Saturday, May 14, 2005

Another Wal-Mart Capitulation

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said yesterday that it made a 'terrible' mistake in approving a recent newspaper advertisement that equated a proposed Arizona zoning ordinance with Nazi book-burning.

“The full-page advertisement included a 1933 photo of people throwing books on a pyre at Berlin's Opernplatz. It was run as part of a campaign against a Flagstaff ballot proposal that would restrict Wal-Mart from expanding a local store to include a grocery.

“The accompanying text read ‘Should we let government tell us what we can read? Of course not . . . So why should we allow local government to limit where we shop?’”

“[T]he company will also issue a letter of apology to the Arizona Anti-Defamation League.”

"’It's not the imagery itself. It trivializes the Nazis and what they did. And to try to attach that imagery to a municipal election goes beyond distasteful,’ said Bill Straus, Arizona regional director for the ADL.”

Too bad. Wal-Mart had it right the first time. They should tell the punks at the ADL to check their history and then go to Hell. It always starts with controls and bans and regulations, and no one having the guts to call it naked tyranny.

Let ‘em get away with the smaller outrages (and since when are property rights “trivial”?), let ‘em amass more and more power, and pretty soon you have rulers who know that the way to increase their power is to control and oppress.

ADL, of course, is virulently anti-gun.

Which makes them tyranny and genocide enablers.

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