Friday, November 20, 2020


Kyle Rittenhouse released from jail on $2 million cash bond [More]

I'd be surprised if there's not a bounty repeat, so let's hope he and his family are in a secured location with plenty of protection.

The Same Old Story

Multiple people were shot at Mayfair Mall, according to initial reports [More]

Be honest: Who's surprised?

Legal OR illegal. It's all the same to them.

Seeing as how they won't "let" you possess the means of defense, I don't suppose proprietors would be willing to demonstrate a commitment to their convictions?

A Professor in Constitutional Law

 Similarly, licensing is permitted under the Second Amendment...[More]

So that must be why it says "shall not be infringed"!

And "permitted" by whom?

As for people who have proven they can't be trusted with a gun...

[Via Michael G]

A California Victory?

 Rising Democratic Star Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs Loses to Military Veteran [More]

Before uncorking the champagne, note "Kevin Lincoln was rated 43% by National Rifle Association (Candidate Positions on Gun Rights)." So naturally, "Kevin Lincoln was endorsed by California Republican Assembly."

[Via Michael G] 

White Supremacy Explained

 Crowder REACTS: 'What Are White People Superior At?' | Louder With Crowder [Watch]

I'm trying to find something "reparations"-worthy in all the racist, insulting, subjective and ignorant grievances...

[Via Matthew L]

UPDATE: And just when I thought the complaints couldn't get any more stupid and offensive...

[Via Michael G]

That's What It's All About

 Anybody else concerned that a lawyer whose voice has this reach is only concerned with "self-defense" and diminishes the core purpose of the Second Amendment? 

[Via Jess]

It Must Not Be an Issue Worth Mentioning

Nikki Haley Jumps Into Georgia Election With Video Tearing Into Warnock [More]

I guess establishment Republicans can't be expected to say anything about his being for taking away people's guns...?

[Via bondmen]

Now There's a Puzzler

 Why Charges Against Protesters Are Being Dismissed by the Thousands [More]

Because they're doing the will of hidden rulers?

All those First Amendment excuses turn a deliberate blind eye to the word "peaceably."

[Via bondmen]

Where There's a Will...

 Google Searches For 'Reloading Ammo' Explode Amid Nationwide Shortage [More]

Malcolm explains.

[Via bondmen]

Following in his Father's Footsteps

Senators release new evidence tying Hunter Biden business to communist China, Russian energy [More]

If evidence of a crime is all they want...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Inciting Enough

 Protests ongoing after deputy-involved shooting left 2 teens dead [More]

The wheels are clearly turned to the right and the car was going slowly. It looks like they were trying to get around him instead of driving straight at him.

[Via bondmen]

The Road to Hell

 “In Kirensk, sand containing skulls and bones was put on the roads..." [More]

If the collectivists win, no doubt some will grasp that the usefulness of idiots doesn't have to expire when they do.

[Via Michael G] 

That's Why They Call Him 'Fredo'

 Continuing his crusade of hate and rage against all Republicans Thursday’s PrimeTime, CNN host Chris Cuomo set his sights on Emily Murphy, the head of the General Service Administration, claiming she was “smiling while you’re dying” of coronavirus. [More]

It's not like there's any real investigative journalism for him to focus on...

[Via Michael G]

Laying Out the Latest

 TRUMP LEGAL: Giuliani and Powell lay out latest voter ‘cheating’ and irregularities [Watch]

I hope they answer  Tucker Carlson's "Where's the beef?" concerns soon.

I'm going to use this post as an aggregator today for any more election fraud tips I get. As I always urge, look at all allegations with an attitude of healthy questioning and evidence testing.

[Via Jess, Michael G,  Mack H]]

That's Noose to Me

 Journalists who knowingly incite hatred against their fellow citizens risk criminal prosecution under international law. [More]

So I guess us "haters" had better win.

As the Culture Terraforms

 “The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics,” Axios acknowledged last year. “The numbers simply do not lie. … [T]here’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans.” If legal immigration levels are not reduced, the U.S. will have imported about 15 million new foreign-born voters by 2040. Those 15 million new foreign-born voters include about 8 million who will have arrived through chain migration. [More]

Good thing this has nothing  to do with that "single issue." If it did, I'm sure all the national and state gun groups and "influencers" would have been all over it by now.


[Via Andy M]

We're the Only Ones Predictive Enough

 The Pasco Sheriff’s Office keeps a secret list of kids it thinks could “fall into a life of crime” based on factors like whether they’ve been abused or gotten a D or an F in school, according to the agency's internal intelligence manual. [More]

Or how about if one shows an interest in a career with the department...?

[Via Jess]

'It' Could Never Happen Here!

Leftists Suggest “Re-education Camps,” “Firing Squads,” Banning Talk Radio to “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters [More]

Why not? Their leaders want to execute us for treason.

I touched on the tip of this iceberg earlier.

[Via Jess]

Cure Worse Than the Disease

Election reform is a trap [More]

They're asking Nadler to be the arbiter of political integrity...?

Why not just appoint Eric Holder special counsel to reopen the Fast and Furious investigation?

[Via Michael G]

Choosing the Dark Side

 Cincinnati Left-Wing Mayoral Candidate Linked to Biden Arrested for Corruption [More]

What, the candidate who promised to bring us commonsense lightsaber safety laws?

You know, he is a little short for a stormtrooper...

[Via Mack H]

As Dangerous as the DeSwine Flu?

"I like to think they don’t fully understand," DeWine said. "This bill is a dangerous bill."[More]

So is ceding dictatorial power to an executive who has proven to be so unprincipled in the past.

[Via Mack H]

Another 'Victory' for Herring

 Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, who represented the state against the suit, celebrated the ruling on Twitter. “Putting hundreds or even thousands of Virginians at risk for the sole purpose of selling guns is just not worth it,” he tweeted. [More]

What a champ!

Just don't ask about Walmart.

[Via Mack H and Michael G]

Speaking of Securing the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity...

 Mexican Ambassador to U.S. Calls for a Restart to Immigration [More]

 Gotta get those remittances flowing again, and the hell with what it does to the "host."

Not that this has anything to do with that "single issue"...