Saturday, December 17, 2005

Speaking of Republicans... looks like George Pataki is doing what he can to hasten our plunge into a total police state. But then, we've already established that cop lives are more important than, say, butcher, baker or candlestick maker lives...

Boy, that New York gun control sure must be working well if they feel a need to "refine laws against gun trafficking and heighten penalties for illegal possession and use of guns, particularly for shooting cops."

Nobody's obeying the law so we'll make things even more illegal...

And whaddya know, another police state champion, Martin Golden, is also a Republican. So why did Democrat "Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver [depict] the GOP as being 'in the pocket' of the National Rifle Association"?

1 comment:

  1. Another related story - only this one spells out the actual Reality of the Problem -
    (a parody in futility)
    Pataki, (public servant), forces gun law asurpations, (of an Un-Constitutional nature), on the citizens of New York, under the guise of 'protecting police - (public servants)'.
    Meanwhile, the citizens continue on in their struggle in the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness. Oblivious to the fact that the tools intended to ensure that pursuit, soon, will be nowhere to be found.

    And, in a related story...the President, after admitting his unconstitutional 'tramping', is now searching for other ways and means of carrying out his perversions....

    Stay tuned, as David Codrea from 'The War on Guns', brings you more news about the death of "that g*d-damned piece of paper".


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