Wednesday, November 02, 2005

You're Either With Us or Against Us

"There isn't really any middle ground on this issue," State Police Director Larry Trent said at a news conference Tuesday. "You either stand with the gun lobby or you stand with law enforcement."

You're right, Larry. There can be no middle ground.


  1. I will fight until hell freezes over,and then I will fight on the ice.

  2. Absolutely right, Larry! There is no middle ground! But let's put truth in our terms, eh? The "gun lobby" to which you so sneeringly refer is made up of American citizens and patriots, who will not surrender their rights! Your vaunted "law enforcement" is more properly a police state--the mortal enemy of American patriots, and of freedom everywhere!

  3. Well Mr. Trent, you just called at least 80 million law-abiding Americans your enemy. That's says far more about you than most of your ilk want known. I suspect your side of the room is always the dimmest. Your kind soak up the light of liberty if left alone.

    You are correct,though. I am your enemy. I am one of the 80 million.


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