Saturday, October 29, 2005

Let's Give Federal Law Enforcement a Big Hand

Never mind--he's using his own (sorry).

If it looks like WarOnGuns is being particularly hard (sorry again) on cops today, it's really not by design. These stories just keep falling into my lap (once more, I apologize).

One of the more obscene passages in this sordid tale:

The jail and the Orange County Sheriff's Office declined to release Figueroa's mug shot taken when he was booked at the jail. Florida public-records law permits law-enforcement officers charged with a crime to withhold their booking photographs.
[Via Wolfesblog]

"Obviously, We Cannot Support Guns, So It Was Taken Out."


Seeing as how Judy Yu is a practitioner of Stalinist revisionism, why would we expect anything else?

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Smoke My Gun is pulling up stakes.

Too bad. Good site.

"Please feel free to find me at The Firing Line under the username vitesse9," he writes.

Name the Liberal Hypocrite Quiz

1. Which liberal says that labor unions are essential for worker rights and accepted the Cesar Chavez Award for their contributions to the labor movement, but uses non-union labor in the hotels, restaurants, and Napa Valley Vineyard that they own?
a. Susan Sarandon
b. Paul Newman
c. Nancy Pelosi

Caveat: I haven't personally verified the answers, but this is very interesting and appears credible.

[Via God, Guns, Glory!]

Bill Seeks to Limit Gun Confiscations

Police shouldn't be allowed to confiscate guns from hurricane victims as they reportedly did in New Orleans, said a state lawmaker who has introduced legislation to make sure that doesn't happen in Florida...

The bill (HB 285) would amend a law that permits the governor to suspend the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms. It would add that nothing in the law "shall be construed to authorize the seizure, taking or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed."

How nice of them. People need a bill to let them know the government isn't allowed to steal their survival tools in emergencies--just when they need them the most???

A question: What the hell is this permitting the governor to suspend sales travesty about, anyway? They pulled this same act of war on the people in the LA riots (you couldn't get ammo or pick up a gun you'd gone through the mandated "cooling off" period for).

What other unalienable rights is government authorized to suspend if they come up with a good enough cover story?

Dress Like a Cop--Rob With Impunity

The men burst into Frias Tire and Mechanic sometime between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. last Thursday. At least two shots were fired - one into a wall, one into the ground - by the impostor cops, Gener said.

Why is everybody assuming they were imposters?

[Via KABA Newslinks]

Rules For YOU and Rules For US

"Chief Bratton needed a permit because when he became Chief of LAPD he was not a sworn California peace officer legally entitled to carry a firearm. Bratton got a CCW, despite the fact that his 'good cause' justification for needing a CCW was completely inadequate under LAPD's current standards as applied to ordinary citizens."

In Los Angeles, only the police, politicians and the politically-connected get to carry concealed guns without fear of having their lives destroyed if caught. The LA Sheriff practices this same kind of elitism.

[Via KABA Newslinks]