Friday, December 16, 2005

Well, THIS Doesn't Look Good...

Obviously, the Fourth Amendment was only intended to apply to the states.

And remember: Vote Freeedom First!


  1. very informative blog...enjoyed reading it.
    happy holidays

  2. When you think no more indignities can be heaped upon you, a souless man of no particular talent will come up and beat you while you're down. So,again,under color of national security,not allowing to tell us,because we of course,cannot be trusted with our own chains,he stomps the 4th Amendment. What more does he and his servants prepare for us? What more monstrosities are yet to be revealed? It is good a child lives,happily,playfully.Then he schools,dreams,loves. Then works,and works and lives and loves and grows old. Only when old does he begin to see how others,of the same earth, same sun, same sky, somehow only lived to lie, to make secrets, to scheme, to achieve a baseness only got by arrogance and show the thing that rots from within.The sun will come out tommorrow. What, I wonder, will it shine on?

  3. Did anybody really believe they weren't doing such? Or that any other there would not have done. Honorable men no longer follow that trail, it has been too fouled with the offal of predecessors. Dishonorable men will do such, their own stench spares them the odor of earlier corruption of the corpus politic.

  4. "This is really a sea change," said a former senior official who specializes in national security law. "It's almost a mainstay of this country that the N.S.A. only does foreign searches.".....

    Really? I seem to have a different name for it - TREASON! IT IS A BLATANT VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

    How long will the other two branches remain prostrate? When will one or BOTH arise and PERFORM THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES? This PERVERSION is not only DANGEROUS, but can prove DEADLY to OUR REPUBLIC!

    aan hel met tyrannen!
    (To HELL with Tyrants!)


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