Thursday, February 24, 2022

11th-Hour Arming of Ukrainians Met by Gun-Grabber Silence and About-Face by CNN

So, they’re admitting on CNN that an armed citizenry is “necessary to the security of a free State”? And that anything that prevents that works in the favor of a nation’s enemies, that is, by any definition of the word, an act of treason? [More]

Funny, how the antis got quiet all of a sudden...

Bullhead City Gun Show Volunteers Needed!

AzCDL will have a table there, and members who would like to help out for a shift or two will have their admission paid for them! [More]

I've worked tables at gun shows before and always had a real good time.

Just So You Know Your Place

 Schools in Rochester, Minnesota, monitor parents' social media posts and have twice contacted critics' employers [More]

There is one quote that needs fixing:

"Yeah, we value the input of all parents, and we certainly want to keep our thumb boot on the pulse neck of the community, so we monitor social media very closely on all fronts and make sure we're responsive to the community."

Tangentially-related UPDATE: 
VIDEO: Texas Middle School Teacher: "Those Conservative Christians Need to Get COVID and Die" [More]
Name names.

[Via Michael G]

Friend of the Devil

 Self-proclaimed ‘friend of socialist China’ applauds Putin for ‘De-Nazifying’ Ukraine [More]

A bit of advice from Sun Tzu comes to mind...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Encircled Enough

 The original text stipulated that it would be a crime to do so within 15 feet, but Rep. John Kavanagh (R–D23), the bill’s sponsor, altered the radius in an amendment meant to assuage constitutional objections. [More]

Since "it’s already a crime to interfere with police in the lawful performance of their duty," it sounds more like somebody is trying to build his "staunch law and order" creds for political reasons than anything else.

[Via Michael G]

You May Well Ask

 Why Is Democratic Biden Rescuing Autocratic Erdoğan at the Expense of U.S. Allies? [More]

Because that's what he's being told to do...?

[Via Michael G]

And Now, the Rest of the Story...

 A Decade of Deceit and Division: What Trayvon Wrought [More]

More documentation on why the DSM is literally the enemy...

[Via Michael G]

As the Culture Terraforms

Report: U.S. Immigrant Population Hits Record 46.6 Million [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Shoot, it's not even a "secondary issue"!

[Via bondmen]

Mall Arms Review

 Texas mall shooting leaves off-duty constable, suspect dead [More]

So much for their "reinvention" strategy...

[Via bondmen]

Happy Endings

 Good guys with guns: Two intruders breaking into Florida homes killed by armed homeowners [More]

That one homeowner is lucky he killed the child molester before they become a preferred minority. Perhaps someday soon the "victim" will be mourned as a martyr to the cause...

[Via bondmen]

"When you break into a house of a stranger and you're shot, shot and killed, that's on you. The homeowner did exactly what he should have done, and that's protect himself, his family, and his home" [Watch]
Then there's:
"So they want to find out how a cnvicted felon got his hands on all of those guns..."
Wait a minute-- you mean when it really counts, all those laws we're expected to obey don't work?

[Via 1Gat]

Das Kapital

 None of these corporate sponsors seemed as interested in tracking the millions given to BLM as they did publicizing their donations. Indeed, when some began to raise questions about Cullors buying luxury homes, Facebook and Twitter censored them. BLM itself denounced such critics as “white supremacists” for questioning how these millions were being spent. [More]

They sold the rope. Let them hang from it.

[Via bondmen]

Team America: World Police

 Biden Wants US To Be Police Of The World But Can't Even Deal With The Violence In Our Own Streets [More]

See, there are three kinds of people...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Unrestrained Enough

 Can you say ‘double standard?’ KC cop found guilty of manslaughter will remain free [More]

Like Bryant always says:

[Via bondmen]

As if By Design

 And if that strategy "entails increasing numbers of car and pedestrian stops," he warns, it "has the potential to be counterproductive by alienating the very communities that it is designed to help." [More]

Who says that's what it's designed to do?

[Via bondmen]

Texas TL in Exile Ep 14

The scene at Kingman was overwhelming. They were lined up on the sides of the road at the destination for at least a half mile in both directions and as many parked in fields along the road before any of the convoy arrived and when they did, it was jubilant! [More]

Here's hoping it stays that way, and that the adults in charge keep a close watch for signs of trouble-making.

