Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Counter is Closed

Pity. Good site.

Perhaps Countertop will return some day. He offers us some hope:

"I expect that after a break I will return, refreshed and re-energized. When that time will be, I do not know."

It's not exactly like gun blogging is a profitable venture. The only reason I do it is to force myself to keep on top of issues and to write a little every day. I don't know if that will ever pay off enough to allow me to do it full time--I did get two checks in today's mail for articles sold, along with an impersonal form rejection letter that couldn't even say why my submission wasn't wanted. That's better than most days--two steps forward and only one step back.

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Posse Comitatus Act

"President Bush's push to give the military a bigger role in responding to major disasters like Hurricane Katrina could lead to a loosening of legal limits on the use of federal troops on U.S. soil."

Repeat after me: "Vote Freedom First"!

Now If I Could Just Find a Good Recipe For a Fetus Smoothie...

"A British newspaper said that a Chinese cosmetics company was using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe."

And remember, if you commit a felony in China--say, bringing in an unauthorized shipment of Bibles or the like, "conservative" justices Scalia and Thomas think your Second Amendment-recognized right should be terminated in the US.

[Story found via Hellblazer.]

Catching the Idiots

A reader writes to GUNS Magazine to take me to task over my May Rights Watch column.

It's OK, He's a Cop

"Haymarket's acting police chief, Sgt. Gregory Breeden, got his gun back yesterday.

"Breeden had lost his right to carry a weapon two weeks ago after his wife accused him of breaking down their kitchen door with an ax and was granted a temporary restraining order. "

Who among us hasn't taken an ax (Stipulation, Your Honor--it was a sledgehammer) to a door from time to time?

The point here isn't to judge the guy's actions, though. We all know how restraining orders can be used as tools of vengeance, and how our rkba can be denied without any finding of guilt.

The point here is, if the guy wasn't a cop with connections, what do you think the chances for this outcome would have been?