Experience

"Just remember that pride, it comes before a fall." [More]

I just wonder if sympathy for the devil will be reciprocated.

You Only Live Once

 "He was a global legend but, first and foremost, a patriotic and proud Scot - his towering presence at the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999 showed his love for the country of his birth.  [More]

That must be why he helped the Crown disarm the heirs of William Wallace.

Which allowed for Bond girls to be shaken, not stirred...

Political Power

“Whose Ever Got the Guns Can Win..." [More]

That's what some of us have been saying all along, and of course, the enemy recognizes it. The only ones who don't are the useful idiots. 

You get the feeling some of these sheltered embeds are thinking the most they risk is a slap on the wrist, as opposed to more lasting consequences.

[Via Jess]