Saturday, July 30, 2005

S.397 Passes Senate With Bike Lock Amendment

I'm sure there are a hundred-and-one uses for the damned thing as long as it never touches a gun.

Plenty on "our side" have already begun minimizing the impact on blogs and in forums, the apologetics centering around how most manufacturers already include locks with their products anyway.

Ain't that a shame? And why do they do this?

Oh, yeah, to keep from being sued.

How very circular.

The thing is, most gun owners feel this is no big deal, and the general public has been conditioned to respond that gun locks are only common sense. The mandate is acceptable to more people than it's not.

Let's see what else is tacked on in the House. I think the real question here is, do the powers pushing for this want it bad enough, and do they think they can sustain the fallout if they make a few other tiny concessions that are acceptable to more people than they're not?

Things like closing "the so-called gun show loophole" and regulating those icky .50 BMG rifles.


  1. I'd be shocked if anything was tacked on in the house. Actually, while I think there are some things the House should tack on, my guess is that they will pass the identical bill as the Senate did in order to get it to the President ASAP and avoid any further problems stemming from a conference and further Senate debate.

    Now, what would I like to see.

    Nationwide CCW (not federal permitting, simply recognition of state permits - or a federal Vermont style law)

    Repeal of the national park ban on carrying

    Repeal of the machine gun ban

  2. I hope you're right.

    We've all been shocked before by a seeming genius for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    The national park ban seems particularly ripe for legal action on 2A grounds, doesn't it?

  3. It will mandate that a lock be sold with every gun purchase. There is nothing there saying that it can't be the same lock with every gun purchased at a particular store. Just turn around and ask the store for a refund on the lock, that way they can sell the same one over and over again. The true Second Amendment Supporting stores will do it automatically, not letting thier lock out of the store. Kind of a big F U to the Nanny State bastards.


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