Friday, November 18, 2005

House Moves To Stop Gun Loss

The House overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday that asks the Legislature to consider a bill that would let people keep their guns during times of civil disorder.

Asks to consider?

HCR39 was approved on a 78-1 vote.

Wonder who the one party pooper was? I haven't been able to find anything else out about this, but will keep my eyes open...


  1. I already have a bill that allows me to keep a firearm during time of civil disorder. In fact, I have two of them. One is the Bill of Rights.

    The other is the Bill of Materials. That's right, item number 2, right under firearm is ammunition.

    Should be all the bills I need. If not another bill will come due for those attempting the disallowed.

  2. The party pooper was Willie Hunter, Jr.(, a Democrat from Monroe, LA.

    It only took a few minutes using Google to find the voting records. It was a pleasure!

  3. Straightarrow is right: we already have the 2A. Nothing more is needed, except to enforce it, at gunpoint if necessary.


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