Friday, October 22, 2021

Republicans Cave to Gun Control with Violence Against Women Act

Perhaps the ultimate question for any Republican considering “negotiating” infringements on the right to keep and bear arms with Democrats is “Why?” or less succinctly, “Why the **** would you do that, you moron?” [More]
Once more snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...

And I'm Outta Here...

 I have a doctor's appointment. Then in the afternoon, I have to play chauffeur.

Yesterday I was down for several hours, first in the basement during a two-hour tornado warning and then without electricity for the remainder of the evening. The day before all the power went out in my 97-year-old Mom's town for around 12 hours and I had to go get her and keep her with me for the duration.

On top of that, I had an AmmoLand article I was almost done with and have to finish, and a Firearms News article I had thought was finished but now have to update with a significant amount of new information.

Bottom line, I am probably not going to get to most of the news links readers have sent in, so please hold off or any additional tips will probably be a wasted effort. Also, understand getting to comments will be even slower than usual.

And here, after yesterday's revelation about The Jetsons, I wanted to tell you about how "progressives" have "repurposed" Snagglepuss to "normalize" gay bestiality with immigrants.

A "rightwing extremist's" work is never done...

Not in Their Name

Word spread and upset customers of Heineken and Dos Equis reached out to corporate. Well, seems corporate wasn’t too pleased about their logos being used, especially because they were not actual sponsors..... [More]

OK then, I take back what I said.

Too bad I can't say the same thing about the  NFL and the use of its logos.

Who Knows What Stupidity Lurks in the Minds of Actors?

A prop gun discharged by Alec Baldwin killed a film crew member on set, sheriff says [More]

So the guy with decades of handling "prop" guns broke all four of Cooper's rules and it was a "misfire"? 

And he voted for Gun Control Joe

And advocated this?

Most recently, "30 Rock" star Alec Baldwin chimed in on the Twitter conversation and wrote, "One storm after another.... #GunControlNow."

Here are some other Alec Baldwin "misfires."  

I can't wait to see Donald Trump do a skit where he pretends he's Baldwin.

And I'll leave you with this: