Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Guns Magazine Review: Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Author Matthew Bracken has written a thrilling first novel (did I mention this is also a passionate love story), one that engages, grips and doesn't let up. He avoids the proselytizing that can plague the liberty genre, and delivers a solid, exciting tale with deep and believable characters.

Read complete review here.

Then go here and buy this book.

If you already have and agree with me that this is an important (and fun) book for gun owners to read, send this link to your friends:

1 comment:

  1. Enemies Foreign and Domestic was, in my opinion, a better overall novel on the subject of rebelling for liberty than Unintended Consequences. Unfortunately, it's far too possible that BATF thugs could stage such an event. In fact, the Oklahoma City bombing was an inside job -- as anyone willing to closely study the facts will rationally conclude. I've already read the book twice, will surely read it again, and concur with David Codrea that the sequel will be a must-read as soon as it's available. I shudder to think of what life in America would be like if such widespread rebellion were required to restore liberty. I'm also a realist who sees the writing on the wall and now seriously doubt that any political effort will ever succeed without some sort of more aggressive effort that goes outside the lines of civility. Personally, I thought it was FUNNY when the two guys blew the gun banner Senator's head into bits and pieces. She had it coming, as did the many other villains in the story -- as do many, many so-called "public servants" in America today. The bottom-feeding scum misleading this nation need to wake up while they can still breathe. Many people have had more than enough of the lies, deceit, coercion, abuse and flat out tyranny. Many of us are armed and angry about our rights being stolen with vicious disregard for the true rule of law, a.k.a. the United States Constitution. Bracken's tale foretells what is LIKELY in the USA unless the thugocracy reins itself in and soon.


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