Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Miers to Replace O'Connor?

Will Harriet Miers be Bush's pick for the Supreme Court?

God, I hope not.

She's a big proponent of "Project Safe Neighborhoods", so we know where she stands on "shall not be infringed."

Shoulder-to-shoulder with other supporters of the federal gun control program.


  1. This woman's job was to brag about the administration's projects, no matter whether she believed in them personally or not. I don't think a one-line mention of a program to contril gun violence is an enthusiastic endorsement of abrogating the 2nd Amendment. These are mighty thin tea leaves you're reading.

    I am, however, all for asking her to clarify her views on the 2nd Amendment at some point during confirmation.

  2. You couldn't get me to brag about unconstitutional gun control to keep MY job.

    Would YOU?

    Why would you trust someone with power who doesn't live up to your own personal standards-- assuming those ARE your personal standards?

  3. If it were a minor part of my job to mention Project Safe Neighborhoods in a positive way even if I personally thought it was a terrible program, I'd probably do it. I don't take a huge stand on everything I disagree with my boss about. Basically, I bring up my issues in private, we hash it out and then I get to soft pedal the issue without capsizing the boat.

    All I'm saying is that her two sentences of on-the-job support for PSN ("One of his efforts is Project Safe Neighborhoods, a national strategy to reduce gun violence. Gun prosecutions have increased by 68% and the violent crime rate is down 21% to a 30-year low.") don't really tell me much about her gun views. She might disagree with the effectiveness or constitutionality of the program. Or it might just be a non-issue with her. Or maybe she's a gnu grabber.

    But nothing in there gives me much to go on.

  4. "I didn't REALLY support the final solution. Just wrote a few memos endorsing it."


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