Wednesday, March 03, 2021

A Temporary Setback

Or blog comments, which I'm turning off. Or emails.

I've got to be away for several days and I just won't be able to attend to any, so please hold off on correspondence until I get back, anticipated mid-next week. Please don't load me up with news tip links in the interim, because it'll be wasted effort on your part.

I do have a couple unposted articles outstanding and will check in to promote them when that happens, but aside from that I've got personal priorities to attend to.

I just hope feral sons Uday's and Qusay's shock collars work better than they did last time because I really can't afford them escaping the yard again and mauling another neighbor...

But Some 'Terrorists' Are More Equal Than Others

Leftist protestors 'storm' Georgia state capitol to protest voter ID laws [More]

But they're not "domestic terrorists"?

I wonder how soon we'd know the cop's name if one of the commies had been shot to death?

[Via Michael G]

The Frozen Swamp

 Mitch McConnell Says He Will Throw His Support Behind Trump-Hating RINO Lisa Murkowski in her Reelection Bid! — He REALLY Hates His Voters [More]

So what are Goldilocks Alaskans going to do about it -- besides dissing Joe Miller as unacceptable?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Well-Checking Enough


“If I had a thousand hours of training, what could I have done to stop that?” Kimble said. [More]

I dunno. I notice the guys in the white coats never resort to shooting inmates...

[Via Jess]

The Ratings are In

 More Than 31 Million Viewers Watched President Trump’s CPAC Speech — Trump Just Crushed the Golden Globes [More]

I watched it. I will say I was disappointed to see his entrance accompanied by that silly Lee Greenwood song and actually yelled at him when he claimed to have "saved the Second Amendment." Entirely too many "USA!" chanting flag-wavers to get my hopes up that most had Clue One about more than being ripe for demagoguery...

Yeah, I know: Still better on his worst day than any Democrat on his best...

The thing that most struck me was the number of participants not wearing masks or social distancing, and the thought struck that if it does not turn out to have been a "superspreader event," someone with reach ought to be megaphoning that...

[Via bondmen]

Armed Checkpoints for Everytown

 Is The U.S. Going The Way Of Afghanistan? [More]

If it does, fair election processes will be the least of everyone's worries.

[Via bondmen]

All Things Being Equal

 Are Liberals Really More Egalitarian? [More]

As I've been trying to get to click in people's minds for years, if they were, they wouldn't be against the most egalitarian power-sharing arrangement ever conceived.

[Via bondmen]

By Popular Demand

 Democrats push to limit guns, but more people want them [More]

The problem is, most people don't realize it's ultimately not about guns, allowing them to rationalize that other issues are more of a voting priority.

What's needed is more people wanting freedom.

[Via bondmen]

March Madness

 Capitol Police Increasing Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4 [More]

Which low-hanging fruit did their provocateurs trick into making incriminating statements that they have no capability of making good on now?

[Via Michael G]

There were no signs of disturbance Thursday...
That's OK. The smear has been made and hysteria has been stoked, and that's what matters.

I Put a Spell On You!

 But Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo took things to a dark place after tagging in, claiming CPAC attendees were a "coven" thinking up "wicked" and "magical" "ways to kill their opponents.” [More]

We needed more proof that all the ginned-up mob fury against Republicans isn't a witch hunt? And funny, what he's NOT talking about...

Tell me this doesn't put you in the mood for some Screamin' Jay Hawkins...

[Via Michael G]

America's Next Top Model

 California Model: Soft on Violent Firearm Crimes, Hard on Gun-Owners [More]

That's because the model ultimately has nothing to do with violent crime. You'd think NRA would know and emphasize that.

The Friends of My Enemies

 Matt Yglesias Suggests That Dems Back Kasich for Senate. It Did Not Go Well. At All. [More]

I don't know. It validates everything some of us have been warning for years about him being a useful idiot tool of the left...

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Using Women...

 Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors [who] issued the same sociopathic nursing home order as Cuomo. [More]

Not that those behind it ever viewed it as anything more than an exploitable weapon of convenience to be ignored when other priorities were deemed more important to the agenda or to personal interests...

[Via Michael G]

Battle On, Xena!

The women of ATF serve in diverse roles throughout the agency. Every day, they overcome a variety of emerging threats and challenges to help keep local communities safe from violent crime.  [More]

Hey, I remember that movie! So let's hear it for the Heroines of Citizen Disarmament!

I guess the ratioing from their memorial tweet persuaded them that the only way to regain favor was to signal a commitment to state-sponsored misandry with multicultural communist fists...

As an aside, if their girls hit like that they're going to break more than a nail.

Overloaded Questions

California crash kills 13 of 25 people crammed into SUV [More]
You have to wonder how many other of our laws were being deliberately violated, including, of course, those we are told are necessary to protect us all from the spread of Covid.

I guess this helps us see what the real priorities are.

UPDATE - Case in point:
Migrants Crossing Border and Being Released Into the U.S. Test Positive for COVID
[Via Michael G]

Dream a Little Dream

Cleveland State Vikings living their hoop dreams in 2021 [More]

How does a university with a "Diversity Report and Action Plan" justify an all-male sports team with a racist -- or worse -- a white-privileged name that symbolizes toxic Eurocentric masculinity?

I'd also ask how the report stats show 54% female and 45% male, except the thought of disapproval from people who demand the 1% become our lives' focus is just too intimidating.

‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice

But I’m not here to rally a defense for the hapless Herr Berger, whose fate now rests with the heirs to the Third Reich in a new government headed by a former “almost comfortable” East German. The reason I picked this story is that it opens the door to, if not “war criminals,” then to “war on guns” criminals. [More]

The guns they arranged to "walk" and then stonewalled and lied about are still out there being used by cartel murderers.