Tuesday, March 01, 2022

The Superhighway to Citizenship

 Immigrants Across Nation Express Urgent Need for Path to Citizenship Ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union Address [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

Because if it did, what would that say about all those silent "gun rights groups"?

So, Virginia Ain't a Done Deal Yet?

 An effort by Del. Marie March, R-Floyd, to repeal red flag firearm confiscation in Virginia was quashed by a panel of senators Monday morning. [More]

That and they couldn't pass a bill to keep violent criminals away from the victim pool because the term "alien" is offensive." And yes, I'm absolutely sensitive to the due process paradox and believe such circumstances need to be carefully and rationally considered and applied.

[Via Mack H]

Spit or Swalwell

Congressman Eric Swalwell said that the deportation of Russian students should be “on the table” when it comes to retaliation against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A fellow House Democrat agreed. [More]

This, from the same compromised gaslighter who said:

[Via Michael G]

A Good First Step

 A couple of years after former President Trump made significant gains in often Hispanic-majority Democrat counties along the United States-Mexico border in Texas, a wave of Democrats in one particular community are switching parties to join the GOP. [More]

That doesn't mean it's more widespread, or that those on the "pathway to citizenship" will follow suit.

[Via bondmen]

Getting from There to Here

 By tying itself to an American administration that had shown itself to be reckless and dangerous, the Ukrainians made a geopolitical blunder that statesmen will study for years to come: A buffer state had staked its future on a distant power that had simply seen it as an instrument to annoy its powerful neighbor with no attachment to any larger strategic concept that it was willing to support.  [More]

Annoyance wasn't the only goal...

[Via bondmen]

Find the CI

 DOJ Arrests 3 Individuals on Terrorism Charges Likely Linked to Patriot Front Group – But Others Were Let Go? [More]

Stop me if you've heard this one before...

And I'm sure this is just a coincidence...

[Via bondmen]

Generous to a Fault

 St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones Has Millions from the Federal Government That She Says She’ll Give to Black Neighborhoods – While Homelessness, Opioids and Crime Rage On [More]

Actually, I see a lot of faults, starting with it being booty plundered from the productive sector she's divvying up among her "constituents."

Who among us would bet a hundred dollars she won't be under a corruption indictment within a couple years?

[Via bondmen]


 Jussie Smollett’s Lawyers File Motion to Toss Out Guilty Race Hoax Verdict Two Weeks Before Sentencing [More]

I'm sure if they repeat this enough times they'll find someone willing to nullify the verdict.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Bad Ideas

The American Trucker Convoy Is a Really Bad Idea [More]

A worse idea is throwing people who are doing something under the bus. We all realize there could be embedded provocateurs, some low-hanging fruit, and some attempted trap set-ups. But the thing is underway, there are some good people participating, and this anonymous attack on people putting their real selves on the line by an anonymous self-styled keyboard "pundit," hiding behind a stupid screen name and a Jerry Seinfeld avatar,  reminds me of nothing so much as a Theodore Roosevelt quote:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

[Via bondmen]

All in the Family?

 High School Assistant Principal in Michigan Is Able to Return to Work While Awaiting Trial For First-Degree Child Sex Assault [More]

Well, if it was his 10-year-old biological daughter, shouldn't unrelated high school kids be safe?

 [Via Michael G]

AzCDL Action Alert - HB 2316 & HB 2414

 Two bills that AzCDL has been working have passed out of the House and are now scheduled to be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, March 3rd, at 9:00 AM. [More]

If you're an Arizona gun owner or know someone who is...

So... What Could have Been Done Differently?

 Jones said the mother has a restraining order against the father ... Grassmann also said people with restraining orders against them are not legally allowed to have a firearm. [More]


The sheriff's office said the shooter ... is unidentified ... The Church In Sacramento caters to English, Chinese and Spanish worshippers... [More]

"We" also don't know what he used (yet).  This may end up being problematic for several different narratives...

