Saturday, November 19, 2005

Quick Request for Macintosh Users

A guy sent me a screen shot of a WarOnGuns piece as it appeared on his Macintosh--apostrophes and quotation marks come out as weird symbols.

Does anyone else on a Mac have a problem viewing this site?

I do all composing in blogger and check html and preview before posting--and then check out each page afterward. Only one person has raised this issue, and per my system stats, around 4% of WoG visitors use Macs.

Blogger Support has been useless--it took me two weeks to get a form letter reply. I checked their "known issues" page and nada.

Does anybody else have a problem viewing these pages? If so, please comment, let me know what the issue is and what equipment/ operating system you're using.

Feedback on this will be appreciated.


  1. I wonder, are these quotation marks and such the ones you actually type on your keyboard, or are they some that you copied & pasted with BlogThis. I've noticed that some of the punctuation marks on news websites that I'm quoting have to be edited, because their quotation marks and a few other things (like the hyphen, sometimes) display as odd symbols after being published. They look fine in both "Compose" mode as well as in the "Preview" on the compose page, but after publishing they are just weird nonsense symbols. I'm not a Mac user, so it may be something entirely different, but I thought I'd mention it.

  2. In the instance the guy pointed out to me, they were quotation marks I typed into the form, not something copied and pasted.

  3. I'm not on a Mac either but thought I'd mention it looks fine on Linux.

    It's most likely a browser having a problem with the encoding -- does it do it with other browsers on the same platform?

    I noticed that the doctype is set to XHTML Strict but the Content-Type is set to "text/html", which is somewhat contradictory (but needed to overcome bugs in MS Internet Explorer XHTML handling) and could be confusing the browser.

  4. No idea. So far, in the 10 months this blog has been up, this is the first time anyone has complained.

    That's why I put out the question--it could be peculiar to that one person's system...but who knows? I'm not a tech person, thus the cookie cutter template.

  5. It's only in quotations you've done, and it's curly-quotes and en- and em-dashes and other funky bits like that. I'm so used to seeing it that it doesn't bother me especially.

  6. I sent you a screen shot from my Mac and I seem to not see what this other guy saw.

    Mine is clean...


  7. What browser was the guy using?

    I think that's the key, not the system.

    Looks fine in my XP and Firefox.

  8. I'm using a Mac (OS 10.2.8) with Firefox and it looks fine. Wait just a second....

    Looks fine in IE and Safari too. Also fine on a 10.3.9 machine I have closeby.

    Don't know what the problem might be.


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