"Partial Reprieve" for SA Gun Owners

Gun owners who fail to renew their licences in terms of the new gun-control regulations will not overnight become criminals in possession of illegal firearms - at least, not until July 2009.

Translation: Noncompliance has been so massive and overwhelming we know we'll appear to be utter, impotent fools if we don't act like we're doing something to get tough.

Translation: If the people get it in their heads that they can defy us with impunity, they might cease fearing us. And if they cease fearing us...

Flynn Gets Probation on Gun Charge

Of course he does.

After all, "He had...a long history of service to the State."

Speaking of Republicans...

...it looks like George Pataki is doing what he can to hasten our plunge into a total police state. But then, we've already established that cop lives are more important than, say, butcher, baker or candlestick maker lives...

Boy, that New York gun control sure must be working well if they feel a need to "refine laws against gun trafficking and heighten penalties for illegal possession and use of guns, particularly for shooting cops."

Nobody's obeying the law so we'll make things even more illegal...

And whaddya know, another police state champion, Martin Golden, is also a Republican. So why did Democrat "Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver [depict] the GOP as being 'in the pocket' of the National Rifle Association"?

Democrats Recast Gun Control Image

I'll bet they do.

And I'm sure there are plenty of our countrymen stupid and lazy enough to choose image over substance.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing their level best to give serious gun owners no choice at all.

Maybe they figure the pot is already so heated up that the few who finally jump out will be easy pickings.

Meanwhile, keep your eye on the shell...