Yesterday's News Today

 Just heard about an incredible effort underway that will strengthen the Republican Party ...  The Precinct Strategy, as explained by Dan Schultz at www.PrecinctStrategy.com ... [More]

Gee, Mr. President, if there were a way some of us could get past your information gatekeepers, there's a lot of stuff we could have told you about.

Case in point, from 2013...

[Via TM]

Well, They Are the 'Greatest Domestic Threat,' Arent They?

 For some time, psychologists and sociologists have hypothesized that the “culture of honor” particularly prevalent among White Southerners could account for higher rates of violence there. [More]

Yeah, I know. "Those people" have turned all these cities into hell on earth!

Paul Waldman said it, I believe it, that settles it!


[Via Jess]

When Democrats Rule


So how reliable is this in terms of actually changing anything?

[Via Jess]

Step by Step... Inch by Inch...

 Backed by Gov. Brian Kemp, Republicans passed constitutional carry in the state senate on a party line vote.  It won’t be a surprise if the same thing happens in the next few days in the state house of representatives. [More]

Thinking of yesterday's AmmoLand post I decided to see how Georgia "Only Ones" were reacting to this, but for some reason, the Google search included goings-on in Alabama among the top returns. Look at the name of the police sergeant in Irondale who's against it.

I love a good aptronym.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Influential Enough

Orange County deputy arrested, accused of driving under the influence [More]

When they say "reassigned to administrative duties while the criminal case is underway," is he actually doing any work?

[Via Steve T]

We're the Only Ones Unexploded Enough

 6 Cleveland bomb squad members ask to leave after supervisor brings live explosive to training, union says [More]

"I'm the only one professional enou...


Tangentially-Related UPDATE:

And if you can't trust a "supervisor," who can you trust?

[Via Steve T]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come


I didn't use the form because one of my senators is a gun-grabber Dem and the other is a retiring Republican squish, but I did send the info to my rep (who's a lump but wants to stay in office) via Twitter (I tweeted from the GOA page and saw after I did that it didn't include the link.)

The other thing along these lines I'd really like to see a gun group with the resources take on: Have the recording of the vote professionally analyzed and if it can be definitively proven with qualified expert witness testimony that the Hughes Amendment was unlawfully enacted, challenge the post-'86 ban in court.

Good for the Goose?

 Stacey Abrams: Americans Should ‘Legitimately Question’ the Election System [More]

So "progressives" don't want everyone doing that arrested and executed, just Republicans?

[Via Michael G]

Ghost Busters


Oh, sorry, wrong link...


What 'Child' is This?

...17-year-old Trayvon Martin ... His son, commonly called Quis, was 20-years-old ... the Children Board found a 120% increase in children admitted to hospitals with gunshot wounds from 2019 to 2020... [More]

How does 120% translate into real numbers, and how many of those occur in environments where criminal activity is the norm?

If this Everytown PR piece masked as "news" is going to lead me to the conclusion that "gun safety" means I shouldn't be allowed to defend myself and should be mandated to render all firearms in my home useless when needed, I'm going to need Phase 2 to be more than a question mark...

[Via Remarks]

We're the Only Ones Freelancing Enough

 Las Vegas Metro officer arrested on armed robbery charge [More]

I guess they didn't explain to him that he's only allowed to do that on duty...

[Via Steve T]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term 'Find Common Ground' Is

 "In my seven terms in Congress, I have worked hard and tried to find common ground. I’m proud of my work to make our communities safer from gun violence..." [More]

If by "find common ground" he means mandated Second Amendment-eviscerating Deutchbaggery backed up by armed enforcers who will put you in it if you don't obey them, then, yeah...

The Biggest Case for the 2nd Amendment Is Happening Right Now in Ukraine and Leftists in America Are Forced to Watch

Speaking of social media, the gun prohibition groups are still being awful quiet about arming civilians with “weapons of war.” At this writing, Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Giffords and Brady Twitter accounts are talking about exploiting the anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death, “ghost guns,” Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, and everything but what’s going on in Ukraine, probably because everything they stand for and demand to be imposed on their countrymen is being exposed by unfolding reality as destructive to the security of a free State. [More]

The best they can come up with is talking about something else.