Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Gun Bans and Prior Restraints Being Sold as ‘Progress’ in Nevada


At that point, when the order is to obey and surrender or be destroyed, it will not just be “No,” and not just “Hell, no,” but “No. Your move.” [More]

More Astroturf propaganda commissioned by connected and powerful elites designed to disarm you but not their security details and their enforcers...

Murder Will Out

 Except when it won't because it can't. [More]

[Via Michael G]

On the Plus Side, Canceling Cat Ladies Has a Certain Appeal

Humane Treatment of Animals Is Racist [More]

How soon can we arrange a cage match between Katja Guenther and Ingrid Newkirk?

[Via Michael G]

But No One's Talking About Taking Your Guns

 A WaPo Editor Floats U.N.-Sponsored ‘Disarmament’ for American Racists [More]

But don't worry. If you're not white and male you've got nothing to worry about.

Still, I am curious why her parents thought it preferable to live here than in their native Africa...

[Via Michael G]

Coming Soon, to a United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement Partner Near You

 Trudeau announced Friday morning all returning travellers into the country must go to a government isolation centre where another COVID-19 test will be taken. If a passenger tests negative, they will be allowed to return home for a strictly-enforced another 11 days. Those testing positive will be taken to another government facility for the rest of their 14-day quarantine. [More]

We're gonna need a bigger cattle car.

[Via Jess]

Materiel Girls

 When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol [More]

I'm sick of reading about "The Squad."

[Via bondmen]

More to the Point

St. Charles enacts ‘point system’ for Main Street businesses after officers injured [More]

So it's their fault if some patrons can't be trusted without a custodian and those paid to "protect society"  can't do anything about that?

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of Truth

 NY Times Calls For Biden To Appoint "Reality Czar" To Fight "Misinformation" [More]

How come they never call these guys Führers?

[Via bondmen]

This Must Be a Mistake

 The 84-year-Old Man That Was Killed In The Horrific Daytime Attack Caught On Video In San Francisco Was A ‘Victim Of Hate Crime’ [More]

Luke doesn't think so:

Pambazuka News elaborates.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Beaching Enough

 All of the cops involved were not charged with any wrongdoing. She plead guilty to one of the charges, resulting in a year of probation. However, she contested the treatment that she was subjected to and recently won a settlement of over $325,000. [More]

Ah, "community heroes"!

Sure makes me want to go there!

[Via Jess]

Cancellation Notice

 Those on the far left wish to see the abolition of our borders because they would like to see the abolition of our country as we know it. [More]

How is this kid still even in school, let alone still editor of the Review?

More to the point, how the hell come this fascist racist Nazi hasn't been kicked out of wherever he lives and is still allowed to buy food?

[Via Michael G]

Joe Biden Seeks to Surge Foreign-Born Voting Population Ahead of Elections [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

[Via Andy M]

If You See Something, Confess and We Might Go Easy On You

 The FBI did NOT want to know about any Biden family crimes on Hunter’s laptop. They did, however, want to take a real hard look at the porn collection. They wanted to charge the informants with looking at it. [More]

Well, who do you think they work for?

[Via Jess]

Show Us the Gun and We'll Show You the Violation


I see the estimable Mr. Hardy is helping out.

What the government is doing is not without precedent, you know.

Reply to All

I got an email from a WarOnGuns Correspondent encouraging me to write an article about how Donald Trump's inconsistent approach to RKBA might have contributed to his loss and also urging me to put up a Paypal widget in the sidebar. This started out as a one-one-one reply, but then I decided I'd post it here and send him the link.

About the closest I came to that was with a warning in advance: "2020 is Trump's to Blow with Gun Owners."

I'm not sure I'd be capable of finding credible data showing the number of gun owners who were discouraged from voting because of that. It would take somebody like John Lott to do a survey with credible metrics, otherwise, it would just be my mere opinion. As regulars here know, I'm big on substantiating links.

In re Paypal,  no sooner would I have it set it up than some lefty snitch would rat me out as a "hater" and get me demonetized. I also don't want readers feeling I am beholden to them or owe special access. I recall Vanderboegh, who was kind of preoccupied at the time, getting dressed down in comments over at SSI for neglecting to thank an indignant contributor who now viewed him as an ungrateful bastard, and I just don't need that.

