Monday, April 04, 2005

He Walks the Night...

...He hungers. And he's coming for you!

So what's the solution? The typical politician might try making it illegal to carry a crucifix without a permit. We could also force everyone to wait 5 days and go through a background check before allowing them to buy a wooden stake. Or how about passing a law restricting people to one vial of holy water a month? If that doesn't work, we can come up with an arbitrary list of mallet features and ban those which don't comply. And just for good measure, let's require everyone buying garlic to register their purchase and leave a thumbprint. If this seems unreal to you, if you can think of no good reason to give the creatures of the night an advantage over their victims, then congratulations! You've just exposed the dark myth of gun control to the light of reason. Isn't it time we drove a stake through the heart of the gun control argument--for good?

[Adapted from my poster that originally appeared on]

1 comment:

  1. Good idea. It will,however, require some guts on the part of a few people who are willing to defend themselves. I got no problems with that. But I am surrounded by gutless wonders and cowards of every stripe. Perhaps a small wrinkle would be to work on peoples courage in general at the same time, so that the action will have the force of intent and will in it. I'm doing my small bit wherever and whenever I can.


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