Monday, October 10, 2005

Lugar to Press: "We Only Recognize Establishment Lapdogs"

Bloggers would "probably not" be considered journalists under the proposed federal shield law, the bill's co-sponsor, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar (R.-Ind.), told the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Monday afternoon.

I've written before about the dangers of government assuming it gets to decide who an authorized journalist is.

We've seen a politically disfavored newspaper publisher denied entry to a Homeland Secury press conference.

We've explored instances where bloggers have covered vital liberty-related stories ignored by the "official" press.

We've seen judges presume to weigh in.

At the federal and state level.

I personally have been subjected to police harassment for asking Sarah Brady a question at my neighborhood park. And I personally have shielded the identity of a source in order to protect him from reprisal for information about the inner-workings of a government agency. On more than one occasion. (In the interest of full disclosure, I now have a press pass issued by my magazine publisher--but the majority of my writing was done before this, and I don't believe a card should give me privileges and immunities over other bloggers--plus there's no guarantee the government would consider writing for a gun magazine to be "legitimate" journalism.)

And we've seen how "establishment" media, like Reuters, are little more than propaganda outlets.

Dick Lugar can go to hell.

"Preparedness Now" Newsletter

In my September 13th interview with CNBC, one of the issues the anchor raised was preparedness as a “fear” response. It is unfortunate that many Americans have the same thinking. They believe disaster preparedness is what is done in other far away places in the world, not in the USA. The Gulf Coast disaster wreaked by Hurricane Katrina once again brings home the fact that we are not immune to disaster.

While most cannot prepare to the level I have, each family can take preparedness steps to be ready to save their lives and the lives of loved ones.

Pam Stegner of Preparedness Now has a new and informative newsletter containing vital information and tips about preparing for emergencies and disasters. The first issue has instructions for preparing a 72 Hour Preparedness & Evacuation Kit. as seen on CNBC, September 13, 2005. To subscribe to this newsletter, please send an e-mail with Subscribe in the subject line to

In addition to being a leading authority on preparedness and one of my favorite radio hosts, you'll not find a stronger Second Amendment advocate than Pam--plus, she's a genuinely nice lady.

Harriet Gave to Hillary

Harriet Miers' political contributions to Democrats didn't end in 1988 with her support of Al Gore.

I'm sure there will be no shortage of apologists who will point out it was her PAC and not her personally, and tell you why this doesn't matter.

More Kool-Aid, please...

"Inactive" Activity

Cryptic Subterranean points us to an indicator that the much-publicized IRA disarmament may not be the done deal we're being told it is.

Why don't I find that hard to believe?

Although I know individual shooters who would feel practically disarmed if all they had was 10,000 rounds. Since when do "10 boxes" equal "a huge cache" or "a sinister arsenal"?

UN to Take Control of Internet?

[F]aced with international consensus, there is little the US government can do but acquiesce.


UPDATE: Captain of a Crew of One has some thoughtful comments.

A Question for Howard

Howard Goodman cites several examples where people could sure have used a gun or two in the workplace to defend themselves. Of course, he's too wrapped up in his own hoplophobia to realize that.

Yo, Howard--if some maniac starts shooting up the Sun-Sentinal offices, just what are you prepared to do about it?

Dear Fear-Mongering Propagandists

Dear ParentLine: Our nine-year-old son has a best friend whose father has a gun collection...But we really feel uncomfortable letting our son play over at the boy's house.

Are there any suggestions on handling this diplomatically?

— Gun shy

Perhaps someone can think of an appropriate suggestion or two, not only for "Gun shy," but also for the moron dispensing the one-sided hysterics. All of mine seem to involve improbable physical acts.