The blog is like a midway sideshow to get people to read my articles and enter the big tent. The "circus owners" are the ones who pay me. Besides, in truth, I can't even get most readers to do the simple, near-effortless, and costless stuff that really would help me.

It is what it is. If I wanted to be popular, I'd be writing about the Kardashians or something.

Lest Ye Be Judged

Biden’s Adviser To Pick Federal Judges Was Accused of Physically Assaulting Children, Nudity [More]

So he threw the book at them and disrobed?

Vengeful exes say some nasty sh!+, especially when they can weaponize it to their legal advantage in divorce proceedings, and I wouldn't ordinarily treat such allegations as credible without some kind of corroborating evidence.  Except this isn't about what I think, it's about what opportunistic virtue-signaling Democrats say about #BelieveWomen -- that is, unless such accusations get in the way of their acquisition of money and power.

[Via Michael G]

Acceptable Losses

 Dozen state police charged in the massacre of 19 in Mexico, including migrants [More]

Yes, of course, they were induced, but if you think of the millions who will get through and vote Democrat, it's a small price to pay.

And Your Point Is...?

 Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked Parkland survivor in unearthed video: An 'idiot' who's trained 'like a dog' - "He only talks when he is scripted," Marjorie Taylor Greene said of David Hogg in a 2019 interview with a Georgia gun group. [More]

So what did she say that was wrong?

You aks me, she didn't go far enough.

Raising the Barr

 Conservative Defense of the Second Amendment Falls Short: Needs-Based Defense No Longer Sufficient to Preserve Citizens’ Right to Self-Defense [More]

True enough, and there's a wealth of good information here that will never find its way to the voting public. My guess is most gun owners will never read this, let alone understand and share it. We certainly know the DSM and the Keepers will do what they can to see it discouraged and buried.

Speaking of falling short, no argument will be sufficient as long as it ignores the Militia elephant in the room and fails to make that a central part of legal arguments. And ignoring the greatest threat of political and cultural terraforming via weaponized "immigration," as this does, ensures legislators and courts can ignore all arguments with impunity.

As long as we're on the subject of insufficiencies, did we ever get a retraction and apology from Barr for supporting Lautenberg?

Like I said: there's some good information here. Just not enough.

And You Ain't In It

 Mitch McConnell Praises Liz Cheney: ‘Important Leader’ with ‘Courage’ to Act [More]

Anything for a fellow Big Club member...

[Via Mack H]

A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary

 The Lincoln Project Shares Personnel, Address With Liberal Election Groups - Anti-Trump group also receives cash from Schumer-aligned entities, Dem megadonors [More]

What, they're not too busy soliciting TikTok Teens and giving new meaning to "Hot Rod Lincoln"?

[Via Mack H]

New Dominion

After stripping prohibition on stun weapons, Va. House passes Capitol area gun ban [More]

Hold on, they're not done with you:

Va. lawmakers consider making more red flag law data available for research purposes

And Jorge helped!

[Via Mack H]

Think of It as Planting a Virtual Incendiary Device

The founder of a far-right militia once warned of federal tyranny. Then came Trump. [More]
DSM Smear Job Specialist First Class Josh Lederman lets the SPLC do his heavy lifting for him, and proves absolutely nothing other than this is a hit job that pleases his masters, and we all know how that's done over at NBC News

This thing is just crying to be thoroughly fisked, and often, and by someone who knows how. I have time to give a few quick examples:
  • There's a world of difference between securing election integrity and unconstitutional indefinite detentions, and to pretend comparability is nothing short of journalistic fraud.
  • This shows calculated Opposite Day "progressive" cognitive dissonance by portraying those who urge government enforcers to understand their oaths and the Uniform Code of Military Justice as anti-government extremists. 
  • There is nothing "anti-immigrant" or "anti-Muslim" about selectively admitting foreign nationals in a way consistent with the purposes of the Preamble
What can I say but "NBC News"?