Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Meaningless Poll

I received the following email from KeepAndBearArms.com:

"Cast Your Vote In New Poll; Should gun owners and gun rights organizations support Senate Confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts to the US Supreme Court? If you have not already done so, go to KeepAndBearArms.com and cast your vote in the poll on confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts to the US Supreme Court. The poll appears in the left hand column of the web page. A number of national radio talk show hosts and leaders of gun rights organizations are monitoring this poll closely."

Poll results at this writing:
Yes 79.7% 534 votes
No 5.8% 39 votes
Undecided 14.5% 97 votes
Total Votes: 670

On what basis can gun owners make any kind of informed judgment on the Roberts nomination?

Can KABA point to any meaningful indicators on Judge Roberts' sentiments on the Second Amendment? Unless something new has been disclosed that I'm out of the loop on, even NRA, with all its Washington connections and insider information has been mum on the subject of Roberts and guns.

Here's what we do know:

Hillary is reported to be ready to confirm him. Feinstein is "impressed" with him. Schumer's only 2A-related concern is whether or not he agrees with a prior high court decision to overturn the "Gun Free School Zones Act."

Nearly all of the debate concerning the Roberts nomination revolves around Roe v Wade. On the gun issue, all we really have is that he voted in favor of the petition to rehear the Seegars case, and for some reason, that information has disappeared from the blog that reported it.

Perhaps gun owner support comes from some sort of innate trust for George Bush's judicial picks?

I know--Bush saying he was for the "assault weapons" ban was some sort of ploy to get elected. Bush AG Alberto Gonzales saying he also was for the "assault weapons" ban was some sort of ploy to get confirmed. And BATFU Gauleiter Lewis P. Raden, who works for Gonzales, who works for Bush, unilaterally, and without warning or prior communication issuing an edict to halt the importation of frames, receivers and barrels must be some kind of ploy to prove what, exactly?

How can any gun owner vote "Yes" in this poll and claim to have an informed opinion? How can they even claim to have a rational basis for wishful thinking?


  1. Roberts doesn't have that much of a track record on anything, but FWIW, we do have some evidence that he's more interested in reading the Constitution and applying it as written than in making crap up. Given the fairly clear wording of the Second Amendment itself, that's gotta count for something.

  2. This is about the best response I can give you.

    The fact is, xrlq, enthusiasm and support from gun owners is unwarranted. That doesn't mean he might not earn it. It simply means we have no basis from which we can make an informed decision at this time.


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