Monday, November 22, 2021

Removal of Gun Prohibitionist from Crime Panel Crucial Test for Youngkin

That’s why booting Haas from the Crime Commission will be a crucial indicator of what kind of relief and advancement gun owners will be able to expect from Youngkin once he assumes power. That’s because it’s not only her militant anti-gun political agenda that disqualifies her from serving on a panel that is supposed to consider the rights of all citizens, but she has deliberately libeled them. Then, instead of righting her wrong, and offering a genuinely sincere apology, she has tried to hide what she did in the hope that no one who could do anything about it would notice. [More]

Don't let him hide from this.

Karma Hits Dogma

 Illinois Dem blasted for calling Wisconsin Christmas rampage ‘karma’ [More]

Such nice people...

Attack of the Metamorphmagi

 "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling said Monday she had received a flood of death threats, as she slammed three transgender rights activists who posted her home address on Twitter. [More]

Boy, those "people who menstruate" sure are tolerant, aren't they?

That the "women's groups" aren't condemning this shows them to be fraudulent communist fronts interested only in tearing everything down to make way for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

We're the Only Ones Dynamically Entering Enough?

 “[On Tuesday] large teams of heavily armed federal agents, using a battering ram to break down doors, raided the homes of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and several of her friends and colleagues, mostly elderly women in their mid 60s,” read a statement released Wednesday by Peters’ legal defense fund. “This is a level of weaponization of the Justice Department we haven’t seen since the McCarthy era. Thank God Tina wasn’t protesting critical race theory at a Virginia school board meeting or they might have brought two battering rams.” [More]

Compare to:

“We have reviewed a statement from Tina Peters’ legal defense fund that claims a level of force during the execution of this joint federal-state law enforcement operation. At no time was force used on Ms. Peters or her home.

It shouldn't be difficult to determine who is lying. I'd think a photo of the door should do it.

[Via Michael G]

Running the Asylum

 Mad-positive pedagogy works by addressing and countering the ableism and sanism that is rampant within university practices and systems. [More]

It starts earlier than that. I once got in trouble for my own Mad studies when the teacher caught me with a copy hidden in my workbook.

Next, they'll be telling us that "sanism" is racist.

[Via Michael G]

Don't Let the Door Hit You in the...

Never Trumpers Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes Quit Fox News in Protest of Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Documentary [More]

Gee, whatever will we do without a neocon fraud and a Kristol meth head polluting the pool?

[Via Michael G]

Down to Last Chance

 Another self defense case, Andrew Coffee found not guilty on 5 counts, including murder, attempted murder [More]

So now watch them go for the max on possession, which raises that pesky custodial question...

[Via bondmen]

Just No

 Gun Owners of America (GOA) says its going to present an AR-15 rifle to Kyle Rittenhouse, who was just acquitted of murder in the fatal shooting of two men at violent ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year. [More]

Bad idea. Please don't insert yourself in the story like this. You're just asking for his lawyer to throw it back in your teeth and get lots of national publicity and public agreement. 

Why set yourself up like that? 

[Via bondmen]

Yeah, That's the Ticket!

 Commissioners for Bi-State Development voted Friday to give the agency the ability to set money aside for a plan designed to make MetroLink safer. The agency estimates the cost of the plan at $52 million and would include creating a turnstile type system that would require a ticket purchase or pass to enter a MetroLink platform. [More]

Brilliant! They could do that in high-crime neighborhoods everywhere and problem solved!

[Via bondmen]

Stay in Your Lane!

 Pritzker on Rittenhouse verdict: ‘Shooting unarmed citizens is fundamentally wrong’ [More]

Yeah, Kyle didn't have professional "Only One" training, did he, Governor?

Not much chance of somebody getting near you with a skateboard, is there?

[Via bondmen]

A Capitol Idea

CAPITOL PUNISHMENT: Everything They Told You Is A Lie will be released on Thanksgiving Day. [More]

Can't wait to see it.

Glad to see Nick Searcy hasn't been canceled yet.

[Via bondmen]

Here There Be Monsters

Traditional America gives some "progressive" bedwetters violent nightmares. [More]

And no, of course he's not interested in you having a say, you fascist.

At least Umair "knows" what he's talking about because everybody else is pretty much scratching their heads and going "WTF?"...

It's telling, the dolts credited with being innovative thinkers these days...

[Via Michael G]

Survey SAYS...

Majority Say Supreme Court Motivated By Politics, Not The Law, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Support For Stricter Gun Laws Falls [More]

Duh. If the former wasn't true, Democrats wouldn't be talking about "packing the court."

As for the latter, as spineless and/or treasonous as some Republicans can be, there's one reality that can't be ignored:

Democrats support stricter gun laws 91 - 7 percent.

Even that is misleading because the 7 percent who say they oppose them still vote for the politicians who impose them, so it's not wrong to say Democrats are 100 percent on board with citizen disarmament and share culpability for the totalitarian evil that always makes inevitable.

[Via Mack H]

Assault Vehicle with No Legitimate Sporting Utility Purposes

 Driver of rampaging SUV that tore through Waukesha Christmas parade leaving at least FIVE dead and 40 injured was 'fleeing a knife crime': Cops hunt 'second suspect' after taking one person into custody and refuse to rule out terror [More]

So licensing and registration had no effect?

And I wonder why authorities are being coy naming the "person of interest"...

Can victims and families at least sue Ford?

UPDATE: Just as I suspected! Not a white supremacist...

And "a convicted felon with a long criminal record who was released on $1,000 cash bail for his latest charges on November 19, just two days ago"...?