If You're Happy and You Know It Clank Your Chains

 In some ways, I think I gave Daniel good advice. [More]

What, being just another cowardly NPC in a nation of "good Germans" instead of standing up for what's right...? 

I see why this slug is in academia.

[Via Michael G]

Down in Mexico, Where the Peppers Grow

Earlier this year, a young girl died in the Mexican state of Sinaloa after finding a nine-millimeter Uzi submachine gun in her grandmother's closet and accidentally firing it ...  the young girl allegedly found the weapon and then asked her brother to film a video of her holding the gun to upload to TikTok, Vice reported. [More]

[Via Remarks]

The Only Rule is 'No Infringements,' Right?

Grassroots Update — February 21, 2022 [More]

Pretty comprehensive list of what's happening around the country legislatively...

'I'm a Hero, So You Can Trust Me When I Say No'

 Permitless carry would begin dismantling Alabama’s culture of responsible gun ownership [More]

I note the false authority that his having been in the service somehow qualifies him to dictate what your rights are. Weapons expertise, presumed or otherwise, ain't the determinant. I stipulate and cede that I will never be the sniper Lon Horiuchi was. 

You know who once "fought with distinction"?

[Via Jess]

Trouble in Paradise

 Two top prosecutors in probe of Trump Org resign from Manhattan DA’s office ...  the new Manhattan district attorney, has indicated he has doubts about continuing to build a case against Trump. [More]

That won't stop the DSM and "progressive" social media trolls from urging everyone to presume guilt.

[Via Michael G]

O, Canada!

Trudeau to spend double disarming hunters than he’ll spend fighting gangs [More]

It's only "commonsense"!


And in related tangentially-related inexcusably stupid authoritarian news:

Republicans disapprove of Trudeau’s response to the truckers’ protest by an overwhelming 87% to 8%. Independents disapprove by a massive 74% to 21%. But Democrats actually say they approve of Trudeau’s conduct by 66% to 17%. [More]


[Via Agustin B]

Another UPDATE: Il Douche?

[Via William S]

And another:
CONFIRMED: Leaked RCMP chat shows members celebrating violence against freedom protesters [More]
They evidently believe this could never blow back on them. I guess suggesting that it could would bring terrorism charges.

[Via Michael G]

Caveat Emptor

 Tamara Lich, leader of the Ottawa Trucker Convoy, found dead in her cell – reports [More]

You'll note the link goes to the Internet Archive, as the "live" story link goes to a "Forbidden access" page. So does a search for ""

So what's going on?

A search for "Vancouver Times" on Google produces nothing. It shows up on DuckDuckGo, but clicking the link gets another "Forbidden" result. 

Scam Detector gives the site a 58.5 out of 100 rating.

There is a "The Vancouver Times" Facebook page, but it gives the link as TheVancouverTimes.NET, and clicking on it results in a "This site can’t be reached" message. Reloading doesn't change that.

Going back to the original link and checking it out on WhoIs shows a .ua domain, which is the country code for Ukraine, and shows it coming from Kyiv.

A "News" search shows no one else reporting on this.

Unless someone can come up with some evidence to the contrary, this appears to be suspect "news," in this case from a foreign source with strong incentives to stir up disinformation and anger in the West. If so, that's beyond irresponsible, it's evil, as people kneejerk believing it and not checking further to find the truth of the matter, particularly those of the "low-hanging fruit" variety, could be provoked into the type of violence that could discredit the Canadian trucker convoy and the U.S. version, already suspected in some corners to be loaded with provocateurs. That, in turn, could result in a retaliatory crackdown and discrediting of the entire effort. 

Bottom line: Beware of believing this without evidence. After all, we're supposed to be "the side" that believes in that and in due process. Would you expect any less from a juror evaluating your guilt or innocence? If you see anyone spreading this story, send them the link to this post and challenge them to account for all these discrepancies.

And if it eventually turns out the whole thing is true in spite of this, that means there's a whole 'nother and terrifying dynamic going on.