Monday, June 20, 2005

What Do You Mean, Gun Control Applies to US?

Jim Duffy of the Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County writes:

"Unfortunately, the law enforcement community has been put into a situation where it is no longer safe for us to include our families in this time-honored tradition...This presents a number of potentially dangerous scenarios for our officers and their families...I don't know how you can ask the put their spouses and children in a situation that could bring a great deal of harm and fear into their lives....shouldn't he be able to employ the necessary protective measures needed to ensure that his family will not be the target of any retribution attempts by that street gang?"

Well, uh, gee, Jim, where do I begin? I suppose I should start by welcoming you to the club.

You could do what some of us feel compelled to do in situations where we believe it prudent to go armed for the protection of our families. But then, if you or your brother officers discovered that, you'd do your utmost to destroy our lives.

Wouldn't you?


  1. Don'tcha just love it when a gun ban comes back to bite the cops in the rear?

  2. Mr. Codrea,
    I thought it might be helpful if a number of citizens let Deputy Duffy how they felt. Mail to:
    or visit the website:

    Thanks for your work.

  3. From: Doug in Colorado
    Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 3:33 PM
    Subject: This is the sound...

    ...of the world's smallest violin playing a very, very, very sad song...just for you.

    Regarding your complaint about not being able to keep and bear arms at the San Diego County Fair and your concern that gangmembers could come after you seeking could any number of criminals who use weapons go after any number of unarmed families in any number of locations at any hour of the day or night...even in their own homes.

    I'm a retired military officer who practices with a handgun more than the majority of cops on the beat, and judging from recent incidents in which police and deputies fired over forty rounds at close range at an individual in a car without hitting him (though they did take down a few of their brother lawmen), I can arguably outshoot a few of them. There are still cities and states that would prevent me (if I were foolish enough to live there) from defending my family and my loved ones and their breadwinner (myself)...why should you be any different? Welcome to the club, Mr. Duffy. More gun control should mean using both hands..nothing more. How safe from gun violence is Gun-Free D.C.?


  4. Heh. Poor widdle Jim.

    And, hey, Doug in Colorado, if you're in the Denver area, hopefully, a few of us Colorado gunbloggers are going to meet up at the Tanner Show, August 6-7. The more the merrier, even if you're not a blogger.


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