You don't say.

And Soros connections to the DA who let him out...?

Now watch the same mob screaming for Kyle Rittenhouse's head demanding equivalent "not guilty" verdicts, and citing anything else as proof of racism.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE-- this is what is encouraged and expected in exalted circles:

The Devil's Tool

Pitchfork was caged for a minimum of 30 years in 1987 after raping and strangling Lynda Mann in 1983 and Dawn Ashworth in Leicestershire in 1986. [More]

This is what happens when those in authority ignore the law.

Some things are broken and can't be fixed.

"Evil does exist. Evil is."

The @KingJames Version

 We all know the sad story of how the National Basketball Association has kowtowed to the Chinese Communist Party. The league has suppressed just about all support for Hong Kong democracy or opposition to the Uighur genocide. Chief among the kneelers has been Lebron James, a quisling if there ever was one. [More]

To be fair, he's been pretty occupied of late inciting the mob to resent the Rittenhouse verdict...

[Via Michael G]

Oooh, What a Lucky Man He Was

 I made it through my entire life without needing to own an AR-15, what about you? [More]

I've made it through mine without needing to use a fire extinguisher. But I have one.

Black Lives Matter Supporter Opened Fire on Protestors, Killing Two, Wounding One!

Kyle Rittenhouse says he supports Black Lives Matter... [More]

How many calling for the kid's head would read my blog post title and presume "white supremacists" got their "just deserts"?

Who is it ginning up the raw hate?

And let's not forget spastic Colin demonstrating his irritable bowel syndrome...

Meanwhile, the apparatchiks at Rolling Stone spook anyone biased and/or gullible enough to turn to them for information: 
[T]he justices seemed very willing to proclaim that everyone has a right to carry a weapon in public. Their basic reasoning goes to the heart of the Rittenhouse case. To the court’s conservatives, the world is a place where you always need a weapon because of the ever-present possibility you will be attacked and need to use your gun in self-defense. This is exactly the defense Rittenhouse successfully used in his trial.
And their point is...?

The enemy wants to incite the mob and make sure their targets are defenseless.  Where have we seen that before?

I Stand Corrected

Received via email in re my saying "It's not like any college will dare admit him or any company will dare hire him":

Kyle was accepted by ASU in Tempe AZ.

Technically, yeah, and I didn't know that. He's " a non-degree-seeking ASU Online student," and I see even they are distancing themselves from him, saying "he has not gone through the admissions process nor has he been enrolled in the university's college of nursing."

I believe his chances of getting accepted for a degree program of his choice into the university of his choice are extremely limited -- my bet is most private colleges would reject him outright, and my other bet is most public universities would find a way to make it difficult to the point of wearing him down. In any case, trying to take classes in person would put him at continual risk of harassment, bullying, and physical violence/murderous attacks.

That would be another thing he should sue the media and politicians who have lied about him over -- he is now forever a target, "thanks" to their ubiquitous reputation assassination.

[Via Rick R]

Warriors for Justice!

 "We probably saw 50 to 80 people in ski masks crowbars a bunch of weapons. They were looting the Nordstrom's right here. And I thought they were going to start beating cars. I had to start locking doors lock the front door lock the back door" ... [More]

If BMW convertibles don't scream "Disenfranchisement!" at you, nothing will.

Find the Dime's Worth of Difference

Massachusetts Republicans Fail to Learn the Virginia Lesson on Opposing ‘Woke’ Education ... Backed by leading Democrats in the state legislature, “An Act Relative to Educator Diversity” (H. 682) has multiple GOP co-sponsors, including the ranking Republican senator on the education committee (who did not respond to requests for comment). [More]

This tool.

Here's what he's about:

My stance on the Massachusetts gun laws– we’ve been able to do two things, since I’ve been in office, to strengthen them. One was the banning of bump stocks, and the second was the Extreme Risk Protection Order, both of which I voted in favor of. I think that Massachusetts has the best gun laws in the nation. We’re always either 1 or 2 with California, depending on what the certain metric is that people are judging who has the best gun laws by. And there’s always going to be things, innovative ways to increase the level of safety and protection that needs to go in to gun ownership in Massachusetts. But I think we do a really good job.

Sounds like every bit the enemy to be repelled as Massachusetts Democrats. Let the Party get away with this without consequences and more will follow.

Amazing, what gets elected. After all, these are the heirs of Lexington and Concord. 

Well, not all...

[Via Michael G]

Airport Kabuki Performance Interrupted

 The transportation security officer "advised the passenger not to touch the property, and as he opened the compartment containing the prohibited item, the passenger lunged into the bag and grabbed a firearm, at which point it discharged," TSA said. "The passenger then fled the area, running out of the airport exit." [More]

And he got away, running past countless potential helpless victims, with no instantly-alerted rapid response team able to stop him? Now imagine how effective the guys who grope you would have been had "the passenger" decided to take his gun and run to a gate that was boarding...

[Via Michael G]

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before

Suspect Charged With Armed Carjacking While On Electronic Monitoring For Previous Violent Crimes [More]

Maryland? It's almost like these guys don't care what the rules say...

The real head-scratcher is that this feral moron comes across as smarter than "the system."

There oughta be a law!

[Via Michael G]

The Decisive Battle

 No moral hectoring or impotent crying about racism and white supremacy will ever change that basic imbalance between these two groups. [More]

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

[Via David D]

Acting According to Their Nature

Universities ask whether Americans should 'reconsider' Thanksgiving as 'Day of Mourning' [More]
No surprise when you consider they're staffed by subversive, atheistic ingrates...